Million, where do you live, if you live around close to Wisconsin, maybe I could hit you up, and we could get some smashing going, so that your skills will improve, btw Sinykal, glad to see that your doing this to bring Smash into the light of other gamers;), if your wandering this is Hmoob Koob from smashboards, yes, I’m a Street Fighter boy;), anyways, I’ll help try to answer some questions as well;).
Edited: For your questions White Shadow, I’ll try to help answer them as well, as the best to my ability, for I would like to say that I am more than the average Smash player, anyways, to your questions.
I play Samus on occassion, and sorry if I’m not an expert on her (Link is my character of choice) but when I use her, I CC when I can, imo I say it’s the best CC in the game, because even at 0%, characters will fly into the air, allowing Samus to follow up with a running shoulder tackle, short sex kick, F. Smash, and if they fly high, use Samus’s Uair then, just a few sets of examples.
Also, vary your missiles, and charge shots, don’t just blindly spam them, but use them to your advantage, lure them to you, change between her homing missiles to her super missiles, Samus has a very powerful and high priority sex kick so if they jump over it, to take you in the air, lay them down with a sex kick, or else if you have a super shot fully charged, jump in the air and lay it to them.
Although this is rarely done, because Samus can spawm her missiles, but if an opponent is knocked off the stage and trying to get back on, with Samus’s bombing ability, she can jump off the stage and get in a sex kick or back kick, whenever I jump off the stage with Samus, I usually jump off backwards, looking away from the opponent, and use my Back kick or her spike to kill my opponent, why do I do this? Well, because that way I can hook shot back on stage, not all stages will allow you to do this, nor will all the stages will you be able to jump off, but a few will give you that opportunity, especially Final Destination.
Just a few basic things about Samus, there’s much more, but again, I’m not an advent Samus player, hope that helps alittle. Also, Shiek may seem very easy to win with, but at higher lvls, you have to really be good with her to win as well, believe me, it’s easily to F tilt and aerial Fair intermediate players, but against higher players, easier said then done.
Falco, it’s about the short hop laser spamming<—I hate this btw, and getting in your spikes with the reflector. A simple, yet difficult combo to do for Falco is when your close to the opponent, reflector, jump, reflector, double jump sex kick, if you did it right, with the first reflector, the opponent should fly into the air, then jump with them, reflector again, and they should fly higher, double jump and sex kick;)
Hope some of these help, again, I’m not the best with the characters your asking, as I’m more of the swordsman player, Link, Marth, and Roy are my guys;)