What the fuck is this, did these fags form Nerdtron?
Get the fuck out of here. Smash brothers is the only game where you have to CHANGE the original settings to play it “competitively.” I’ll bet monopoly is less random without the dice, but guess what happens when you take the dice out? You’re no longer playing the same game! If one vs one was so hot, why’s the game SSB MELEE?
Bully for you that it has a following and all that garbage. Your scene is still bootleg.
Next you’ll come and explain how VS sux0rz because he doesn’t know the difference between captain Kirk and captain Picard’s boxer size.
“OMG!!!ELEVEN11!!TWEVLE!!!122! You don’t know the difference between mashing and what looks like mashing! I must defend the honor of the SSBM nerd kingdom!”
This isn’t the thread for this, this thread is here to discuss the game objectively. Please show your obviously very extensive knowledge of the game in the provided link.
That’s what I’m here to do. Unfortunately people only seem to be interested in discussing neutered versions of the game, rather than viable strats like item usage. Maybe you should call this thread SSBM Light?
Because it sounds better than SSB2. And in Japan it is called Super Smash Brothers DX. Is that better? I guess Japan is allowed to play 1vs1’s since it’s not ‘MELEE’. And anyone who posts on any internet forums (especially video game forums) are fucking geeks.
And 4playerFFA doesn’t work because of politics. The best player gets teamed up on 3vs1. Kinda common sense though.
Well, it would be hard for either of us to say since you are (most likely) experienced in those games but not DX and vice versa.
You’re not discussing the game objectively, your spitting out your opinions in a deragatory, flammatory fashion.
Look guy, if you enjoy playing the game with items that’s totally fine. If that’s how you have fun with the game, why the fuck does it matter how people playing the game competitively have fun with the game? I don’t understand. I hate the game with items on, I think it’s fucking clownshoes but you shouldn’t give two fucks about that unless you simply can’t stand not being in someone elses business. Nintendo obviously gave the game a wide variety of options to please people like me and you. Learn to accept that and stop flaming tastes and opinions that don’t gel with your own.
Good point. Now leave us alone and go play your full retail version of the game.
So we don’t matter because we play the game with Items ?
Don’t bring up the weak ass everyone who posts on an internet forum is a geek arguement in here, that shit it a copout. If you want to use that, then I guess everyone whose ever used the internet is a geek.
Why is it “clownshoes” with the items on ? Because you got hit with the hammer when you were trying to “wavedash” ? Or you had someone at 300% went for the kill and they got a heart ? Items actually play into certain characters strengths, and taking them away takes those strengths away. What a bitch thing to say, “They make the game too random” get the fuck outta here, I guess having four people play at once is too much as well. OMG there are too many people on screen ! I don’t know what to do.
Four player FFA works, oh wah wah you got jumped because you were winning. Fuck that turn on time no stock. Whats so bad about time ? You can’t see whose winning ? You don’t know when to hide in the hyrule cave thing like a little bitch ?
It’s really cool Smash Brothers has a “scene” and what not, but the fact that it’s populated by people who swear the game should only be played 1 v 1 on “non random, non moving stages” and people who hate playing with the items makes me sad. Are people really that faggy ? How do items ruin it ? OMG BIG BLUE IS SO HARD ! I CAN’T POSSIBLY FIGHT THERE !
Man fuck that, it’s in the game, play that shit. You guys don’t have any arguements to back up your reasoning, just that it’s better and shows more skill. What the fuck ? Skill ? When did smash brothers become a damn dick off to see who is more skillful ? From what I remember the object was to knock 3 other people off a platform, not compare skill penis sizes in a 1 on 1 faceoff.
Actually… there are a lot of us from the tournament smash scene that still love to play FFA’s and try out different settings for fun. The point being made is that on the competitive level (if you’re going to have one) you need to find the fairest settings possible. The settings that make the game the most about skill. And contrary to popular opinion, the developers usually don’t know jack about the best way to play their own games.
Look at Halo 2… matchmaking settings are total n00b bullsh. Every major tournament company out there (MLG, WCG, etc) change the basic settings so you start with a decent weapon. Smash is the same way on the competitive level. The settings are tweaked to create a balanced, fair, competitive game type.
There’s nothing wrong with playing default settings if you have fun that way. There’s nothing wrong with changing settings for one reason or another. There isn’t some magical “way the game is meant to be played.” The point these guys are trying to make is that if you want to play tournaments, then the way that the tournament community has started playing the game is probably the fairest method.
I wanna preface this post by saying you’re by far the dumbest motherfucker I’ve seen on an internet forum.
No, you don’t. This is a thread discussing the competitive Smash scene, which items obviously aren’t a part of. Honestly, it’s not even really the fact that your garbage ass opinion doesn’t matter–cause I could give a fuckless what kind of pornography you choose to jerk your dick to–I don’t give a fuck about your opinions, because you two obviously don’t give a fuck about ours.
Where the fuck did you see me calling anyone a “geek”? You were the first one to introduce the concept of lonely, fat white kids and bifocals into this thread with the “nerd ass dorks” comment you fucking hypocrite.
Why do you give a fuck what I think? Go play your fucking copy of Smash with your four friends in FFA with items set to “high” on Poke’floats and jerk each other off while your at it. Keep you and your friends and me and my fucking community mutually exclusive in the way we have fun with our games and we won’t have a fucking problem.
For who? You and your faggot friends? That’s fine and fucking dandy, let us players that play the game for money avoid losing a grand plus, because we never went into a FFA tournament with a “partner” and couldn’t help getting jumped because we’re a known player.
Too bad you don’t know shit about the Smash “scene” and what the scene has and hasn’t tried to make competitive.
The thing you have to understand is Smash has gone through many changes as a competitive fighting game in its’ years.
We tried to make FFA work in a competitive environment. We failed. Players ganging up on known players was the norm. If you didn’t have somewhat of a “teammate” when going into FFA, you were screwed. After this was established, FFA games became mere watered down versions of Team Battles, no matter what type of settings we used, timed or stock. The community came to the conlusion that FFA lends itself to a great “party” atmosphere, but ultimately fails to be competitive.
Once we established that Smash would be best played competitively one on one, items became a major issue within the community. For years there was no standard. Some tournaments left them in, some didn’t. But around last year we just realized that no items is the way to go for the very reasons you mentioned. I don’t think there is a single Smash player that wouldn’t have liked to see items work competitvely in Smash as it does add another great element to the game, but the inherant randomness it brings to a match is too much to simply look over. When playing a match with a thousand dollars or more on the line, nobody wants to lose because a Barrel full of explosives spawned above their head and brought them down a stock…twice. It’s happened many times in tourney enviroments even with items set on very low.
I don’t know, you tell me. Do people other than faggots even use words like “faggy”?
That’s the thing I;m trying to get through you and your boys’ thick skull.
There are known Smash Brothers players ? Am I supposed to respect their skills ? I like how mad you’re getting, and the fact that your not defending any of your points. You just yelled at me.
The whole geek thing wasn’t even directed at you fuckhead, look at what Yaoi posted. Sorry I’m not a master of vbulletin commands and don’t quote everything like you oh master of Smash Brothers play.
So the known players get ganged up on, I mean if they are so great and known, wouldn’t they, with their grand wavedashing and combo skills be able to fend off an assault from 2 or 3 players ?
Why would the items be a problem, because your playing on Stock ? Oh no you lost 2 stocks from exploding barrels ! Just set the game to time, problem fixed. You should have just stayed away from the damn barrels. I mean if the elite players are so great at dodging and what not two barrels should be easy cheese.
Are players from the Smash Brothers scene that stupid ? If people are too busy ganging up on each other, just make the games team, team tournaments and ffa tournaments, problem sovled. Is it that hard to try to kill everyone without pulling some survivor drama shit and alliance with someone ?
I think the way the tourney players have set the norm is just a big copout. Oh no the items make it hard, instead of trying to build strategies around them we will just abort them completely ! That will solve everything ! OH yeah ! And since sometimes players get attacked by two people at once ( IN A FUCKING FREE FOR ALL OMG ! ) we’ll just play one on one ! So basically you took the game and neutered it because people lost and couldn’t take it.
Are items that much of a problem ? I really do think most of the “Smash Brothers Community” just got smashed too many times by their little brothers and had a hissy fit and decided to make their own rules because they couldn’t handle the real game.
If you want to try and pull the faggy thing back on me, at least try to do it creatively. Why would people who are gay use the word faggy ? I guess I am gay now, since I used the word faggy, oh well too bad, you sure got me.
Random Nigga isn’t my boy, I didn’t get him to post what he did. They posted what they thought, that’s their opinion. I’m sorry other people share my opinion that the whole Smash Brother tourny “scene” is a shame.
Here’s hoping next time you play some random kids in smash brothers and try to dance about dashing and doing infinates and what not that they all pick Roy and spam the L stick all day while all gang raping you with the superscope. I bet you would spaz out, throw your controller and run home crying.
It’s just as weak as you saying everyone who plays SSBM are “nerd ass dorks”. So I’m just doing what you’re doing, just more exagerated to show how ridiculous it is. I’m glad you responded to it.
Actually items play in one strength… speed. Faster characters are considered better with items on, only problem is, the faster character are already in the higher tiers. So it makes it even harder for lower tier characters when items are on.
For example faster characters (Fox, Falcon) get items more effeciently than slower ones (Bowser, Ganon), while giving no extra benefit to the slower character if he does get one. Everything from swinging an item to throwing it is done faster with faster characters than slower ones. And the slower characters don’t hit any harder or get extra range, they just get screwed.
You don’t even have to be winning to get jumped. Everyone knows who is good and you get jumped from the beginning of the match never even getting the chance to win.
Time doesn’t work because once you get to percent where it is easy to get killed, all you have to do is suicide and no one gets points for killing you. You act like we haven’t tried this before… =/
Would J.Wong be able to fend off/beat 2-3 enemies of close skill at once in SF style games? Once he would start a combo someone would interupt it, thats what happens. Unless you are playing idiots who all stand in the same spot and you happen to combo all at once. This should really be common sense, guy.
There are teams tourneys(my favorite). But the FFA doesn’t work because there is money on the line and at some point there will only be 2 people left… plus we are Americans. Maybe FFAs would work in Japan (since no money is involved and they play for honor), but never in America.
You can’t always dodge items, say you’re about to smash someone and an explosive capsule appears in front of you. You die and it costs you the match. Now isn’t the point of a tournament for the best player to come out on top? it doens’t sound like the best player came out on top if he was about to win then gets ganked by a random item. As for levels, they eliminate the levels which give certain characters an unfair advantage. This also helps to ensure the best player wins. On hyrule temple someone who had only started the game 1 hour ago could beat the best player in the world if the scrub used fox vs bowser. As for the free for all. Its true that anyone good could beat you and two of your friends, but if that became the tourament norm then its unlikely a good person would be matched up against 3 people that bad, and later in the tournament it’d become impossible for that to happen, that’d pretty much ensure that the best person there does not win. And as for your teams idea, thats a really good idea. I’m gonna go back in time and tell someone that idea so it’ll be like we’ve been doing that for a really long time.
Damnit, yagi is faster and better organized than me.
Okay, if anybody is actually trying to defend items in real competition, why? Okay, sure, they can be fun, but they are totally random. Sure they can be deflected and crap, but they still and be super powerful. “Well,” you say, “Let’s say a lot of them are banned.” Well, that’s good, but still, it’s simply better not to have the items to randomafy everything.
They might not even be as bad if the boxes and whatever didn’t explode. They explode like 1 out of 6 times I think, or something like that (the crates anyway.). “Well, it’s punishment for those who go to items all the time”, um, no, it’s not. It’s way to punishing, also, IT’S STILL RANDOM. I might say, okay just MR saturns only popping up, but even then there are still some things, and it’s not going to be that way in Smash, they have to have those exploding things.
In the end, items randomize the fight in at least some sort of fashion, therefore, they should be turned off. Shiek+ items? NO!!!
how about making rules and assigning a referee to officiate the match. here are some rules I thought of for FFAs.
*no swarming-(1v1—1v1 every minute you alternate(also random alternation)between eachother
*indirect swarm-you may hit another player only though throwing your opponent or knocking them into them.
*5 stock, no time.
*no projectile swarming-either( none of them can be directed at the other player. missed projectiles are ruled fare but intentional swarming is not promitted.
any violation to the rules and the ruling Official calls a swarm the game is paused and you are warned.A second violation rusults in you being disqualified and you automatically lose the match.
I like how you assume I’m upset, just because I successfully matched your own tone. Seems it worked, as you’ve toned it down considerably.
Ha! Hypocritical piece of shit. You don’t know shit about anything, you couldn’t make a fucking point with a pen.
Now explain to me how the fuck I was supposed to see through your own incompetence? I can’t see eye to eye with idiots.
And that still doesn’t change the fact that you’re a fucking hypocrite.
Thanks. We all can’t be good at everything.
Though I thnk you’ve proven that you can suck at everything.
Yeah, cause you know, that’d totally be fair if the best player was cheated out of winning because he was forced to face three other players with their “grand wavedashing and combo skills”!
Again, you continue to show me you’re just stupid as fuck and you don’t know shit about anything.
We do play with the time on smart guy! 2 minutes for every stock. Most tournaments have a minium of 4 stocks per player. Now if you have two minutes per stock, with four stocks per player, how much time does that equate to? I’ll even let you use your Texas Instrument for this one.
And I still fail to see how that solves the problem. In fact, this only exacerbates it (word linked for your own stupidity). What if I go down two stocks near the end of a match because of your explosive barrels and my opponent decides to run away?
Yeah. To bad whenever this happens it’s because the capsule/bomb/barrell comes into existance right above the players’ head, or in more extreme cases right inside the character.
I’m calling you an idiot again just ffor good measure.
Tell me, is ignorance really bliss? We do have team tournaments buddy.
Geez, fabricating arguments without any surface knowledge of what you’re actually contending doesn’t work too well does it?
I already asked you to answer this question for me…
Fucking scrub. What the fuck is an “L stick”?
(seriously, you’re gonna have to come harder than that. making you look gay/stupid/ignorant is too easy)