The "Official" SSBM Thread

o.O;;; seriously? I can do Falco’s but when it comes to Fox’s I can barely perform it.

I still don’t get how Falco and Fox is top tier…Sheik and Marth should still be up there, IMO.

ROFL@the above post.

I don’t think that the above post is ROFL matter… I agree with him, actually.

Top Tier should look like this IMO:


nah, more like this:


seriously, marth is the only character in the game i truly “fear”, its unbeleivable, that sword scares the shit out of me, i would face a million shieks, foxes and falcos before i would go against a marth, hes too much.

That’s because Marth rapes Samus. >_>

Marth isn’t as good as the rest of the top 4. Fact.

But there is a reason why Foxes, Falcos and Shieks respect and fear him. He is a monster.

I agree with emblem lord LOLOL

that post was rofl material.

marth is laggy which means a missed arial will be met with a grab or something. and a grab vs sheik is so disgusting I have to look away.

Falco has an approach that is almost perfect doesn’t matter ifyou get close falco will just rape you up close too, if you say chain grabbing die it doesn’t work try grabbing a good falco its hard.

same with fox grabbing a good fox? Lol good luck. goooood luck.

Rofl. No. Actually Marth’s aerials aren’t laggy. The ones that he uses the most nairs and fairs have 7 frames of lag. Shieks Fair, Nair, and Bair have 8 frames of lag.

What I think you mean to say is that Marth has slower start up time on his attacks and is punished more easily when someone gets inside his range. Granted only a few frames slower, but it’s enough.

Look to be honest the differences between the high tiers is so miniscule that it isn’t really worth mentioning. Like I said Marth is respected, hated and feared for a reason. All of the top 5 are too good IMO. Yes, even Peach.

Probably I’ve been playing this game for almost a year and half and I usually get fucked up if I miss an attack probably due to either lack of good spacing or the fact that I’m usually playing a sheik >_>

Anyone can punish anyone if they miss an attack. Not just Marth.

That’s the exact way I would put it. Marth just to be patient againts Fox and Falco and he’ll get more than enough oppurtunities to get his grab and then inniate the rape. I put Fox above Falco just because I like the matchup more for Fox. And Shiek is good but is still pretty predictable, so she doesn’t go higher than those 3.

Fox is top in the game, no contest. He goes even with like marth and falco and maybe sheik. But that’s it. There is no way marth is top.

sheik has no lag so even if she is ‘predictable’ its not like shes screwed >_>

I don’t know know too much about the tiers (I completely agree with them, but I don’t know a whole lot besides the top 5), but how does Falcon fare? Supposedly he’s #6, but is there a huge gap between him and Peach or him and Doc, or is it just small?

Also, stupid question, but do the tiers change somewhat when free-for-alls are considered? Are the top 5 still the top 5 in these kind of situations?

They pretty much change completely, but nobody, and I mean NOBODY, should give a fuck about FFA tiers.

That’s exactly why she’s still top, just not above the top 3.

I don’t really agree with everyone that says Peach is number 5. I still think that’s Falcon’s spot with Peach one below. My high-mid tier would go:

Captain Falcon

Ice Climbers

Young Link

Game and Watch

That probably doesn’t match up with the one over at smashboards, but that’s the way I would put it.

i don’t know, peach is pretty strong, I think of her as Storm in MvC2, easier to maintain and use at a high level than other characters, but hard to completely master at that level of play.

:rofl: :rofl:

Funny tier list, falcon above peach? samus below doc? yoshi last? pikachu above mario and link?

Wow… you’re really underestimating Samus, ICs and Mario…

And Pika is definitely not better than Link/Mario… kick his ass back into low-mid tier lol

Samus is too good. Falcon is teh rape. But Peach is teh uber rape.

List is fine as is.

And IMO the gap between CF and Peach is pretty small, it’s just that he has alot of trouble vs everyone above him except for Marth. And goes even with quite a few people below him. That’s why he is where he is. But his approach, speed, combos, killing power, and grab game are too fucking good for words.