The "Official" SSBM Thread

thats why you roll away dash foward and grab her. LOL

Thereā€™s no way to spin D. Smashā€™s brokeness. It most definitely deserves to be nerfed in a big way.


You people have to stop hating on Peach.


its not vary hard to roll away lol.

With most characters she gets out of the d. smash before you can counter act it after you roll.

Some of the locals here bitch at me for playing Marth. I guess here, it all evens out. :\

Rolling away from d.smash surrenders any hope you have of punishing her. Rolling behind her is equally bad because you WILL get hit. If not, she recovers fast enough to punish you with yet ANOTHER d.smash. Sounds like a lot of fun doesnā€™t it. :rolleyes:

Yeah maybe if your character is slow as hell. >_>

you can easily roll away an dash for a grab. or take hte hit and DI it.

It depends on who she is facing. Marth, Fox, Shiek and CF have no problem rolling away and punishing. Anyway, Why alll the Peach hate?

Seems like every tourney I go to, all the hate is directed towards Marth, like H-F blade said. Actually itā€™s kinda refreshing to see people hating on someone else besides my main.

If youā€™re shielding hits from the d.smash and then roll away, youā€™ll be too far to run in and grab her. Why would you want to take the hit? It just puts you at a disadvantage and at risk of being edgeguarded if your damage is high.

you know you claim to be smart at this game yet you amaze me with responces like this.

Yes marth can roll away and punish her, and Iā€™m just saying if you want to take the hit and DI it it will only hit you once. not saying its a good idea but its an option.

Dima: Relax dude. Actually, If Peach has already started the d-smash and you started to shield it then you rolled away, then no, you canā€™t punish her really. She can roll away or spot dodge, before you could actually hit her. If you anticipate the d-smash and you roll away, then yes the faster characters can punish her.

I think thats what I meant o_O; I know if its already started she canā€™t lol

Bait that shit and the seemingly brokeness will stop. Good peaches will only d-smash you when you get hit or block something so to ensure that you wont be able to counterattack.

Most Jabs outrange the dsmash by a little and hit faster and on hit should give you enough time to react to a d-smash if you notice the crouch cancel.

She cant rely on the d-smash entirely to win. Figure out which situations are best for the d-smash so you can avoid them. Learn the spots where you can jump away and when you absolutely must either block or dodge. This will help alot.

If the peach likes to use it for everything, just remember that she cant hit the airborne if zoned right and sheā€™ll be stuck doing the move for a while, so bait with a jump or dash dance and enjoy the punisment.

Another thought: Zone her so that she is too far away to safely d-smash but too close to safely pull out a turnip. You still have to watch out for her other high-priority moves and float-cancel shenanigans but approaching this way will make the fight easier to manage.



*Stealth Bump *sneaks away

Thats if you anticipate a dsmash that was not led into by another moveā€¦ have you ever fought a good Peach player?

Shouldnā€™t you be able to lightshield, then wavedash in and punish? Or is the shield stun too long?

Sheild stun is much too great and Peach recovers too quickly.

And no, I donā€™t think Dima has ever played a good Peach.


To the original guy that asked how to play Peach. I only play a good Peach like twice a year, but from what Iā€™ve gathered you should rushdown if Peach beats the other person out in the air and turtle if she gets beat. Other than that, donā€™t abuse the dsmash and always pick a turnip if you have a spare second.


So Iā€™ve switched from Doc to Falco. Doc is awesome, but has so many bad matches heā€™s really just not worth it for me. Falco is pretty awesome, his projectile stun with SHL is something Iā€™m always using, dair spike is great, pillar technique is fantastic, and just the flashy aspect of the guy is great. Easily my favorite higher tier character

My only problem is doing Double SHL when recovering from the edge. Iā€™ve tried the down, up, and spam b way, but it messes me up more than anything. Iā€™d rather do down, x, and spam b since I actually get lazers off every time, but Iā€™m not getting two offā€¦any suggestions?

Pillarā€™s still good, just not against Marth or for extended repitions ā€“ you gotta mix it up with other shine techniques if you wanna keep them in their shield.

I would suggest doing Double Lazer from the ledge this way:

  1. Press down on the control stick to fast fall ā€“ but donā€™t drop very far.

  2. Press up on the control stick quickly to jump.

  3. Press B for lasers.

This method keeps your right hand free for the lasers. You may not be used to jumping with the stick, but if you can manage to get used to it for this technique, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll find it most efficient.
