The RGV Thread - As South As South Can Get

shit that would be badd fucking ass.
“later dayz willie mayz”


So what are you people going to do today? I’m bored here every damn day… well sleeping during the day. So where’s the new hangout since tilt’s dead? Everyone SPANKS house :stuck_out_tongue:

Man where is everyone at and for that tourny fuck it cuz i will lose faster like a “Hot knife through butter”

Damn NEW THREAD?!! WTF?!!!:eek: :eek: :lol:
H-Town is expanding guys!!!
How is everyone doing today? So now that the Tilt is a shithole (been ever since) where is the new hangout? About the tourney, Yo guys I might also need a ride!! You all just call me today to see what happens. Latez

“Lets play some Power Stone!!!”:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :cool:

YAY!! I got saturday off so count me in for the tourny. But I will be needing a ride to and from there. My car recently just started turning off by itself. Ill be driving and SURPRISE. And it tends not to start sometimes like it did that one time at Disciples house. Some one PLZ hook a brother up with a ride.

Man this shit is like fuckin high school Sooooooooooooooo ghetto lol. Anyways im just here at tstc bored cuz my class lasted like 10 mins and my next one aint til 11 and yeah.Well i guess we can hang out at me casa and play some games and stuff.Well im out lataz.

ok heres the deal i can give thc peeps a ride, pharr will have to get here somehow. i think we should charge an entrance fee for ea. game. 2 or 3 bucks sounds good cause if there are going to be that many people then shit might as well make some money. well tell what you all think so far its demon, spank, and 2 others i can give a ride to so let me know asap.
“later dayz willie mayz”


<looks around> <nods head and stands by the stand><waits…waits…walks off.>

–If you do not understand my silence, you will not understand my words.

Hey man ar eyou guys having a tourney anytime soon? and also whats up with all that footage from the last tourney did you guys get to check it out yet ?

STIGGZ what is this shit about owning everyone in this area, i know your not talking about me nigga!!!

So let me see, i got it questions on the tournys being played this Saturday.

They are:


2-3 bucks pending and is this on all the tournys???

Whats this about Pharr??

Are we all going to B-town to put B-town in its place??

Is BBH showing and bringing IIDX???

What about food and such (your out in the middle of nowhere)??

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it does it still make a sound??

Ok can we get some definite things here like

is there money invovled and how much

Whats games for sure and formats /ex: teams, singles, whatever

How many players may attend

what needs to be brought

stuff like that, i may go as i was invited by someone else if thats even cool, so i need to know this shtuff


I just hope I wake up on time, haha

if there’s an entry fee I won’t enter Marvel because I’m pure trash at the game now :stuck_out_tongue:

HAHAHAAA, i owned that tv, Virus that was too fun. Can’t believe thous fatass rent-a-cops kicked us out, haha. What an exciting thursday night…:smiley: Toilet cleaner!! hahahaa


Here’s the info as i know it. Im in a total blur and thats cause im hosting. And if all are in agreement then we can charge 2-3 bucks each game. SO if you aint got da cash pleaze get some or dont come. space is limited.

Games: (all single / double elimination)

3S (time pending)
Alpha 3 (time pending)

Casual play 11:45- 1:00, touney will start 1:15 or so…

Estimated head count >> 11-12(THC), 6-8 (Pharr), ?-? (CC)= ???, yall do da math

Pharr Peeps: Yall are welcome to come, just dont expect rides or the like. Directions are to be followed soon.

CC Crew: By almeans the invite to you aswell. Expect directions to be posted some time in the morning tommorow…Please bring any available converters for our baddass pelicon sticks, much obliged if yall could bring your own sticks aswell, just in case.

Accomidations: Sorry these THC tourneys are just as random as I am. I was only aware of it since yesterday, So no food. Town aint that far away…relatively, haha. But i can have 3 screens at once so that should do. Just clean up any mess, and all that shit. Respect da house blah blah blah… and yes yall can bring your own food, and if u can bring extra shit for your peers…well the more the merrier…

B-TOWN: Time permitting we will travel for the 9-11 thing. i might just stay here though. What with rides limited and all, but we will see when we get there.

I guess i just about covered everything. SO directions soon. and ill see yall soon. Cant wait !!!

DUDE THE FUCKIN TV GOT PEACED MAN FUCKIN …BLAM!!! Ah hahahahaha too good.Anywayz mr, tourney sounds good but iono bout 9/11 thing tho i dont really wanna go but then eh iono ill think of something lol.Well if pharr peeps and cc peeps join Cya then!!

Im in for the tourny. Man Pharr better show. So much hype is getting built over this, it would be gay of them not to show. Someone call them out if they got the balls. They are all talk so somebody make there ass show. $2-3 cool count me in for all. I hope this tourny turns out good as far as people wise goes. Cause it would be a shame if it sucked and CC makes the ride for nothing.

THC peeps showing so far from my count:


Pending peeps:
DOUGHBOY - more then likely will go, somebody tell him he doesnt know yet
FOX - if he doesnt chicken out like he was stating earlier, and if he doesnt spend the money he has with him by sat
MAX85 - said no but with CC MAYBE going, it might spark an interest in him
DUCKY: I havent heard anything from him but more then likely hes going
FERNANDO:If he has money he will but that more then likely that wont happen unless Albert is gernous to him

And thats all i can think of for Harlingen.


itz been awhile since i’ve been down near the border town, but hell sounds like i need to make my way there 2 :cool:

i miss all them fruit-stands i see on the highway :stuck_out_tongue:

ya, if anyone has converters to use sticks on Dreamcast, then by all means bring them… because apparently the only person that has a DC stick around here is me, and Agetec sticks are pure ass :frowning:

I’ll try posting up directions :slight_smile:

Ok your takeing business 83 of course, once you get to Harlingen your going to see the mall on the right and H.E.B. on the left. So far so good :slight_smile:

  1. Just stick to the expressway and continue down for like 15 miles I think, these are the exits your going to pass.

Ed. Carry
[Random Exit]
Sam Houston. Which is the exit right before the one you take.
Once you see sSam Houston your going to see the Mc’Donalds on the right which you can’t miss it and awhole bunch of fast food restraunts on the left.

The next exit your going to to take, once you get off your going to get to a dead end [<------->]

From their to left, becareful because cars may seem to go slower and sometimes you can’t see them comeing from the left, I almost hit one :lol:

Go all the way down till you reach the stop sign and turn right :::durrr it’s a one way :P:::

It’s going to be the first street on the right, and turn their…

Your go down their, you’ll go over railroad tracks again, and the house will be to your right… which you should see Adrian’s Green Focus, Matt’s Red Focus… or maybe my White Corsica…

Won’t be hard to miss

I hope I didn’t confuse non of you but it should make sense :slight_smile:

I’ll know by 2mrw if I’ll have the car so I can take some people. Just depends

It’s not a sure thing we will show up. It’s just a possibility. We are just trying to get directions and information in case we do go. I hope there are lots of people if we go. Please post up a new head count by Friday night so we can get a better idea of how many people are planning to attend.
