The Official Thread for Super Rock Box Stream

damn it, I missed it, now Im watching the replay :confused:

Can i join?

Yes you can. Everyone is invited. The more the merrier. I am in no way shape or form affiliated with the organizers, but I deem myself authorized to official invite people to attend.

Interesting idea Mega. I kind of miss commentating on ST and this would be a great way to practice that, if you donā€™t mind having me on.

Youā€™re in eltrouble. Just install Skpye and show up on Mondays at 8:00pm. Iā€™ll give you Ultracomboā€™s skype account once I get home, that will get you setup for the next round.

I donā€™t usually drink on monday nights, but if this becomes a thing, I guess I could take a few shots and jump in on the commentary as well.

Depending on how shitty my Monday is, Iā€™ve got half a bottle of Jamesons thatā€™ll do the trick, or a Macallan-12 or a nice bottle of Syrah to drink if i want to keep it classy. Good times all around.

Iā€™ll pick up some Macallan as well just so that weā€™re on the same page. Welcome aboard the team trouble. You are OFFICIALLY the Monday Night ST GGPO commentator now.

I couldnā€™t get on this past week because I had work at 3:30am this whole week. But next week I should be good. Lets get this show on the road. You know what they say, ā€œWhen in Rome, fuck bitches and get money.ā€ Church.

Damn missed it :frowning: MUST. NOT. MISS. NEXT. WEEK. ā€¦ Iā€™ve never comentated beforeā€¦ I might suck, but I want to try.

So remind me again how this commentating works. We just all get on the same Skype channel and talk? Or do we take turns?

You guys need to get in touch with sabin/kuroppi asap for this fridayā€™s king of summer finals.

Sabin streamed the last two weeksā€™s tourney solo. Itā€™s missing those colorful commentary with cigarbob/damdai/shirts.

Shirts? He commentates on GGPO streams? Iā€™m surprised he isnā€™t too busy making God of War games, or whatever he does in his spare Friday nights.

Canā€™t do it this Friday, got a memorial service to attend. But if Sabin needs commentary, I donā€™t mind helping out. Solo, tag team, whatever.

You can do this ala WWE like MMX8 said like this:

To start the night*(aka the jobber or low card)*
Select to stream low cards players or no that popular/good players i.e philcito, donjokemystyle, playsforfun etc with a short time, hmm maybe 10 minutes or less because is not that entertaining to watch low level players.

In the Middle of the Night(aka Mid Card)
Average players, with more time on the stream, like Mad_Zero lol we sometimes watch some of these guys with a very decent level of skills with some fun matches.

The Main Event(aka Mr. Main Event)
The very good and/or to top players.
Afro, Damdai, DSP, Bastard, Kyouya, djfrijoles, SteveTren, DGV, Ganelon, Born2SPD, Wolmar, TheGreatMole, Ultra, Kushyou(sorry i canā€™t spell your id lol), etc etc etc.

Thus, you can watch more players and not only the top players, you know everybody will have a chance, because you donā€™t know when a low card or a mid card can have a spot on the streaming.

Nice! Im part of the main event LO0l

everyone is invited you can all add my skype which is or ultracomboā€™s stream and tune in 11pm est or 8pm central and basically talk shit in addition we do challenges as well.

one more thing match cards comming soon and first ā€œFree per view streams on saturdays stay tuneā€ and thanks everyone for supporting the idea the credit really goes to ultra since he came up with the name and etc and thanks for the suggestions everything will be in order within the site that supports me

for next episode you can do less UC more players :tup:

Episode 2 :

I suggest u to stream 5 matches at most of the same player, I mean, there was like 15 different matches going on, u just streamed like 3 or 4 diferent ones.

Also, u should put ST window volume down to 50% (use the Alt, Ctrl and -) so the commentating becomes more audible.

note thou this isnt sabinā€™s stream its more homemade and basic but iā€™ll try to fix that :stuck_out_tongue:

oh wow. you were watching that lagfest I had with daig0 before I joined the skype chat? ā€¦ yeah. definitely not me at my best =(

I couldnā€™t anti air on reaction at all against him.

edit:LOL ultra youā€™re such a troll. so much hate for chun. chunā€™s awesome xD

Canā€™t wait to do it again in 3 days =) Episode 3!

tthis happening tonight?