The "Official" SSBM Thread

Yeah their matches always seems like they’re fighting for their lives!!!:wow::karate: If only Isai owned like he does in SSB64.:shake:

I’m picking up Ice Climbers now.:razzy: When one throw can lead to 40-50% I’m definately interested, too bad that infinite is so hard to perfect.

pound for pound luigi just is too slow to keep up with all the shit that fox can through at, not to mention SHB runaway.

hell, luigi’s just too slow to keep up with the top tiers in general, fuck his WD.

just my two cents.

I have a 96-100% instant kill combo on fox and falco with luigi.

DI is useless in this combo.

short hop nair,dsmash,dsmash,dsmash,uptilt,luigi cyclone,Super coin punch.

God I hate you.


test it out it works.

I love you too @ssrag

Actually I would try to explain it more like you do it the second you hit the ground, instead of being in the air.

I dont play him much. But I will tell you a few things off the top of my head.

His f+b is a really good move, use it like crazy in close range for grabbing, especially in the air.

Dont use his roll, he is too bulky and slow, its really easy to get punished. Instead try using his up+b to move around. Its pretty easy to KO someone with that move, so try and utilize it as best as possible.

Stay away from his f+a smash. It is WAY to slow, I use the f+b instead.

His up+a smash is decent, if you can get under someone.

Thats all I can think of. its been a while since ive played. But seriously, bowser really isnt any good. I just kind of use him to beat scrubs because he is so bad that its fun. If you are looking for a bulky character to use, DK is much better. Or someone just damn powerful, Gannondorf is just nasty.

But then again Samus and Peach rule all :tup:

scrub :rolleyes:

dont worry man, the revolution is going to have online play. And rumor has it that SSB3 is gonna be commin out for the revolution :tup:

Whats even better is that the revolution is going to be backwards compatible. :tup:

You mentioned Samus, you are cool.:tup:

peach,samus,and ganon - you tier whore.

Bowser’s main techniques are timing.

Bowser’s main technique is not dying.

LOL, here we go again…your getting out of hand here now. Shield grabbing isn’t overrated…why? Because pratically everyone within the game can utilize this tatic, except at times for Link and Samus. Also, we are talking about Fox as a single character, not a move that can contradict to everyone :tdown:

No you are the one who’s getting silly. You keep cramming words into my mouth, in which I’m not saying, read my other post again, NEVER did I say that Shine Combos weren’t powerful, because from your quote, it seems like you point your finger at me saying that I said they aren’t “good”. If you would’ve read correctly, I even stated that Shine Combos are powerful and that they hurt alot, and are good, however the reason of my overrating the move is because it’s situational, meaning it can’t be abused as one thinks.

Don’t tell me to stfu, first and foremost, you state to me that I “Need to play better Fox players” that pratically is saying that I lack the knowledge and skill as a player. Also with money on the line everyone plays that much more harder, because nobody wants to lose money, and how in the world does that make me stupid? If anything your the fool to accuse me of not having enough “skills”, so who’s underestimating who? My youth group is fundraising this year so that we can go to Disney World for a our trip, guess where that is? Yep, Florida, since that’s probably the only time I will be able to ever meet you in person and play you, I will definetly keep in touch, and when we do meet, we’ll see if you can take $50 dollars from me…since I don’t play enough “skilled players”. :rolleyes:



SynikaL = tier whore

Yeah fox and shiek has EVERYTHING do they?

fucking scrub.

Well, I had a much longer and more detailed post than this, but it was lost when SRK went down for a little bit the other day >.<

Anywho, some additional tips for using bowser.

-If using a version 1.0 disc, you can completely cancel the startup animation for the bowser firebreath by simply jumping and starting the move right before he hits the ground
-Using up+B out of shield is one of the most popular moves among Bowser players. Gets easy KOs on light characters, and allows Bowser to escape. Just put up your shield, take a hit, and send Bowser spining
-Bowser’s forward aerial is one of his more-used moves. Good range and trajectory, with decent power. Often catches other players off-gaurd
-There are 2 invincibility frames in Bowser’s up smash, right before he thrusts upward. Kind of a small time frame for it, and not too usefull, but I felt it was worth mentioning
-Using the down+B in the air, you can grab the edge of stages. Just be sure of your positioning, and hold towards the stage to ensure that you grab it.
-Bowser’s back air has a very low trajectory if hit right, and can cause an effect similar to a spike. If you see an opening, go for it.
-Don’t be afraid to use tilts. Forward tilt and downtilt have good priority and knockback

And that’s all I can remember atm. I don’t really play Bowser, but I’ve been around long enough to know the tricks. However, if someone’s looking for Kirby advice, I’m the man to go to :tup:

… And no, this is escapeable after the first hit with most chars. With the space animals, it’s escapeable after the 2nd hit, depending on damage. Also, further along in the “combo”, it’s easily escapeable by DI.

Actually they do have everything they need to completly dominate their opponent easily.

Luigi and Mewtwo however having weaknesses that are very easily exploitable.

Mind you, I play with Luigi a lot because he’s fun to play with; he still has a terrible recovery and not really a quick and reliable way to dominate the game or turn a match around like Sheik, Fox and the rest of the top tier.

abuseable is something that is really good.

overrated is somethign that gets more credit than it should.

I just think some of the ways it’s being used are a little confusing but maybe i’m reading it wrong.