The "Official" SSBM Thread

No, because people wouldn’t play it in the first place :-/

Why bother with dividing ONE match between TWO seperate 1v1 groups when each of the groups can have a match to itself and not have to worry about keeping to one part of the screen or what may be flying towards them from the other part of the screen. A big thing with the competitive smash scene is complete freedom of movement and use of the level, if it was split up and strictly enforced, it just wouldn’t be any fun and would be, for the most part, stupid. And “switching” after a certain amount of time is just… why? You’ll make an intense matchup between two people suddenly stop, and force one player from each side to go over and continue where the other left off? Then you start getting into differences of stock and damage, actually starting up fighting again… it could never work.

ROFL soo much drama.

Synikal: Anthony A.K.A Randomnigga might come to MLG Orlando… Show em some shit in Smash would ya?

I just want to try and see some videos of this being played. COmbo or match, either works.

Don’t hype a nigga and get him embarrassed. Fuck smash. I’ll clown his ass ALL day, because he is in fact a clown.

Agmaster, hit me up on AIM (OmnigamerOmega) and I can send you some of the most recent vids. Or if you have the DC++ software, you can choose from literally thousands of vids on the smash hub (

Wow gone 3 days and this is what happens. I’m glad I’m going to Smashboards. Jim beam u act “differently” over there lol.:devil:

I don’t konow what the fuck that’s supposed to mean, but tell me what you look like, I wanna see how the fuck you “clown” me and in what way.


Synikal… just let the flamers go man. They’re just eggin’ you on cause it’s the internet and they can do that stuff all anonymous-like. Just let it go and talk about Smash itself. It’s not worth the energy of typing four-letter words over and over again.

You’re right, I just think it’s funny that I’ve got people spittin’ ambiguous threats over the internet over nothing.

And it takes much less energy to argue with an abundance of four letter words than actually taking the effort to retort with intellegent responses. None of them deserve the effort, and quite frankly, it isn’t needed.


Clown is not a “physical” threat. Clown is to make jokes… If you’re gonna take it seriously, then calm down.

Anthony is a cool cat in person. Still gonna clown you though.

wow this is funny, i wish i could play some of these scrubs in person
No FFAs and no items is completely standard, you say you just dont play without items when it is clearly the other way around.
Syn-you must have been really bored lol, good flames
WTF is an L-stick? and what is it there for???

Why? That wouldn’t be fair, their Gamecube controllers have L sticks.

(you can’t compete with that shit)

what are you talking about L sticks? are you talking about the analog stick on the gamecube control? I’m sorry but if that’s not allowed im gonna laugh…

I mistakenly said L stick instead of C stick, and yes I’ve encountered Smash Brothers players who are all about the whole no item thing and all that jazz who say using the C stick is cheap.

I didn’t edit it, the Smash Brothers professionals used their uber strong flaming skills to try and make me feel bad. Syns flaming skills are so fucking amazing. I mean the whole quote everything I say seperately and comment on it is just so cool. I guess we should all give you rep for how great your 2001 style flames were. I better go blog that Syn showed me what for.

They still haven’t really given me any reason why the Smash Brothers “scene” is the way it is, except for retardation on their parts.

Are dead body infinates allowed in MvC 2 ? No, so why is suiciding yourself when you play Time ? Instead of trying to correct and lay smackdown on people being lil wieners you just changed the rules to reduce the games fun quotient to about 3 % of what it’s supposed to be.

It’s like if someone hit a homerun in baseball and then publicly tells everyone he is on every steroid known to man. So instead of banning steroids you ban using bats to hit the ball.

Don’t act like I’m some scrub who is the only person who thinks this way. I’m sorry like 6 people total visit fighting discussion daily. Maybe I should go get my “E-Friends” to come and suck my E Cock. Don’t get mad at me because you can’t play Smash Brothers the way it was meant to be played. Obviously you’re so good at fighting games, why don’t you use your blatent 1 v 1 skills to win some money at Evo this year in maybe MvC 2 or something ?

I mean if you guys are such masters at playing Smash Brothers one on one, ya’ll must be amazing at actual non party games you didn’t neuter into bootleg abortions of what there supposed to be.

i dontr see what the big deal is here.

smash was meant to be played as a casual fun party game.

it wasnt designed to be a competitive tournament game, but luckily nintendo left enough customizing options to make it so.

i dont see how you could have a serious game with settings like FFA and with a bunch of random ass items.

they modify the game to make for competitive play. They change from the way its “meant to be played” because theyre using it for something it wasnt meant to be used for. so when they wanna play it competitively, theyre obviously gonna take out things that stop it from being competitive (serious tournament FFA matches… give me a break) makes sense to me

ill play the game either way, but if im playing it as a serious game im obviously gonna use the options that make it a serious game… if im just having fun with some friends sure leave the items in for some laughs

Ick, what a retarded thread. Some of the first pages were ok from what I remember, but this. . . this makes Smashboards look like paradise.

Honestly, what makes you people so adamant about getting pissy about the way the Melee scene plays? (which I do infact find to be pretty damn close to the best way to play the game competitively)
If you like it for a party game, go play the party game and stop dicking around about playing Free For All in tourneys.

Easy. Nobody ‘accidently’ does a dead body infinite you can only do them purposely. But in Smash accidental suicides happen, the problem is how the hell is someone going to be able to tell if you purposely suicided or ‘accidently’ suicided? You can’t. And what would you suggest we do to someone who did suicide? DQ them only if they did it purposefully? DQ them if they suicide at all? Wow, that sounds much better than the “way” we play it. :rolleyes: Plus, you can suicide edgegaurd, should we just ban that too? AGAIN, you act like we haven’t tried this kinda thing before… only you are about 3 years too late. Also your ‘idea’ really shows your inexperience with the game, especially if you didn’t consider the suicide scenario (which you obviously didn’t). So I would just stop if I were you. XD

Not to mention that banning dead body infinites IS changing the rules. When something is ‘broken’ you fix it, thats all we’ve done. There really is no difference.

Also “fun” is relative. Something that is 3% as fun for you may be 100x more fun for another person. Btw, time matches are about 1% as fun as stock matches. See?


Look man. I’m asking you nicely, just like I did the first time…if you really, so earnestly want to debate this then please go to the link. This is seriously ruining my thread:

Everyone else:

If he responds in this topic I beg of you to either:

A: Ignore him

B: Respond to whatever he says in the provided link. I just want this garbage out of my thread. Thank you.


if you feel threatened that’s on you. Ambiguous threats. You’re laughable.

Pretty much. As far as how I look, 6’ nigga with a 'fro. Be sure to say introduce yourself. I’ll be playing Tekken.

Why are we even arguing these things (again)? Why do some people want to bring elements into the game that lessen the chances of the better player winning? Ouh, let’s hack GGXX#R and SF3s and any other fighter you can think of and put items, exploding thingiemajingies, free-for-alls and Time/points in there!

No, the SSBM-community has created rules so that the most skilled player WILL win (unless he screw up like multiple suicides. But that’s what Best out of 3 and 5 are for.). And we’re sticking with it. If you want “for fun” tourneys with items, FFA, time and whatnot, host your own tourney.

Also, regarding the c-stick. If it’s so cheap, I suggest we ban its use. But then we’d have to ban custom settings in all games imaginable. Like in SC2 where you can shortcut combination. Why allow the Dust-button in GGXX#R? Romantic Cancel shortcuts? Like Hell! Re-doing the button layout to your own liking? Pft.

At least the C-stick was put there originally. We don’t, heck, we can’t customize it. Also, certain things such as certain combos, upsmashing out of a shield, uair (aerial up + b) with Peach without DJC:ing (doublejump cancelling) during the initial animation of her 1st jump and doing aerials whilst moving in the other direction is impossible without. So what if you can do things faster and more effectively? Let’s ban the use of arcade sticks altogether in any game.