The RGV Thread - As South As South Can Get


Why doesnt everyone meet at the tilt that way they can follow whoever so they wont get lost?? Just a suggestion.

Mikey…you’re my ngr in all…but dont make my lose my shoe…:cool: :eek: :wink: :o

P.S. we smokin out when you come down? tell gabe to get in on it too…4n1m4lpr0n

Srry cant go cuz i have no money and i might be spending time wit me GF so hmm idk if i can get about 3$ then maybe but other than that nah and tough shit if that happens to me ok so laters or

“Little High, Little Hoe
Little Lay, Little Low”

Oh almost forgot fernando cant go since he is grounded guys and i doubt he would go since there is no money to give him since albys company is screwing him over and the other bro Robby wont give hmm any unless he has a change of heart so count fernando out ok guys and just read what it says up there ok!!!

Yo guys how is everyone doing today?!

Fuck you Demon, you’re nothing but a little bitch! I was even chickening out!

Count me in, 2-3$ you say? Kickass.

Viscious: I’ll be at bear’s

Bear: You better be awake pussy. By the way, i made you an avatar

“Lets play some Power Stone!!!”:cool: :cool: :lol:

Ok well no real news or further developments thus far:
Thouse directions are good, but here are some more specifics:

  • Once seeing the Harlingen mall keep going about 10-15 min. depending on your speed. Now… once you passed all that Sam Houston shit and reached the outskirts SanBene. You will see a Matts Cash & Carry on the left and not that far from there will be the “random exit”.

Random exit is known as Exit FM 732(farm road 732)any way, Once exiting you will reach a stop, going right leads to Disciple and Virus’ pad. Riddle you should be familiar with that road. However, at the stop you will take a left, going under the overpass and crossing the railroad tracks till you reach another stop… On that stop take a right and then the next possible right. Essentially around the damn drainage ditch. Pass the railroad tracks and under the overpass, again. Once that you will be on a road that only has houses on the left, on the other side is nothing but rio grandes best sceanery, mesquite tress and other random brush. Anyways the second house on the left is my place. Its a tan house with brown trim, and there are these crazy vines on the porch, further more the lawn goes up to the windows, Dont ask, long story. Basically you cant miss the house… Other then that…

CC: should you guys decide on coming after all do bring yalls converters and sticks, if not Marvel will have to be held on PS2’s. and well all know how hot that is.

Max: Ill spot you for the tourney(s), should you decide on coming, but if you win ::hand in air, rubbing fingers together::, and if not then its all cool. By the way, how long till you and demon get yalls f.aid ?? So i can grab some spare cash to make an additional pad. Plus so i can get the tools and what no from the shop.

Well thats it, anymore info will be posted as it becomes apparent. Im out.

I agree with this. Why dont everybody thats going meet at the mall in Harlingen. From there we could all leave together so know one gets lost.

So head count for harlingen is:

7 more the likely 8 (someone tell Doughboy)

Pharr - rumor is 8 if i heard right. Hopefully at least 5 show from them.

Yo ill talk to Dan, see what he says

I also think it is the best idea for everyone to meet at the mall. Everyone knows where Valle-CrapHole Mall is at.

Just wondering what time will everyone will be up excactly cuz we all want to play our best this weekend and no bullshit about i didnt sleep well enough and dont even stay up all night like some people do " Monkeyspank", “Ducky” and some other random people so if its going to go then go right ahead so laters

Spank: yo man here’s your avatar. It didnt come out how i wanted cause of the filesize limit but its hot.

:eek: wow thanks.Good work bro.

what you think about mine bear?!! you ass!!!:mad: :mad:

What time are people meeting up at the mall? And who is CONFIRMED going? Anyone getting ahold of the Pharr guys soon? Any team tournies? 3 man teams of course.



just got another comfirmatin from THC Max85 will be coming :cool:

So for THC we got:
Demon Jim
Max 85
Shorty Fox
VIrus 13
Doughboy (more the likely)

Supposivley 6-8 hopefully. Cross your fingers they show.


SO head count so far is for the tourny totalling everybody is
9 - 17+CC at least for MVC2.

Hope pharr show so its a badass turnout. Mando get yur camera. Whats the order of the games? and there better be GGXX dammit!! and 3S!!!


Its been agreed that all will begin to meet at Harlingen Tilt, in the mall. And the escorts (Adrian and Anthony) will be leaveing toward random house at the latest 12:30. So meet up promply. CC you guys are the exceptions since you are from out of area. But if yall can make it by that time great. If not I hope the sketchy directions are adequate.

Confirmations: Majority of THC has, 9 give or take 2.
Pharr has confirmed , 6 give or take 2.
How many comin’ from CC ??

Team tournies?? Not sure we cant be playing till the wee hours of the morn, cause i still live at home with my parnets, but 11- 11:30pm is good. so that gives us a while to see what we can get done. Oh yeah and park along the side of the road.Not thedrive way. Feel free to park at the house before mine, as the the house is abandoned so free parking.

Well anymore confirmatons just post here, What are yall thinking about CC, comin down for the day??


Dammit, if I fucken watched that shit at night, grrrr it’s the fucken shit when they hang ppl god … mental pictures… GAHHHH!!! Fucken weird ass shit… ITS FUCKEN FUCKED UP!!!

I’ll probably be takeing people also 2mrw so you all meet up at tilt. Adrian you little bitch call me when you see this, and I think I’ll go to bed … hmmm… at 9pm maybe I’ll wake up at a decent time… BECAUSE SOMEONE IS GOING TO TAKE CRICKET TO B-TOWN AND WAISTE MONEY ON HER AND NOT GET ANYTHING OUT OF IT!!!


Anyways… I’m out I’ll be home so IM me or call me


It was cool.

what am I, chopped liver? :bluu:

Ahh poor BBH. Your THC too, i just dont know why you werent counted in the equation. Still your up for 3S?? Why am i asking i know your up for it. But that wont be till later on that afternoon. Well hopefully everything runs smoothly, and you already know how to get to my pad so, well be seeing you round that time.

Oh shit my bad BBH. You know there is a place for you in my heart. (sheds a tear)

I didnt put you cause thats a head count for marvel. The main tourny attraction is going to be for MVC2 and people wanted head counts. You should join just for shits and giggles.


Best represent at 3S. If not then we will cut off your ear. :lol:

As for tomorrow I already got the brackets (from spanks bracket maker) i made two of everything just incase turn out ends up sucking.