The "Official" SSBM Thread

Awesome, where’s that tournie at? Hopefully not too far from where I live:)…is it in Minnesota?

The problem with Koobs’ argument is that he only wants to debate the extreme side of shines’ usefuleness in regards to infinites, therefore he dubs them “overrated”. Yeah, shine infinites are rare in tourney matches, but shine combos aren’t. Not in the least. Shine to upthrow, shine to up smash, drill kick, shine to all it’s variants etc. I’ve witnessed first hand players doing infinites in tourney settings. You guys need to actually play some good people.


Anyway, here’s two vids with me in them. One’s the a trailer (created by Young Ice) for the recent “Omnismash” tournament held in February. The other’s a preview of a Doc ditto at a more recent (and much smaller) tourney that will also be on the DVD.

Omnismash Trailer:

I’m the Green Marth cutting up the Zelda on FD with the tag “$yn?”

Doc ditto preview:


See I never said that they don’t do Shine combos, all I’m saying is that they don’t use them as often for such a domineering technique, mainly because of the difficult execution required to pull thenm off consistently.:wink:

Shine is obviously a situational move. That’s why you don’t see shine combos more than “half of his gameplay”, as so eloquently put by Sephiroth. It’s definitey not because of the technical demands of the techniques. Good Fox players at least attempt them where ever applicable. Hell even I can do Fox’s shine combos and I don’t even play him.

Like I stated before, if this argument had taken place before Tg6, he’d have a valid point. But the scene has evolved a great deal since then. Players are more technically capable than ever before, shine combos aren’t as big a deal as they used to be.


Can anybody provide some Bowser strats?

Your best Bowser strat is not to play him lol.

Seriously, this is one of the few characters I no absolutely nothing about. Sorry.

But fear not! In this provided link lies all the possible strats you could possibly need to not lose as bad!


Shine is obviously a situational move. That’s why you don’t see shine combos more than “half of his gameplay”, as so eloquently put by Sephiroth.**

And this is a full hearty reason why it’s overrated. Something like Foxes Up Smash is something that is not overrated.

Like I stated before, if this argument had taken place before Tg6, he’d have a valid point. But the scene has evolved a great deal since then. Players are more technically capable than ever before, shine combos aren’t as big a deal as they used to be.

I’ve seen vids of Tg6, and yes, Shine combo’s do infact happen, BUT Foxes entire gameplay is not built upon it, that’s what I’m pointing out, reason, I can’t stand it when people say what makes Fox good is “shine combo” which infact even without shine combo he’d be a beast. My view on this will change if shine combo’s becomes more of the basis for Foxes gameplan, until then, it’s overrated, powerful yes, kick a$$, indeed, situational, better believe it.

Ps: Don’t regard me for not taking on good Fox players, that’s like saying I’m no good at the game and that I don’t have enough “exp”, tell you what, if we ever meet in a tournie, let’s bet money matches down, 50 dollars, no less, if you live in Cali, I’m going to be visiting during the summer so I’d be glad to hit you up if you live there. I’d be more than happy to show you how much I know.

You seem to miscontrue “abusable” with “overrated”.

Fox’s shield grab is situational, you gonna call that “overrated”?. You gonna call a shield grab with any character overrated? We might as well call all up + B moves overrated too, since they’re among some of the most situational moves in the game.

Your logic is silly and you’re arguing semantics here. No shit shine isn’t solely what Fox is built upon, but it’s pretty damn close. Shine is the best anti-shield grab move in the game, and can even lead to your beloved up smash. Also shine is easily the best way in Smash to screw your opponent out of a life. How is that overrated? Please. The more I think about it, the stupider I feel for even having this argument with you.

Shutup. Just STFU with the stupid, empty “If you happen to be travelling cross country to California and I happen be there too and we’re in the same city, I’ll play you for 50$” internet challenges. They don’t lend any crediblity to you or your argument and In fact they make you look stupid. As you can clearly see, I reside in Florida as it candidly states it next to my name. I won’t be travelling to you for money and you won’t be coming to me. If you ever come to Florida I’d be willing to play with you because I like Smashing with cool, new people, not because I’m looking to take your 50$.


Damn, so what did ya’ll think of the vids? Where they so shitty, that noone could even make a comment on them? I thought the trailer was pretty damn good.


Syn, are you coming to MLG Orlando? You better be, I want to watch Smash after I get booted out in the second round in T5! :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course I’ll be there. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.


Really looking foward to meeting all the signed players and MLG guys – especially Clap. I want to see if he’s as prickish in real life as he is on the forums.


Eh, I think you just irked him the wrong way.

He’s very irkable.

/Ron Stoppable mode

Eh, besides, Clap’s white, and thus, is evil. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Irkable”? Try “irascible”.

Meh, I’m sure he’s not a bad guy, but I was pretty disgusted at the way he handled our situation. You should have seen the discussion we had through PMs that indirectly led to my banishment…very unproffesional.

No worrys though.

(and yes, white people are the devil)

They were nice, it’d be better if the last vid actually showed who won though. :pleased:

Man Ken vs Azen/Isai matches are always the coolest to watch, so damn precise and innovate!!! :wow: Sorry i was just watching some new vids on CJ’s site.:razzy:

I did. :stuck_out_tongue:

And yeah Ken vs. Isai matches are always sweet. I think the Finals matches between the two at MOAST3 where the best matches in the history of the games’ community.

(at least the best matches caught on tape)

so if Foxes shines are very situational what about luigi’s Superior WD rush-in game?

What about luigi’s easy, quick fire killers?

Seems luigi is top tier?

Anyone here thinks they can beat my Ness? Let’s get some money matches going. $100 per match. Who’s up for it?

what Ness tech do you know? Do you know how to make his power attacks useful other than pronouncing the attack as useless and then crippling ness’s offense.

