The "Official" SSBM Thread

Now what we need are some smashers to branch out and take up high-level play of other fighters, like KDJ did with MB…

GJ on fixing those erros, their has been tons of flame wars on this topic, but we’ll just leave it at that. I’m seeing a lot of people who just joined recently, guessing you guys are on Smashboards also?? So KoreanDJ plays Melty Blood??

By anychance, does anyone know if Rainbow Cruise is banned?? I heard recently some people said it was banned because you can fall through the platform and it screws fox up pretty bad.

Yeah, I see a lot of SWF names in the last few posts.

Banned levels are pretty much decided by the tournament you are attending, but Rainbow Cruise isn’t one of the Big Bans. It is not, for example, banned in MLG rules (though I’m waiting for them to put up 2007 rules).

I’m liking this site with the wealth of tournament-level articles I found written by Seth Killian.

You’ll have your random stages, counter pick stages, and banned stages. For the most part, Rainbow Cruise, if not banned, will be a counter pick stage.

smash smash smash smash smash…
smash in evo smash in evo smash in evo smash in evo…
happy happy happy happy happy happy

Wow. SSBM at evo. Interesting indeed. I never thought of SSBM to be of high level play. I guess I was wrong. Welcome to the community and I’m looking forward to seeing you guys in action.

Yeah, Smash is definitely up there in high level play. We hope to be able to show that in EVO.

Does he still play MB? Somehow I don’t think so as he doesn’t really post on the boards that have MB discussions nor have I seen any footage of him since that one event back around September/October. If he still does play MB, he’s definitely not high level.

And I already said on the previous page that SSBM was on the evo roster. People obviously don’t read. :rolleyes:

yeah pretty much. dont worry about it though. id say all the games are equal in high level play except for 3S. Theres is no room for mistakes against a good player at all. play it and see why.

this is agood oppurtunity to see each community in there environment.


He was still very interested in MB when I brought it up during the MLG Championships in November, so I would assume he still plays. I don’t know how competitive that tournament he won was, but hey, it’s still a start.

That “tourney” he won was only like, 4-5 people (him included). All of who were new to the game. :\ Hardly anything, but yeah, gotta start somewhere.

Question on Peach. I love abusing Floating down smash. Does that move cause enough block stun so that I can land and safely do a down smash to counter any punishment attempt? I’ve been getting away with it so I’m guessing it’s either unpunishable before the down smash. But I’m also not sure because of the level of the players I currently play.

Sup all, this is Nurok from Smashboards.
I also live in MD/VA region and i do believe i have been to one of Renegades C3 tournies(i think) if im correct, they were very well organized and stuff.
Im also the only jew in Team Arlington, the East coasts premier 50+ crew, containing some of the worlds best players in smash
hopefully i can make it to the CT one,
thank you EVO for putting smash on the list.

If they don’t shield all the hits of the dsmash, you become susceptible to the opponent’s wave dashing out of shield and punish. Most basic example is Marth’s wave dash from shield into throw. Samus can probably wave dash out of shield and dsmash you too.

Crap, I forgot you can cancel your shield from a jump. Anyways, it makes a little more sense now, but I just could’nt put my finger on why I would be safe from doing a float d+smash into ground d+smash.

The people you were playing probably know (or don’t know) about jumping out of shield but they probably haven’t mastered wave dashing out of it. I know I haven’t because I haven’t commit that to muscle memory but I can wave dash just fine in all other situations. Hence why I sometimes let people get away with stupid shit that they should never get away with. sigh

Its really not that hard, even for muscle memory.

I do almost everything with the L button L-cancel wavedashing air doding and stuff

but I generally shield with the R. see what I’m gettting at?

shield with the R and just wavedash with L, or vice versa depending on how you do things. it might feel akward at first.

BTW, you can’t smash attack in the air in SSBM. Those are “aerials”. So a downward attack while floating/jumping is a “Down-air” (you’ll see it abbreviated as D-air). There are also, Forward-air (F-air), Backward-air (B-air), Up-air (U-air), and Neutral-air (N-air).

Implementing aerial smashes in SSB Brawl might be interesting though.

I’d also kinda like for them to add clashes on air vs ground hits and air to air hits in some shape or form in Brawl. In SSBM, since clashes only occurred when both characters were on the ground, the person on the ground would normally beat out the airborne opponent’s attack in air vs ground situations.