The "Official" SSBM Thread

In case you haven’t yet heard…

SSBB info is out.


OMG…:sad: :wasted: :lovin: :looney: :tup: :pray: :party: :china:

that is all…

Hey, will ill be able to use the d-pad to move the fighters on the ps2 controller? or is that considered the taunt button for the mapping of the controller?

I’ve never used it myself, couldn’t tell you for sure. They’d probably just set it up so that the left analog is the movement analog and the d-pad is for taunts, but they may include a way to switch between the two, I don’t know.

Who’s going to MLG Anaheim this month? I’m thinking about going but I’m not sure yet.

I started to get into Smash brothers here a few months ago, who in here is on by any chance?

Raises hand


Hey Syn. When is the next MLG coming to Texas huh?

AFAIK, MLG hasn’t released an offical 07 schedule yet. Should only be a matter of time though. Keep checking


I’m on smashboards but I haven’t been there in a while. :\

I’m on smashboards as well. I’m there as J Flo. That place has been stale lately though, except for the videos section. The brawl section is all “this character should be in brawl” threads.

Holy shit, an SSBM thread, I never noticed this.
Gotta show some SSBM love.

I’m Zenith on Smashboards, spamming 4life.

Glad to see I revises this thread, :tup: what characters do you guys use on Melee. I use Marth and Peach, but I just got in the competive scene not to long ago, so I switch to them instead. Yum_Cha on

Anyone know what stages are good against Shiek as Marth?? I pretty sure picking a small stage is usually good for Marth, but what about when I’m up against Shiek. I don’t think Yoshi’s Island or FoD is a good place to play against Shiek IMO. Any suggestions?

FD and Yoshi’s Story help Marth in this matchup, but it’s still a very hard matchup for Marth. FD allows marth to tilt combo her (uo throw to up tilt is your bread and butter) and YS allows for quick tipper kills off the sides. You might wanna learn how to play Fox or Falco if you wanna fight Sheiks, lol.


My main is samus. From there I use luigi and falco.

My mains are Marth, Fox, Falco, & Link
Chars I play for fun are G&W, YLink, Peach, Sheik, Doc

Well, how does Peach compare to Shiek 1v1? Would you say the outcome out of 10 games would be between Peach and Shiek (like 5/5) and how about the outcome for Marth vs Sheik?

I’m too lazy to learn Fox and Falco, plus I not a big fan of them.

I didn’t mention Peach because its just as bad a matchup for her as it is for Marth (Peach might do just a LITTLE better). I’d say Peach vs Sheik is about 7:10 ratio for Sheik. Sheik’s down throw setups and tilt combos suck for floaty Peach, as well as the downward arc sending slap (Foward Aerial).

Marth vs Shiek I’d say is about 6:10, Sheik. But honestly, this matchup DOES have a tendancy to get closer if both players know the matchup very well, There are a lot of intricacies to exploit on both sides of this matchup. Back when I actually used to be decent at this game, I used to enjoy fighting Sheik with Marth. Fun matchup because its a fun challenge.


Peach Shiek sucks.

If Shiek gets a dthrow on Peach at about 100%, Peach is very likely to die. ftilt keeps Peach out, but turnip spamming is less helpful than usual. DI is tricky, if Peach gets ftilted, DIing out of the fair typically means eating uair, which can be worse.

Peach’s advantage in this matchup is that Shiek can’t chaingrab, can’t get off more than 2 consecutive hits most of the time, and the fact that Peach’s recovery is so good.
I’d give it a 6 - 4 matchup in favor of Shiek.

Good input on the Peach vs Shiek factor, and I would have to agree using Marth is better then using Peach against a Shiek player :tup:. Starting to realize that beating Shiek isn’t impossible to beat.

Recently I’ve had problems with Marth vs Marth, even against the simplest Marth players who just roll all day and play defensive waiting at the other side of the stage. I can’t seem to advance well against Marths who just spam F-Smash. When I think I’m out of range, or dashdance out or in of range, he gets a lucky tipper because he just spams it and sits there. Input please?