Mario is garbage. And pikachu might be a bit high but he’s definitely higher than Mario.
As for Samus, I know she’s great and all but I just constantly see her being smacked around by anyone that’s quick enough to get in on her. Same thing with Ice climbers. Anyone that can seperate them and get the kill on Nana pretty much gets a free stock. And killing Nana is not the most difficult things to do. They’re probably gonna be on the rise soon as more and more people learn how to use the infinites more and land them more effectively. But until then I can’t see them going higher than mid.
As for Yoshi, who the hell can use him effectively in the slightest? I’ve seen good Pichu’s, Kirby’s, G&W’s, Mewtwo (Taj), and even some ok Bowsers. But NEVER, have I ever seen someone use Yoshi do good. Not in all my years of playing. Even against the Low tier Yoshi is trash.
You never seen a good yoshi?
here ya go:
his name is Fumi, I think hes japanese.
you can search for more of his vids, if you want to see him go against low tier.
1st vid is of him facing a marth. this match had a couple nice ass combos.
2nd vid is of him facing a shiek.
That Yoshi did have a few nice combos, I wonder who that Marth in that first vid was, it shouldn’t take that long for a Marth player to kill any character in general. That match would of had a different outcome if he didn’t miss up edge hogging early in the match.
Please explain how mario is “garbage” and why pikachu is better. Mario lacks a decent killing move, however he has good throws, decent range/priority, good aerials, good smashes and great combo ability.
Yoshi is a rare character to be seen being played, but that doesn’t make him bad. DJ cancelled aerials lead to very quick, high priority aerials. Has decent smash attacks, good crouch cancelling, can live forever if you are smart with your double jump, excellent ledge game etc
EDIT - for good yoshi players looks for fumi, svampen, bringer of death.
Yoshi is actually a very good character, problem is he’s extremely difficult to use.
Putting Falcon above Peach? I don’t know about that. Peach is mother fucking cheap and she’s all not that difficult to use.
I’m sorry but Mario over all is just a better character then Pickachu
I looked at your tier list, and putting Yoshi at the bottom makes no sense. I highly think you should relook at your list and honestly tell yourself that Yoshi is worst then Kirby, Pichu & Mewtwo.
Sorry, but Peach IS better then Falcon. Peach can chaingrab fox and falco to death, so she stands better against the top tiers, just look at Mikael from Japan beat Bombsoldier. She can also chaingrab Falcon, as Mikael chaingrab the crap out of Isai’s Falcon. Marth and Shiek beat her pretty cleanly, but it can still be a challenge as it’s hard to kill her, but once falcon is off the ledge, it’s not very hard to kill her…
You mean him [Falcon]. Falcon still puts up a really good fight against Peach though. Once she gets to 120%+ his dthrow->knee is a guaranteed kill regardless of DI.
this is why shes still doing good, and sheiks aren’t all predictable to be honest, its just she puts you in situations where you have no options left but pray and hope for the best where she initiates automatic comboz.
Before I look at the tier list, don’t take anything I say to heart, cause chances are i’m gonna say a few words. >_>
secondly peach is better then CF nuff said, she does better in all match ups. then CF does and peaches win more then cfs do.
However CF still does well, and he can rapezes the space animals well.
I think I’m going to puke. >_>
Sorry to say but your tier list is so inaccurate its baffling <_<link bottem of mid? more like top of low., pikachu above mario? lolI wanna show this to the mario players on smashboards cause its lol worthy.
Maybe you should leave the tier list making to the people who actually play this game and know the mechanics the competitive scene. lol
This is what I hate about some fighting game players. When it comes to a game that they think they’re top dog at, they’re all so arrogant about which character fares better than another character.
Seriously: “I think I’m going to puke. >_>”? Why else would you say that if not to try and show up someone who doesn’t play the game as much as you, and try and look like a big dog? Give me a break. There were THREE errors in that list that you pointed out. Most people who play this game will tell you that Link is top because of his Hurricane slash.
This part really gets me: Maybe you should leave the tier list making to the people who actually play this game and know the mechanics the competitive scene.
Yeah! How the fuck dare he? Disagree with Smashboards? Voice his opinion? Well I can tell you, the elder gods will be hearing about this, don’t you worry!
How am I acting arrogant? seeing how I have a lot of tourney experience and frequently talk to one of the top players in the country I think when it comes to character match ups I generally know what I’m talking about >_> unless its a random low tier match up, or something then I’m wtf confuseeeed.
and those people are wrong, I wasn’t trying to show him up. I’m a very blunt person why bother sugar coating something thats wrong? theres loads of other errors in that as well so many places are wrong.
Way to over dramatize it, he can voice his opinion but he better be ready to hear other people voice their opinion too, it goes both ways just in case you didn’t know.
you don’t see me going into GG threads explaining why I think certain characters are bad/good.
Basically what dima is saying that people who know what they’re talking about stuff are more suited to talk about said stuff. Do you have substantial experience playing against good players? Do you have any at all? Dima isn’t phenomenal, but he knows a good deal about the game. People should listen to him more.
No…a free stock? It’s not that simplistic though it may sound so. So what, you’re saying we can beat ChuDat if we kill his Nana? It isn’t that easy…lol. I actually have a harder time fighting one of them than both. I’ve seen PC fighting Chu, separating them is easy with Fox’s shine but Chu always gets his Nana back usually "/. The people that can rid him of his Nana are those that are within his skill level, PC…KDJ…etc.
You are underestimating both these characters’ abilities.
Maybe you should leave the tier list making to the people who actually play this game and know the mechanics the competitive scene.
Need I say more?
Arguably, there is no WRONG. Or RIGHT. Just what you, smashboards and what he thinks.
? There are no errors, just differences between smashboards list and his list. Perhaps you might think that your list more accurately represent how the competition fares at “tournament” level. As it so happens, I happen to be an avid smasher, and I still think that the latest list produced is bullshit, as it’s based on tournament results and not match-ups, and that the older one is more relevant.
It would be one thing if YOU WERE ACTUALLY EXPLAINING why you thought his tier list was less accurate than smashboards one, and not just shouting: MARIO BELOW PIKACHU? NIGGA BE CRAZY.
Well then I’m sorry for your loss. Because you’re perfectly at liberty to.
I’m not even angry at you personally. It seems that ever since smashers have started congregating here it’s been, they’ve all taken it upon themselves to baby everyone about it, and patronizingly explain about the secret mysterious ways of the Super Smash Bros.
*Disclaimer: Smashers don’t baby people, they baby idiots who act like they’re the Smash Encyclopedia and haven’t played the game for even a few months.
That clearly shows me you believe that I think I’m pro at this game or something.
Yes you do, its not arrogant that I think he should leave the tier making to people who know what they’re talking about. I’m not talking about myself I’m talking about people who know this game inside and out. I wouldn’t even know where to begin in making a tier list.
is gamefaq more right about street fighter then Srk is? lol
It is based off tourney results that whats its suppose to do, the tier list in melee is suppose to show the current tourney metagame whos winning more often. and it just so happens foxs and falcos do better then any other character
Okay Pikachu has one thing over mario, thats a kill move. However he lacks many other aspects that mario thrives in. for starters marios faster at comboing, he can apply pressure better then pikachu can. pikachu because of his weight allows him to be combo’d rather well, talk to any good sheik they’ll tell you how yummy a pikachu can be. want me to continue? >_>
No I’m not, when it comes to GG I have no idea what I’m talking about.
thats because you have people who think they know things about the game but really their knowledge is very limited. <_<
this isn’t the first time I’ve called someone out on their lack of knowledge I do it on smashboards all the time, ever go to the link boards? lol yeah theres a reason I’m like this. <_<
dima thinks and knows he sucks, leave tiers to smart people, we know more about smash than you, tier results are off tourny rankings, pikachu sucks, mario doesn’t, you’re ignorant.