The RGV Thread - As South As South Can Get

It’s because Harlingen is cruel to you because you FAT!

Oh whoops… that’s FAT DAN :lol:

Yo onion lets play some no mercy:D I hope you have a working mem card cuz I want to recreate the bear:lol: man that was some funny shit seeing the bear with his phro and his boxing gloves coming after you just so he can punch you in the nuts:lol: Ahh me and my creations…:lol:

Fuck yeah no mercy was too funny and i think i have a mem. card on me i just got to find it first but hmmm i think Fat dan would like to get in this shit too cuz he thinks he is the best but he aint shit but that game is to funny oh yeah they fix the broken side on DDR which is good cuz it responds a little better now and i almost AAed A oni i got about 36 greats but 3 misses which was my fault cuz i piveting to early or something but DAMN anywho i hate los vecinos cuz chris lives there and his evil monkeys:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

well i can’t host it thats for sure but anybody find out where we can host it then let us all know well thats it for now. let me know of other up coming events you all have my #. so matt sat. 3s first.
“later dayz willie mayz”


Adark and Spank: Damn last night was so damn fun. Whe knew Contra could be so fun. Me and Spank have never gone through so many lives. “Jump Bear Jump”: ahahaha. We got to do that again. Its funny how Jullian now refers to spanks mom as van damme. That was hilarious. Hey spank i left my stick at your house i need to go by and pick it up later. Ill be at the library later.

Hi guys i need to know what happends when moon rises over the horizon ok and my math teacher never showed up and nither my my 1 o’clock class did soo im free and i need some one to help me rob a bank and another person to blam it on so spank it all depends on you

You know what sad is that harlingen has nothing to talk about for some reason i mean everyone that lives here always comes to check on who posted and is mostly dead all the time hmm it seems to me the only way we post alot if we keep fighting for some obvious reason so come on guys post something instead of just looking at the thread and doing nothing to it and on that note we que the music…

Lets do something today guys i feel like like like playing games but like i need my cord for my ps2 and stuff but like where would we play???Or lets just chill and watch tv.Something i dont care whatever im done for just about anything so any ideas??? Well im about to leave for school so yeah…Lates.

ok hello people its already wed. and we don’t have place for these tournys someone please offer their place or something. kenny is it possible to have it at your place? let me know i’m sure the thc will show not many peeps have anything to do on sat. so post up or IM me. well thats it for now don’t forget the tournys are 3s and then mvc2. which might be for money “maybe” ok then
"later dayz willie mayz"


Just posting to say good morning and that im up for anything this weekend, tournies or the like. Well im done. Laterz. Peace-N-Luv

Guys remember…

Adrian’s new name is Kj in honor of Cricket
Kj stands for Kenny Jr. no offense though Kenny :lol:

It’s the duty of a friend to post this!

Plus Kenny ain’t this bad as him :eek:

We still love you guys :smiley: in a non homosexual way :o

:lol: j/k :lol:

Well im officially out for the tourny cause I work Sat and Sun 4-12. Im the one in charge the whole weekend too so i cant fake sick or anything to get out of it or i might get depromoted cause i faked sick not even a week ago. Im off Friday though, whats going on Friday?

Wow someone else besides me i named kenny now oh well yeah you guys can have this little tourny at me casa if you all want too and what goes up but never comes down and i fell a little sick right now. So who is up for some T4 games today cuz that game ownes me right now

“Come with me, and you’ll see, Your in a world of pure imagination”

HA HA! Mine is better bitch!:smiley: See there is the black man (bear) and me.

ok dude thats it if anyone calls me Kj they are gettting their asses stomped on. for reals anthony your the first one to unless steph doesn’t get to you first. she read it so your screwed buddy:lol:
by the way anthony this is steph i am going to kick your ass as soon as i see you…

ok now its disciple talking now, i told you not to post anything but its your ass not mine, last thing i need is for steph to kick my ass but i’m sure she can’t anyways but i’m not willing to find out. well thats it for that sub. (and she is freakishly strong i know dude and your going to find out too exactly what i mean.) :eek:

ok now to other bussines ok so we can have the tourny at kennys sounds good to me who is going btw so i can know what brackets to take and all that shit and what do we need to take anyways dc’s or games mem cards, games, just name it kenny and we’ll bring it even an extra tv if we need it. ohh and beer would be good to. just a suggestion.:smiley: ok 3s is first and then mvc2 so there you go matt you got what you wanted. well i’m out.
“later dayz willie mayz”


Yahoo!! 3S, I’ll practice some with Necro. Uhh yeah, today was fun, thanx for the ride back Dis. Well im just about out. But im in for the torurney as usual. :smiley:

Virus: My dad said he wouldnt mind checking out the car for you. He already has two ideas on what is wrong with it, a little tweaking and it will be cool. Plus he likes working on imports, so there you go.

Well im through so G’night kids. Dont forget… This world is CORRUPT and it is only just that we as the future "humanity"should set it to right!,haha peace-n-luv

WHAT TO DO?!!:frowning: Shall I wait for naruto 66-67 subs or just watch the raw right now?!? Damn this sucks and its fucking excellent quality too:mad:

head count we need a head count speak up who’s down for the 3s tourny and whos down for the mvc2 tourny which might be two bucks. so bring some extra money even a dollar and im sure one of us will spot you. so yea but let me know today guys. and the tourny should start at around 1 and get there at 11:30 or 12 for some casual play. remember its at kenny’s house on sat. i put the times down and everything so there is no reason for you guys not to be there unless your working that is.:smiley: we might be able to have a gg tourny but not sure on that yet. so show up if anyone needs a ride let me know.
“later dayz willie mayz”


Im game.