that’s not isai. it is smashbro.
There are a number of inaccuracies (as well as things I would argue against, but I can’t prove they’re wrong) but it’s nice to hear SBP say something.
^Please do tell. I’m very interested in hearing new details…
(that thread dies prematurely : / )
agrees with scamp
Yeah, after watching it a few more times it’s easy to see that it was emulated -_-
I assumed it was Isai though because he originally gave me the link. Meh. Regardless, it’s a fun watch.
Interesting read Syn, but I still don’t like the article because it didn’t cover more on the glorious Golden SSB64 age.:razz:
I agree…Ever since I saw Shined Blind (for the first time…just discovering other smashers that were at a higher level) I wanted to know the history…sounds kinda nerdy…but it proved to be interesting…We should keep track for the next Smash Bros. Assuming it’ll have a good turn-out
And thanks for the link Omni…
EDIT: I think someone out there with enough knowledge to not make too many “mistakes” should make a video of some sort…like with clips from old tourneys to the latest ones…showing the transistion from old to new…just a thought…
Is that article tellling who tha most popular characters r or who tha top tiers r?!!
I don’t play SSBM because I don’t have a gamecube but sounds so interesting, I’ve been looking throught the thread o find a lot of broken links to match vids, anyone have some ? Thanks
Or you could set up the DC++ hub (IMO, the better option).
thread officially moved
Where is it moved to?
Wow where it got moved to is definate BURNNNN!!!
For those in the OHIO area. There’s a SSBM tournament in Columbus OH at the Ohio Union (on OSU campus) on Jan 28th. There’s gonna be free play and I think its’ $10 a person for the actual tournament. There will be other games there too. Email or AIM for more info.
I figured I’d just say that Ken actually has very good social skills, and many people like to spread rumors about him and say he’s a jerk, or a loser, or doesn’t talk to anyone.
He just doesn’t like talking about Smash. He’s a great person to hang out with regardless.
Why would they call him a loser??
In Need of Bowser vids and Strats.
Man how the hell is Peach supposed to handle Shiek or Fox? Seriously they just run the hell over me at light speed and I can’t do a damn thing in retaliation.
Peach has nice combos vs. them. Chain throws on Fox for sure.
Forget the combos man, I just can’t get them off of me. Shiek I can somewhat play against (barely) but Fox / Falco is just instant death. Seriously, the other guy doesn’t even bother holding back man. Extremely frustrating / upsetting for someone new to the scene.
Someone help me it out.