The "Official" SSBM Thread

her down smash is awesome vs them. Just try not to fly too much. Her down attack in the air blows especially compared to fox n falcos up move. Dont get spiked by falco X_X

Do you know how to float cancel and stuff like that?

CC into d-smash usually gets them off you (even to an extent against good players, you just can’t spam it like crazy). You have to learn when you can go for shieldgrabs vs fox. If he does an early attack from a short hop, you can usually go for the grab cause there’ll be less shield stun, etc.

Basically once fox/falco gets to like 25-30%, u can chain u-throw until like 70% or something extremely retarded like that, then u simply do u-throw into n-air, edgeguard w/ n-air and b-air. Stuff like that… and turnip spam a lot, that’s annoying as hell >_>

Learn to short hop and L-cancel her aerials, she can get them off incredibly quickly with her Nair and Bair. Mix that up with her Down smash, and now you can effectively get them off you. Once you get float cancelling mixed in, Peach becomes very hard to approach for the space animals. You have to be careful of them coming right on top of you from the air (especially their shine), since Peach doesn’t have effective tools for opponents directly above her (unless they telegraph, then U-smash), but you can either roll, spot dodge, or shield grab most of the time. You have to be a bit more careful with the turnips against them than other characters because of their shine (getting the death turnip shined back in your face sucks), but turnips are still very effective.

Arc_man: I don’t think Peach can chain grab the space animals until they hit around 60% or so, at which point she can definitely chain them until about 100%.

Up throw --> standing nuetral A --> Grab --> repeat. Should start working around 20%.

It’s more of a pseudo chain grab, but it works and can be hard to escape if the opponent is inexperienced against it.


Yay, Samus is 2nd tier
Time to buy the GC

Ouch, no wonder I couldn’t find this thread anymore… down with the Gamists!

But anywho, MLG New York for the 2006 season is coming up in just a few days… I’ll be there, so I’ll give a report back here sooner or later once I get back.

Omnigamer, I think I saw you. . .mayhap you were the person in the red shirt with the name “Omnigamer” printed in white, bold letters alongside Pyrogamer? You had an interesting Kirby, btw.

In any case, I just came back from 5 hours of MLG Smash, and it seemed that everything was going fine. Lots and lots of big name smashers were there, not the least of which were P.C. Chris, NEO, Chillin, and lots of folk from DA (Wes, Dire, Dave etc.). Basically, there was decent turnout, and practically everyone there was extremely skilled; very high tourney level folk–with the exception of myself and some random 12 year olds running around that were getting 4-stocked.

One thing I found a bit irritating was that there were so few TVs devoted to Smash in general. The majority of TVs there were devoted to Halo 2, which were about 35+ or so. In contrast, there were only about 12 TVs devoted to Smash. . .not too sure why Smash was getting the shaft at MLG, but it did.

The amateur teams and singles were held today, but I didn’t stay long enough to find out how they went, unfortunately. The top-level players will be facing off tomorrow; Omnigamer can fill you in on that, as I’ll be absent from MLG day 2.

Some things to help get people like Fox and Shiek off of Peach are (outside of shield grabs):

like said the Crouch cancelled downsmash will usually be great

Peach recovers in the air very fast, so if they aren’t going to hit you very far, you can go straight into a float and throw out a float cancelled nair or bair.

I know it’s stupid, but up B out of shield is helpful every now and then.

I’m one of those casual players… in other words I only pick Marth cuz he’s blue and has a sword and turn every item on with VERY HIGH frequency… it’s better this way when you’re fucking Smashed.

Anyway I have a question. I hate the L and R triggers on the gamecube… it just seems that there’s so much from top of the press to actual click on the button. In high level play do people hold down the L or R button right before it clicks or everytime they use it they press the enter length of the press. Uh I can elaborate kinda if you don’t know what I’m talking about.


If you’re using the L/R trigger for general shielding, as I’m assuming that you are, then it depends on if you want to light-shield or hard-shield. Light-shielding (by pressing L/R lightly) allows you to maintain the shield for a longer period of time, but you’ll also be pushed back a lot farther if you’re hit, making it nigh impossible to counter with a shield grab.

Alternatively, hard-shielding (pressing the trigger all the way down) uses your shield a lot faster, which may make you vulnerable to hits since your body will be exposed a lot faster. However, you won’t slide back from hits, meaning that you’ll be able to counter a shielded hit with a shield-grab.

High-level players will vary their use of Light and Hard shielding depending on the situation. . .for example, if you want to shield-grab, they’ll go for a hard shield and thus press L/R all the way down. If they’re expecting multi-hitting, shield-eating attacks (like Peach’s d-smash) then you really, really want to light-shield. Especially if it’s Peach.

Basically, you’ll want to lightly press L/R or push it all the way down depending on the situation. If you’re using the L/R trigger to shield, that is. If you’re using the L/R trigger for other things, then you’ll have to press it all the way down–like wavedashing, teching, or airdodging.

Haha, yeah maelstrom, that was me in the Red “Kool Aid” shirt with my sn on the back. You shoud have said something, it’s always nice to meet new people.

But yeah, we were moved into the Pro Teams bracket because of our Teams performance last year, and not enough of the pro teams came. I had a bunch of bad luck at the tournament, including but not limited to forgetting my hard-to-find 3rd party controller, losing my voice from some throat virus, having one of the hardest round robin pools, and pink eye. Regardless, it was still a lot of fun to meet up with everybody again, and it was especially good for Pyro, who got 9th overall and acheived Pro status. There were 125 entrants total for Singles.

And yeah, I do have a gripe against there only being 12 TVs for smash as opposed to the 100 or so for Halo, but as M3D put it, “Considering we have 125 people registered in Smash Singles, and over 800 registered for Halo, I’m happy with whatever we can get”.

hey maelstrom…I’m just curious as to know, where are you from?

I’m in Ontario, Canada and I post on the Smashboards as “Maelstrom” and when i either post or go to tourneys people (whom I guess haven’t seen you) mistake me for you. :rofl:

Ah, you’re the “Maelstrom” from smashboards. I remember seeing someone with that s/n, and I thought “Damn! So much for my original s/n!” :wgrin:

I’m in NYC. I keep a pretty low profile, mostly because I’m a pretty n00by smash player, and because I’m too lazy to travel to out-of-state tourneys.

LOL I thought the exact same way…every name I ever think of (no matter how unique to me it is) is being used by someone…

I’m pretty nooby myself…but I’m getting better really quick (in my opinion) Isn’t there some big tourney thats supposed to happen in NYC? Because here in Ontario we had this big tourney(that went flop, due to stupid reasons) to determain a top 10 (or so) for Canada to go to NYC…

I’m lucky enough that there’s only one or two other people that have thought to use my sn across the net, and they generally stick to different sites than myself, so my sn is always original :smiley:

Hey is it possible to use a ps2 converter for the gc to play smash bros. Or will smash bros not read the ps2 controller.

You can use a ps2 converter, but I don’t see why you’d want to. Many of the tactics and techniques will become much harder with the button spacing.

is it illegal in tourneys? and if it is…is breaking my gc controller in illegal for tourneys? example screwing the screws out to make it easier to do techniques.

ps2 controllers aren’t illegal (although I don’t think anyone has ever used them before in a tournament) but messing with the controller to make techniques easier is illegal and you’ll immediately be disqualified if someone catches you.

I heard Steve (aka InfernoOmni) used a ps2 controller at one of the past MLGs. At the same tourney, I also heard that somebody was using one of the giant keyboard controllers you can buy for PSO.

But yes, modifying a controller in any way other than cosmetically warrents a ban in tournaments.