The Official Thread for Super Rock Box Stream

Todays Episode has been postponed to Thursdays nights now due to inconvience time settings

MM i think you should add the name of the players for every monday night event with the time of gameplay.

streaming now the end of the world edition

too drunk to explain too drunk i forgot about the sound but yea new episode New episode

Tourney Edition

Tonight season 2 finale will include a segement of donating to the cause for ST to make it to evo replay here

There will be an upcomming stream for Capcom vs SNK 2 gameplay once its set up to play via the GGPO server stay tuned for more info

My exams are about to finish. I just checked your twitch just now. The streams are kind of inconsistent. Did you stop doing this?

not really stop just ive been busy with working late and shit

The Ken Masters Tournament will start tomorrow at 9pm est time last min sign ups are allowed

for page following visit

Tournanment start May 3rd at 9pm est

be sure to support my page by liking or following on twitch or follow me on twitter thanks