yep setting up now
best episode so far :razzy:
Episode 5 is postpone until friday due to pc issues sorry about it
u know what, I lost hope once u streamed SFO, dick move.
lol it was a one time thing besides they hate real fighting games so i might as well make fun of them about it
why you deleted episode 3 megaman ?
it was my mistake because i for not saving in the highlights so twitch just auto deleted them and i was like fuck
well i guess im up vs you n latios for the next 1 :nunchuck:
sorry about monday due to hurricane sandy i currently dont have power at my house so still waiting for it to come back on stay tuned
mx8, take care and be safe.
same to all EC folks.
streaming now
Episode 9 :
and Episode 10 end of season 1 :
sorry about the no sound issue will have to work that out over time for season 2