The "Official" SSBM Thread

Sup guys. This is Nite from Smashboards. Just now joining SRK.

As for Marth vs Ganon. I’d say it’s close to even. If anyone has an advantage it would be Marth, but it’s nothing drastic. They can both do some nasty damage to each other, so it depends on the players and the stages. Marth’s fair combos. Also a Ken combo can be pulled off easily. Ganon’s predictable recovery can really hurt him though. He has to try to stay on the stage or Marth’s great edge guarding ability will destroy him. All Ganon needs is a grab, a couple bairs, and a uair ledge gaurd to ledge hog and there is Marth’s stock. It’s a good match up though.

As for using a stick instead of a GC controller. It could happen, but you don’t need one at all. The GC controller is very good, so it works well for competitive play. A stick would be kind of weird to me. L-cancelling might be a pain as well as wavedashing and stuff. They could make one work. I’m curious to how the button layout would work.

Okay, quick question on the Gannon vs Marth matchup. What stages give the advantage to Marth and which stages for Gannon. I heard that actually small stages are good for Gannon in this setup because he can kill marth quickly like FoD or Yoshi’s Island, and that big stages like FD and Dreamland help marth because once Gannon is off the ledge it is baically over for him.

Btw, a Gannon player got 4th at EVO South.

I think, wavedashing would be easier, b/c of the nature of a stick. BUT, I dunno how you’d wire an analog stick with a switch stick. I’m not electronically adept enough to know.

& I lose to marthe as peach in air2air >.<. once i’m off stage, its ggpo for me more than half the time

Speaking of Ganon, one of my friends played against Ken’s Ganon and almost got 4stocked. He was wiping the floor with Ganon at a tourney I went to last Saturday.

I didnt know that Ken went ganon at the triweekily… damn… I would of loved to see that. I could of learned a thing or two.

His Ganon is pretty scary from what I’ve seen.

Eh. Ken’s Ganon will beat you for sure, but it’s unimpressive IMO. Ken plays a fairly fundamental, but solid Ganon.


I heard good things about Ken’s ganon. My friend told me he beat Aniki’s samus using ganon…I’m not totally sure if he’s right, though.

Yo Giza, you eliminated my buddy Mark at the triweekly. He’s the white link user that you pulled that comeback on.

Boogaloo Mark? That comeback of mine was pretty cheap… Kirby is too tricky, I take it he doesnt fight them much. His Link was pretty good I was wondering how well I would of done with my Ganon afterwards. But that was a long long match. Anyway, hope to get some matches against you next time then.
Thank god for result brackets

I started to play this game at my dorm and it’s kinda fun. Problem is that I have trouble adapting to its type of gameplay. The only character I seem to be able to use is Peach, but I have a buncha questions and problems.

-D smash is what I hear the most. It’s that multi-kick thing right? Problem is that I’m not sure when to throw it out. Mario’s jumping A seems to beat it out all the time. When to throw it out? ASAP or right when they jump?

-I noticed a lot of times that people that I play against use mode of chain attacks. I heard you can do stuff like A,A, Smash, but Peach’s smashes are pretty slow and not much range. What kind of combos does she have?

-For offense, I pretty much stick with running A, d+A, and double jump to down, back smash as my attacks. Still not sure how to really spam the turnips as I can’t seem to get a lot of range with them. What’re some stuff to add to it?

-For defense, I think this is where I have a ton of problems. Other than the d. Smash thing, I have trouble in general to attack the guy after falling. Her air attacks are supposed to have lots of priority right?

-I can’t seem to get past random roll spammers. I try to counter with a ground d. Smash, but that thing doesn’t have as much range as others. What to do?

-What’re some good combos from her down throw and up throw? I pretty much only use up throw to jump A or up smash or down throw to short jump b. Smash.

-Does d.Smash spike like that thing I see with Falcon’s stomp?

-How to deal with projectile spamming like Samus missles or link’s arsenal?

-What is the best method of throwing? I’ve tried dashing to throw but I seem to get beaten out all the time, and I try to throw people after they roll, but they roll behind me before I get a chance to grab them.

-When I successfully smash the guy far out of the arena and they’re trying to get back, I’ve been doing what my friend told me: turn around, float, move towards them and b. Smash. It seems to work a lot, but what about when people are really below the arena and they use their u.B attack to hold onto the ledge?

-Is she a rush down character or a keep-away? The only things I can see that would be rushdown would be floating b. Smash, dashing A, and turnips, but she seems to effective at turtling with turnips and such as well?

-Should I be on the ground most of the time or should I abuse floating?

-Is there any practical use of f+B?

-Is there a faster way of throwing out d. A out of a dash?

-Is her wave dash even useful? She barely goes anywhere.

Thank you for anyone who can answer these questions. I really wanna have more fun with this game but me not having a gamecube like the others puts me at a disadvantage.

No, it’s down A, or down on the C-Stick, where she spins around on the ground. I think what you’re talking about is down air (or Dair). Mario’s neutral air (Nair) is pretty hard to beat with Peach. It depends very much on your positioning. If he’s right above you, up smash works. If he’s not, you can try your own Nair, but I can’t remember if it beats it clean. Shield grabbing works if they are sex kicking with it or mess up their L-cancel.

She isn’t all that great for combos. Generally, most of her combos are like 2 hits, like float cancel dair into nair. A, A, smash usually will not work at all. Being a good comboer with Peach is really all about experience and knowing her moves. More often than not, her combos are situationally dependent, so you just have to play her a lot to get a feel for them.

Learn to use turnips. They are a huge part of her game and for characters that outrange her (like Marth) are essential to beating them. With turnips, you need to learn how to follow up on them. You can do dash attacks as follow ups, but if they shield, you leave yourself open to being grabbed. You can mix things up by doing dash grabs if you think they’re going to shield or crouch canceled down smash.

Peach’s nair is probably your best friend for defense. It beats a ton of stuff. Use her down smash to get guys off you, and up smash if you can position it properly.

Her downsmash is quite good due to the duration. Alternately, use turnips to bait the roll, then punish them afterwards. You can also bait them by using float canceled aerials.

Unless you’re fighting someone you can chain throw (space animals), I’d generally stick to her down throw. It depends on percentages, characters, and DI. At low percentages, you can just down smash. At mid percentages, dash attacks can work, forward tilt can also work, or even a short hop nair.

I assume you’re talking about her dair, I think it does, but good luck getting it on a consistent basis.

Get on their ass and pressure them. Not great fights for peach, due to Samus’s reach and Link’s sword, but she can still go toe to toe with them.

All about mindgames. You have to get them into a position where they can be grabbed. Make them respect your turnips, downsmash and aerials and they start to turtle up a bit. This is when you can start really mixing things up with grabs.

Bair is great for edgeguarding, and will work for those below the ledge as long as you’re high enough to recover. Alternatively, just grab the edge yourself. It’s ridiculously easy with Peach, and you hold the advantage.

She’s not good at keep-away. She’s best as a zoning, rush down hybrid. As in, you have to know when to zone, and when to rush down. You can’t just rush down all the time, or zone all the time. This is also dependent on who you’re fighting as some characters, you will end up zoning much more than others (like Marth).

Floating is very good, but don’t abuse it. Mix up your game.

Wallbombing for recovery. Other than that, no.

If you’re talking about her down smash, hit down on the control stick, then down on the C-stick.

Sometimes, but not very. It can be good for spacing, and like all wave dashes, allows her to move backwards without turning around. I don’t use it much myself.

I hope this helps.

What’s a good way to use the turnips? Pull out then dash throw or pull out and jump throw then dash?

What’s so incredible about d. smash? It combos a lot if the guy’s crouching, but other than that, it seems like any other d. smash.

I remember something my friend said about jumping A then at the peak of the jump hold down and they’ll fast fall or something. This any good with short jumps?

Thanks for your info. I’m starting to see a buncha things that were confusing at first.

I know this has already been addressed, and probably explained better then in my post.

Multikick? D-smash is when she starts spinning and they can get stuck in it. Anyway, I usually don?t use the D-smash when they are in and air. Try wave-dashing backwards away from the characters range (pretty easy if their Mario), or try floating backwards away from there range. When they land there should be a bit of time to counteract them. Both floating and wave-dashing leave you with different options. If you floated away and didn?t fall, you can perform an aerial on them faster than a ground, and if you wavedashed its vise-versa. If you decided to go with an aerial, I like floating Down-aerial to an instant Neutral aerial but the Forward Aerial is good too. ?

Peaches slaps (A) are very impressive and actually have quite a bit of priority even though they look like little slaps. She can do one of two of them and follow it up with the down-smash pretty decently on most characters (I know it works on Ganondorf, Shiek, and probably other average-falling speed characters). Throwing a turnip and then quickly using a dash attack can be good but it takes awhile to get used to doing it right so you don?t get grabbed. Bair to dash attack works. She can chain throw fast followers upwards too. Hopefully this video will show you some.

By d+A you mean the ground slap? I like that follow up but it can get you shield grabbed in many, many situations. The turnips will help offensiveness greatly, since it gives you a way in. But float canceling aerials to dash attacks or a grab is very good too!

Her aerials have a lot of priority, namely the Nair. I would say but try to grab them if they miss and aerial unless they are obviously out of range, use their lag time to pull of a turnip if you are too far to connect a grab or down smash. I suppose you might have time to float cancel a Forward-aerial after they land, they should be able to shield it but if you do it right there shield stun will be longer than your lag so now you are on the offensive. ?

Down-smash does usually work, but try chasing them with a dash attack, or just use the time they are rolling to pull out a turnip and then throw it at them, then come in with an float canceled Forward Aerial.

Short jump b. smash, you mean the back-aeiral? Those upthrows are pretty solid, but you could mix in some neutral-aerials too. The downthrow can be chained to the downsmash on certain characters at mid-percentages (50%ish or more).

It can if you time it right when they try to recover, but usually it is wall techable.

Samus isn?t too hard, you can get slap those missiles away. Link?s arsenal is a lot harder to get passed, try spamming turnips yourself, slap the arrows and just look out for the bombs and boomerages? sorry I have trouble fighting Link?s myself.

I throw with the C-stick so its really quick. Don?t do it from dashing it has less range. If they roll behind you just downsmash o.O;; you might need to explain whats happening to me more.

Try down smashing near the edge if they are about to grab on to the edge. The back-aerial is a good move for edge guarding though, but you can also use a fair now and then to really ensure a kill. Throw some turnips out there before hand too.

It really depends on the character she is against, she can be a keep-away character, but I have seen Peach?s rush people down and it is scary. Peach is a very good keep away character with her turnips. She can float cancel aerials with the turnip in hand and throw it at them right when she lands too, which helps her lead into her offensive game. Her slaps to smashes are good for defense too.

You have to do both with her, watch the video from earlier in the post. Also find some matches on youtube with Mike G, Mikael, or Wife?s Peach. It should give you an idea of the balance.

Not really.

Not to my knowledge if you mean after a dash attack. But you can run-cancel into a Down A. When running press down, then tap down again and A. You will do a down+a straight from a run.

Its useful on platforms and to space yourself.

No problem. And not having a gamecube gives you a big disadvantage since the game is pretty technical and you need to practice the moves.

Good way to use radishes is to jump towards your opponent with one in hand, throw it then attack them right after. This allows for a few things, such as interrupting their counter attack with a radish then attacking them, trying to distract them with the radish etc etc… This is only one simple way of using them, they are a huge part of peach’s offense and defense.

Peach’s downsmash is very good because it lasts quite a while, small amount of startup time and has crazy priority. And since it hits right on ground level, it will often hit under people’s shields when their shield isn’t at full strength.

What you desrcibed as the fast falling and “short jumps” is the first bit of SHFFLing. Short-hop Fastfall L cancelling. This is extremely useful in smash because it allows your character to use aerial moves much quicker and with less lag. However, peach also has another technique like that called “float cancelling”. Which kind of works the same way, but is hard to describe. I recommend going to and looking in the peach character specific forums and reading the threads there.

Also if you want to see some videos of peach, here are some matches between myself (Dice) and my friend (Rimi) who is pretty much the top peach in canada.


Thanks for your help guys, I’ll definitely try to implement these things more next time I play.

Peach has the best D. Smash in the game. Period.

It executes quickly, it’s relatively safe, it does a retarded amount of damage – especially against fastfallers, people that mistakingly hold down during its execution (i.e. attempted side dodge), and anyone that gets caught when Peach is on a platform – lasts forever, eats away at shields (you have to light shield in order to block it. Otherwise it’s nearly unblockable.), beats side dodges…the list goes on.

Peach’s D. Smash is the epitome of broken. Use it liberally.


Gee golly thanks professor!

That’s been established already.

I’m hoping that dsmash of hers gets raped up the ass by the nerf stick in the next game. :\

its not like, that bad why do you keep complaining about it? its only bad if you CC a lot lol.

Its still pretty bad. @.@ I dont usually get caught in it, but I fear it cause of the way it eats shields and gives her some grab protection.