The RGV Thread - As South As South Can Get

“main attraction” my ass, Marvel sucks :lol:

I’m not sure if I’ll make it out to Tilt to meet up with everyone. I’ll probably just come straight to the house around 2 or so. As long as I don’t miss any 3rd Strike. And yes, I’ll bring IIDX since I know there’s demand for it :wink:

Julian: heh, it’s not like I get to do much either since I’m only free to do stuff on the weekends.

y0 julian ur av is done.

I guess I’m going to have to stay up the rest of the day -_-, I’m just going to stay for MvC2 and after that I’m going to B-Town early and will head back to Random’s house if you guys go to the 9-11 thing… so… that’s how it’s going down for me, for all I know is I’m just pickin’ up Furby and maybe Brian, and then my brother if… that’s if! he wakes up…

I’m out, going to fucken fix my computer b/c I clicked this stupid ad ware shit by accident and hit yes… and all this shit started happenin’ so I’ll fix that to pass by time


Well… I’m just going to pick up Furby b/c my mom’s off today… I guess I’ll stop by the mall just to see who is there,

Just posting to say thanx for all of yall makeing it out today, twas fun, pretty large turnout considering it was rather short notice. Uhh well im pretty tired been up since early this morn… So when and where is the next one, hahaa

Pharr: Thanx for makeing it out, dont be strangers.yall host one up at your arcade some time.

Riddle, Step, and Porn: Thanx for makeing it down and see yall when we go up next time.

See yall around THC, prolly at Lucy Spin, haa. Talk to yall later, G’fight, G’night.

dammit, what happened to the 3rd Strike tourney!!! sure, have one for MvC2 and then a half-assed team tournament… but no 3rd Strike. dammit

I really wanted to play against K-Step some more too, good games bro. The only character I was having any luck with seemed to be Alex (as usual), if we had gotten to play in the tourney I think it could’ve gone either way when we played the finals (shut up Disciple, Chun sucks ahahaha)


No 3rd strike??? Thats pretty lame, but i guess thats how it goes. Somebody throw up some results.


Alright here the results of the THC Random Tourny:


For GGXX i have no freaking clue cause no one finished out the brackets so i dont know who got what. someones please post this.

For the team tourny ohh man was that a hard bracket :lol: . Im not saying anything because Harlingen sees there darkest hour. Thats what you all get for half assing. Now i bet you they think they own us and stuff. Next tourny there coming OCV them every fight.

Mando:Thanks alot for holding the tourny at your place. Next time warn me about the medication you have at your house. I was dazed and sleepy for the first half of how long we were there. I couldnt do anything. Not even on Stepmania and IIDX. I was just off and was just not all there that aspirin fucked me up. Stupid aspirin. Was that even aspirin cause i didnt know it makes you the fuck tired and sleepy. And thats cause i was all energetic before we got there. And all of a sudden shut down.

Disciple, Spank, Doughboy, and Virus:
That was so damn fun at Whataburger. After every tourny from now on we are eating at a Whataburger and making fun of Spanks mom. Oh man that was funny shit. I have never laughed so hard. My whole body was hurting. For all who dont know why its so funny Ill just put this (Spanks Mom = Van Damme). Its okay that we were making fun of her Spank was making fun of her too. :lol: Damn whataburger was just the cream of the crop. Now im picturing Spanks mom kicking down the palm tree. AHHAHAHAHAHAHA.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Kstep: Yes Cable does work out. :lol: :o HOOOOWWWWTTTTTT!!!

AnimalPorn:Nice meeting you. Nice Iron Man. Hope to actually get to play you next time.

Riddlebox: Dont want to say anything to make people mad but what you said was hilarious. You know what im talking about. :lol:

Pharr peeps:Thanks for coming nice meeting you all.

Thanks to everyone who showed up. GG to all. Hope to do this again.

Got me some whataburger also, WOOT!! hahaa.

Virus: How bout them tamales, :smiley:

Demon: thouse pills are strong aint they, you dont fuck with that EQUATE shit, you should try the cough syrup, your out for a day with just half a bottle. but never mind that.

Uhh i guess just come pick up any left over stuff whenever yall can. It will be safe here:

Dis: Just the tv
Ant: Dreamcast

Other then that im pretty much done for the night/morning. laterz kids.

To everyone it was hella fun. Hopefully we can all meet up again sometime. BBH i wish we coulda played more 3s, but i had to play in marvel singles, team and GGXX. I had to focus more on those and play that in order to win instead of 3s. But yea it would have been interesting to say the least. Thanks everyone for playing and having a good time and inviting us in.

I think GGXX was

1st Kstep
2nd Adrian
3rd Box

i dunno about the other placings

oh yeah, I understand, there was so much going on at once. But that was okay because I figured there was still going to be a tourney… but alas. Maybe next time.

Jim: you didn’t totally suck at IIDX, you did full-combo that one song… sure it was on 2P which is way easier than the 1P note pattern, but it was still a new record for you, so… yeah

Hey guys I must say that was A LOT OF FUN!!! I really needed that. I am surprised we didn’t die on the way home. I was saying some extremely funny shit and we were all laughing and screaming all the way back to Corpus lmao. My face is hurting so fucking bad.

GG’s to all. Man that headache I got towards the end fuckin’ owned me. My god that shit hurt.

Demon: Yeah fool I know what you are talking about hehe. If ya think that was good, you shoulda’ heard the shit I was saying on the way home lmao. Nice to see you again man, you’re a pretty cool dude.

Adrian/Aaron: You fucks are awesome to hang with. There is always funny shit being said when our stupid asses hang out. HAWT!!!

Mando: I appreciate you having some many idiots over at your place going nuts. I have about that many peeps over every weekend so I know how it goes bro. Your place had a lot of room, or should I say rooms =) Great fun, great job hosting!

Ducky: Man get off da’ phone ya fuck! =)

Spank: GG’s bro. Nice to see you again.

I think that Forlorn Idiot needs to read the results, (whenever someone posts the FULL results.) =)

GG! Way too much fun.


:lol: :lol: Aww man if you wanna hear funny stuff that shit that we were talking about at whaterburger was fuckin hillarious ah hahaha.Anyways all in all that was too close of a fuckin match between me and you. GG and thanks for comin.

Kstep/AnimalPorn: GG’s to both ya all i wanna play more against you two :smiley: .

RANDOM!!! Thanks dude for hostin this i know if i tried wooo all youll here is some palm trees getting hit and a person yellin lol.

The rest of the folks gg and thanks for showin.

that full combo came later on in the day. Me being drugged was gone by then. Is was when i first started playing IIDX when you first got there. Man I saw blurr and stuff.

WTF? Since when does Caja play GGXX? I thought he loved the negative penalties w/ Dizzy!

In brighter news, I should receive the Evo2k3 DVD’s sometime this week. Yay.

For the future

hey yall This getogether was the shit…hopefully for next time i can bring the rest of Team Raza 8 with me…the main players that went were just me (hAMM) and Cesar…as for a next meet us just let us know…actully just let me know…i am the main guy from over that has the web…YOUR MAMMA!

just wanted to thank everyone for the nice turn out down south
had fun chillin with yall mo fo’z once again…

gg’s to all i played… can’t remember who i played cept maybe for disciple :bluu: so yea… i suc :stuck_out_tongue:

dont remember who let all us loud mo’foz in that one house, but thank you for that to :smiley:

got’a do it again sometime… traveling oWnz

and so do the Border Patrol Agents :lol:

well i’m sorry i’m a little late on posting, but thanx to all that came out. riddle its always a blast playing against you and chilling and shit, gabe the cable doom shit was gay:lol: but fuck use whatever works. its always good playing against your low tier teams fucking jin i hate that fucker. and k-step that shit was too good making me laugh while we are playing our rounds too funny man for reals. and 3s what can i say it was really fun playing against you in that, but ggxx took the fucking cake, DAMN TESTAMENT :lol: now i hate him even more than chipp but i hadn’t played that in so long it felt good to play again. sol vs. sol hott ass shit:D . mando thanks for hosting this thing man for reals.

and as i promised bbh who’s up for a 3s tourny this weekend, and a marvel right after that. marvel maybe for money 2 bucks this time if everyone has the money. maybe i’ll play team roe:confused: since msp was getting me nowhere on sat. let me know and post who can host it. Pharr you guys are invited of course and anyone else from out-of-town who can make it. (thc needs to get ready for showdown hence all the tournys coming up)
“later dayz willie mayz”


Third Strike, YAY! Now there a game i can inflict some damage in ! Who can host. i would but I just did. If all else fails though, I may just be able to pull it out of my ass once more. But if anyone else can host by all means. So any highlights for this week kids??

Dis or Vir : Can any of yall get your handson the camera, so that i can transfer it to VHS. Spank also need his matches aswell. but we can all do this mid-week i guess.

Well other then that. I guess im of to the construction site to see what goodies i can “borrow”. Laters kids…

I hate harlingen:D but enough with that hmm wow dont know what to say but Woo WOOO