The "Official" SSBM Thread

Yes, EL

Yeah I thought most people from smashboards knew my name tag guess not T_T;

Why do nigga change thier names at different sites? Just use the same fucking name. >_>

Because I can? o_O when I made the account I didnā€™t want people to know it was me lol.

If I were you, I wouldnā€™t want people knowing it was me either

Hey EL, know who I am?

Hell no. >_>

I think what Cape is trying to say to you Dima is you should show more respect in your post.

Everyone should remember, we are discussing video games thereā€™s no real reason to be rude about opinions. And even though I completely disagree with his tier listing and donā€™t see to much reasoning for why their even like that, its not like tier list are in stone.

I remember people (including myself) would get flamed because we said Fox should be higher on the tier list. Smash bro tier change like every year.

No, it doesnā€™t. It means that I think you think you know a lot about the game. Which you do.

Youā€™re displaying an overly proud superior attitude to people you deem inferior in their knowledge of smash bros. Hence: arrogant. If you canā€™t see this, then thereā€™s no hope for you.

Also: You wouldnā€™t know where to begin making a tier list, yet you can immediately argue the toss about how Mario is better than Pikachu. Interesting.

Did you read what I said? Clearly not. I said there is no right and wrong when it comes to this sort of thing, so arguably, no, gamefaqs is not more right, they are both equally right.

The relevance of a list is the only thing that changes.

No, it isnā€™t. Tier list =/= Whoā€™s winning tournaments. There is correlation, but they are not one and the same.

Hooray! I already know this. Tell the tier list guy.

YES YOU ARE. Youā€™re confusing AUTHORITY with LIBERTY. Nothing is stopping you from saying whatever you want about Guilty Gear.

So that justifies being patronizing little douchebags? No, I donā€™t think so.

Oh then that makes it all okay. I thought you were new at this or someth-STOP BEING A DOUCHEBAG.

In fact, forget all that. Just stop being a rude asshole.

Wow am I tired. =(

  1. name calling? how mature.
  2. I wouldnā€™t know where to begin because I have no clue how random low tiers do, like when it comes to characters like mewtwo or pichu Iā€™m confused as to what their strengths are cause Iā€™ve never played them characters like mario and pikachu I do because Iā€™ve fuxed around with them. Mario has better match ups thats why I say hes the better character.
    3.Iā€™m displaying an over superior additude? maybe its just because I tend to know what Iā€™m talking about and when Iā€™m explaining myself I tend to be very blunt about it. Iā€™m actually really modest and hate belittling people just so happens I donā€™t always act this way lol.
  3. lemme re-word this, yes Iā€™m at liberty to say what I want about GG however theyā€™re also at liberty to call me an idiot for thinking whatever it is Iā€™m thinking about the game.
  4. Iā€™m not being a rude asshole, stop trying to make me out to be one.
  2. Fair.
  3. I know why, but I still argue that itā€™s unwarranted.
  4. True.
  5. Youā€™re not. You were in the first instance.


  • Doc short hopping to a DF air dodge to an Up-Tilt can be a solid tool against Marthā€™s fairs.


Still waiting for an answer to my questionā€¦:confused:

Floating can be useful against Falco because it reduces the amount of times he can actually fire AT you.

As with Samus, I donā€™t really have enough experience to say. Iā€™d probably use Turnips, because if theyā€™re in a position to fire them off uninterrupted youā€™re probably in a position to pull up a Turnip. So if at least you arenā€™t gaining any damage, at least they arenā€™t either.

A few tips for dealing with Samusā€™ missiles as Peach:

  1. outspam with turnips (like Cape said)
  2. float over/under
  3. use aerials through them (fair/nair/bair)

btw, Peach IMO is about as even with Falcon, especially in high level play. Each one does better than the other in particular matchups, and Falconā€™s awesome speed/offense should always be considered.

Wouldnā€™t using turnips just bring it to a stalemate in a way?

Also whenever I float around, the opponents I face tend to stop and go all jumping air moves on me which sucks. Bair and Nair donā€™t always snuff them out from what Iā€™ve been doing.

How is floating under missles different from just running at her?

How high should I be floating?

BigRick70: Iā€™m talking about Falco, not Falcon.

Oh Iā€™m sorry, my mistakeā€¦ with Samusā€™ missiles it might be possible that Fair is the only thing that can go through them. I mentioned Bair/Nair also cause they work against most of the other projectiles.

Also, while youā€™re floating, spacing and timing is very important. Depending on the situation, you go for the counter hit or you simply land.

you could try watching this vid for inspirationā€¦ a bit old, but shows what Iā€™m talking about : [media=youtube]_sazQ6YGROM[/media]

For Falco, you either float over the lasers or try to powershield them. Turnips from platforms might harass him a little. Thatā€™s the easy part, cause itā€™s guaranteed that heā€™ll try to Nair you once youā€™re in rangeā€¦ again watch your spacing.

btw, the Falcon comment wasnā€™t adressed to you. it was for that discussion that happened earlier.

Stalemate is better than losing. Anyway, try to pre-empt the missiles, tossing turnips early, it should give you opportunity to dash in sufficiently to stop her long distance tom dickery. In fact (and this applies to a lot of matchups) try to always keep a Turnip at hand, that way, theyā€™ll be less inclined to waste time on their slower missiles.

Regarding Falco: Float two-ish heads higher than Falcoā€™s head height. If that made sense. Try to be subtle with your floating, moving backwards copiously if necessary. After all, the Falco wonā€™t be able to fully safely gain on you, since youā€™re floating at such an awkward height for him. Again, if you have a Turnip at hand, all the better.

also, BigRick was addressing an issue from earlier in the thread.

edit: Goddamnit big ricky.

haha I post faster than you.

^^you are the great mario player, I presume

Who? Me? I havenā€™t ever gone by that name. At least not to my knowledge.

He thinks your TheCape