The "Official" SSBM Thread

Okay, I recently got into playing this game again…but of course, I still have no competition…so this is coming from the ultimate casual player here…

Did I hear right that items are now completely banned from tourney play? It was some days ago so my memory isn’t all the fresh on the topic…but I think it was mentioned in that thread here about “SSB:Melee -Fighting Game or Not?” If so, why? I thought they just turned off the truly “cheap” stuff like Hearts, the Homerun bat, starman, and possibly those mega-tomatoes. Everything else seems fair to me…I will never be a tournament player, but I’m just curious here. Eh, I guess there’s also the annoying explosive crate/barrels/capsules situation…and the bobombs that spawn from nowhere.

heh, I’ve had the game since it first came out…and I only have a total of 924 Vs. matches! ONE of those matches was against human players…yes, one match. This is after the past two days of playing too…before I started up again…it was at 901 matches or so. I think the KO total is only like15,000something.

*it still hurts my very soul that Mewtwo sucks so much. :sad: It’s almost as if some of the developers had a deep-seated hatred for the character, and decided to make him as stupid and sissified as possible.

Items were basically removed for one reason: the explosive capsule.

Items fall in predetermined places, but randomly into those places (aka there are dozens of spots where they can spawn on a given map, and spawn randomly at one of those). Most never really bothered to learn the specific spots, not like that’s easy or anything. One of the problems is that, due to this randomness, they can really screw someone over. Not like “they get a beamsword” screw-over, but more of a “hey I was attacking and that capsule blew up in my face” screw over. This has the potential to cause huge upsets in matches, which is why items have been removed. No matter what items you have, you always have capsules, and capsules always have an 1/8 chance of exploding in your face. That’s the main reason for banning items entirely. There were some other reasons, but that’s the primary one.

As for the fox-samus thing, I didn’t realize he couldn’t take down the reflector right after a shot… hadn’t tested that and I’m not a fox player myself. Either way though, fox’s speed is enough to get him around missiles.

Funny thing is that my friend is just as good as me but his Fox still gets hits with missiles many times a match. I’m telling you if a Samus player knows how to alternate missiles wisely it’s no problem. How is Fox going to dodge 2-3 varying projectiles constantly even with his agility?

BTW, after spending 99.99% of my SSBM competitive play with Samus, I want to learn a new character… Dr.Mario. I saw Capt. Jack using him and I was VERY impressed, the problem is that I seem so used to Samus’ excellent priority, projectile-based moves, and awesome recovery skills I have a problem playing him. Any strats, basic gameplan. I know you’re supposed to spam the heck out of the pills a shffl the AFA but I still can’t seem to own. And his recovery even with the cape and Dr.Tornado is a big turnoff. It amazes me how Jack can make him seem like his recovery is excellent but the I try it and… :sad:

Also I rarely throw or roll because that is how Samus is played and I got too used to that style but I guess I’ll learn to use those often again, any tips? Thanx in advance.:smile:

The reason why CJ makes it look like Doc has good recovery is because his DI is good. DI means that you influence where a move sends you by holding a certain direction. For instance, if you’re hit up and right and are pressing up and left at the moment you’re hit you’ll go up much more then you’ll go right, which results in even Doc being able to survive from most things. Appart from that there’s not much to Doc’s recovery, it’s one of the worst in the game.

That’s the thing I hate about lower tier characters doing well in majors. They start getting all “poplular”.


Aww well. There’s always Mario.

(Damn, I’m on a posting spree)

Thanks Mr.Silver I DI with Dr.Mario ALWAYS but not even DI can save him from a Sheik AFA. :sad:

SynikaL I’ve been using Samus since day 1, Wes just mademe wanna play Samus on a whole new level. I barely play with any of the top tiers apart from Marth and that’s basically because I liked him in Fire Emblem the anime. :razzy: Fox is boring to me and Sheik is OK but seems too easy to win with. I play Sheik occasionallu but when I win I feel dirty because I barely try. :badboy:

I play Falco also but nothing to run home about, it’s Samus that I’m really good with… relatively speaking ofcourse. :rofl:

The reason I want to play Doc is because Captain Jack showed off some very impressive juggles that make me reminisce about good ol’ SSB64 where combos made the game more fun than SSBM. IM:bgrin:

Million, where do you live, if you live around close to Wisconsin, maybe I could hit you up, and we could get some smashing going, so that your skills will improve, btw Sinykal, glad to see that your doing this to bring Smash into the light of other gamers;), if your wandering this is Hmoob Koob from smashboards, yes, I’m a Street Fighter boy;), anyways, I’ll help try to answer some questions as well;).

Edited: For your questions White Shadow, I’ll try to help answer them as well, as the best to my ability, for I would like to say that I am more than the average Smash player, anyways, to your questions.

I play Samus on occassion, and sorry if I’m not an expert on her (Link is my character of choice) but when I use her, I CC when I can, imo I say it’s the best CC in the game, because even at 0%, characters will fly into the air, allowing Samus to follow up with a running shoulder tackle, short sex kick, F. Smash, and if they fly high, use Samus’s Uair then, just a few sets of examples.

Also, vary your missiles, and charge shots, don’t just blindly spam them, but use them to your advantage, lure them to you, change between her homing missiles to her super missiles, Samus has a very powerful and high priority sex kick so if they jump over it, to take you in the air, lay them down with a sex kick, or else if you have a super shot fully charged, jump in the air and lay it to them.

Although this is rarely done, because Samus can spawm her missiles, but if an opponent is knocked off the stage and trying to get back on, with Samus’s bombing ability, she can jump off the stage and get in a sex kick or back kick, whenever I jump off the stage with Samus, I usually jump off backwards, looking away from the opponent, and use my Back kick or her spike to kill my opponent, why do I do this? Well, because that way I can hook shot back on stage, not all stages will allow you to do this, nor will all the stages will you be able to jump off, but a few will give you that opportunity, especially Final Destination.

Just a few basic things about Samus, there’s much more, but again, I’m not an advent Samus player, hope that helps alittle. Also, Shiek may seem very easy to win with, but at higher lvls, you have to really be good with her to win as well, believe me, it’s easily to F tilt and aerial Fair intermediate players, but against higher players, easier said then done.

Falco, it’s about the short hop laser spamming<—I hate this btw, and getting in your spikes with the reflector. A simple, yet difficult combo to do for Falco is when your close to the opponent, reflector, jump, reflector, double jump sex kick, if you did it right, with the first reflector, the opponent should fly into the air, then jump with them, reflector again, and they should fly higher, double jump and sex kick;)

Hope some of these help, again, I’m not the best with the characters your asking, as I’m more of the swordsman player, Link, Marth, and Roy are my guys;)

hi… Ive just started getting into this game properly and was wondering what missile cancelling with samus is and how to do it?

Also, have they taken samuses extended grapple on the PAL version?

short hop, Foward tilt/smash B, then fast fall. The missile will be launched as soon as she lands and you can either wavedash run shoot another missile/big blast w/e.

True Sephiroth, thanks for your help, much appreciated.:karate: In all honesty I do most of the stuff you posted though.:sweat:

Most fast characters can fight in this game just because of jumping A. Rush in and Jumping A, L cancel, roll, repeat.

I played the 64 one a LOT, but I played Melee as well during the first year it was out. I understand the game engine almost fully… but I’m wondering why Roy isn’t rated up there with marth? Is it because his A moves are slower? I always thought Roy had a harder hit to him, but after watching some of the japanese guys go at it Marth vs Marth on that page that was posted, I See why marth is rated as high as he is. I was impressed that they could L cancel that well, but still nothing that I haven’t seen before, or couldn’t imagine them doing.

ps.Who counters Fox?

Actually, they can both do the exact same amount of damage. The thing that makes Marth better besides the obvious speed advantage is that Roy’s maximum damage is dealt at the middle of his sword while Marth’s is hit at the tip of his sword. Also, Sheik and Fox kinda counter each other.

I guess you could say that no one actually counters Fox, what with his crazy rushdown and everything. But he’s also the most technical character in the game. Shiek is practically a fluke that wasn’t supposed to be able to finish as easily, prehaps they didn’t think about the whole D smash and fair thing. Not to mentio down throw. Yeah, Shiek’s good, but so are Marth and Fox. I’m a Peach user myself, She can do the Float Cancel :stuck_out_tongue:

Marth is the closest thing to a Fox “counter” as it comes.

Fox and Falco pretty much rape each other.

Please elaborate…


I like playing as Roy over Marth. First thing you have to even know when playing seriously with him is what Marth has “over him”. It’s more than just his slower A moves, most of them are the same speed as Marth’s coming out they just have worse recovery time on them.

  • speed. Roy is very slow compared to Marth. Both his initial dash and run is better than Roy’s, most of the cast in the game for that matter besides the speed folks (Fox/Falcon).

  • grab/throws. Marth has better grab range. Last I checked, besides Kirby, Marth had the best grab range in the games minus characters who use projectiles (Links/Samus) or tongues (Yoshi).
    Roy isn’t that bad though, he is right behind Marth.

Roy’s throws are stronger but this works against him as he can’t chain grab or followed up techs to grab again that easy (or at all) compared to Marth and you’re limited to what options you have to follow up after the throws cause he throws the opponent too far away. All of Marth’s throws leads into the tip of his sword one way or another. Roy’s only good throw over Marth’s is his Up throw, which can kill at lower %s quicker but Marth’s can lead into combos so that balances that out.

  • power. Someone sat down and did a test of all Roy/Marth attacks and the results were Marth did more damage overall in his attacks compared to Roy.

But more importantly in this game, it’s the knockback difference of these two. Hitting with the weak part of Marth’s sword gives off about the same effect as hitting with the sweetspot of some of Roy’s attacks while on the other hand hitting with the weak part of Roy’s sword gives you little to no knockback at all. There are a few attacks of Roy’s that are lenient like his fTilt and dSmash.

Hitting with the sweetspot of Marth’s fSmash has insane knockback. A tipped fTilt, uTilt knocks back pretty far as well.

  • weight. Roy seems heavier than Marth or he falls faster, one or the other so that makes his recovery worse when knocked off.

Probably more stuff but that’s the important stuff so yeah, Marth is much higher than Roy for a reason

It’s very similar to a Fox/Falco match how they rape each other. On the surface the match is kind of in Fox’s favor, or so you’d think. The fact that Sheik is so good balances it out. It’s kind of like Cable vs. Sentinel. You’d assume that Cable would just have this, but Sentinel is so versatile that the ownage goes either way anymore. Sheik is the best character for a reason. Regardless what opponent she faces, she always has some strategy against that character that ends in chain throw. But honestly, I’ve thought for a while that Sheik, Marth, and Fox should just be equal in the tiers. When they fight each other, it seems to come down to skill.

smash brothers is a kiddy game move on, nothing to see here :confused:

What marth has over roy that no one seems to mention is bad character matchups.

Marth has less “bad characters match up” and the bad character match ups for marth are incomparable to roys.

The three characters that i can think of that beats roy semi-way more than any characters can beat marth are…

Shiek (Advanced Shiek (Highly experience and no noobs) who understands the game and shiek rapes roy), Ice climber (Neo’s idea, but I trust him since his roy is the best in the U.S.), Samus.

I love SSBM, it’s tied with GGXX as favorite fighting game.

But either way, I usually use Dr. Mario as my main character, and also Jigglypuff and Marth.

Any tips for Marth? I’m not so hot with him…


I’m not trying to be a dick here…but that post didn’t tell me a damn thing about how “Shiek and Fox counter each other”.

I’d like to know exactly why you ‘feel’ the way you do about this matchup. That was just an over-generalized blanket contention.

Can Shiek chain-grab Fox? Is Shiek easy to shine spike? I need some specifics. I’m not saying you’re right/wrong, just curious as to why you feel this way.

Again, sorry if that comes off as a bit ‘prickish’.


SSBM is freakin awesome…

Too bad its looked upon as a kiddy game.

My best characters are Kirby and Capt Falcon. Kirby’s throws freakin pwn especially playing a suicide Kirby :devil: . Its almost impossible to pull of in real play, but it can be done. Kirby is freakin fast with his wavedash, and l-canceled <A and down-A attacks can do some damage. He’s too light though…

I want to be the best Kirby player, at least in Texas. Too bad I hardly get to play against anyone. I’m a little rusty though since I’ve been on punishment for 12 weeks. All of my skillz are gone. They’ll come back though.