It means that her arm can’t recieve damage like Marth’s sword.
I know what you mean, but I usually see more strategies, although you are right about mostly two on one. I’m talking more about two people playing pass at certian points when they are fighting against their own guy. It opens up a LOT more options.
Ohio is the best :tup: . except for Dayton.
A good thing then. :bgrin:
Thanks for the Info.
Actually, Peach’s entire arm, head, and part of her shoulders are invincible. The invincibility outranges any of the downward hitboxes of any aerial for any character, essentially making it one of (if not the) best anti-aerial moves in the game. Also, it puts out two small disjointed hitboxes on either side of her, which will parry most ground attacks, and will set up for other attacks if they connect. For mind games etc., the hitboxes come out 2 frames (IIRC) after the stopping point when charging the smash, so when they approach while you’re charging, you’ll still have the advantage as long as you have a good reaction speed.
So yeah, it’s one of the best moves in the game property-wise.
I hate Peach -_-
Peach’s upsmash is great except for the fact that it starts out slow. No way you’re going to catch anyone attacking you on reaction unless they jump really high or something. If they’re doing short hops then you’re pretty much going to have to predict and pray.
So, all in all, it’s actually a pretty fair move.
It’s also useful for fake juggles, as in juggles that would normally get retaliation (but still can’t be jumped out from) if attempted but because of her “broken” arm she can finish the juggle with them.
Fortunately I have yet to face a good Peach because I hate them to no end. Samus is the only character I’d use against her.:tup:
Falcons, f+throw chained 3 times, the knee, spike their ass.
Foward Smash is a much more viable anti-air option IMO. Not only is it disjointed, but when spaced properly the move lunges Peach backwards, effectively bringing her out of harms way to deal punishment in return.
(this new forum style is whack)
Yeah the new Forum style does suck, Everything looks like it has been copy and pasted. :mad:
Anyway does it matter which Forward smash she uses. By that I mean will it make a difference wheter the tennis racket, Golf Club, or Frying Pan come out?
And which of the two smashes would you reccomend against a Link who does Down Air Sword Spike move?
I am really learning a lot here thanks guys. :tup:
Nah, the only property that changes is the send off trajectory between instruments.
Try WDing backwards to F. Smash, or Up Smash could work – I’m going squarely on what Omni posted – I don’t play Peach so, yeah.
The range changes with the different implements. Golf Club has the longest range, and sends off at about an even 45 degree angle. Tennis racket has the second longest, and has a fairly good straight trajectory, sometimes it can even get a pseudo-spike off. Frying pan has the shortest range, but the most power, and the trajectory is straight up.
Link’s dair fails against Peach’s usmash. Usmash also comes out a lot quicker than fsmash and has more power. It’s just a matter of timing.
After a long while of procrastinating and being otherwise lazy, I have pooled my efforts into this video. It’s a Kirby combo video, and by saying that I mean that the video is about Kirby, not myself. I did not make this video to show off what I can do, but rather what Kirby is capable of. That said, enjoy.
KIRBY CHEAT?? </gamefaqs>
Downloading now, hope it’s good. :tup:
Anybody? >_>
I liked the vid alot, good choice of music. Makes me wanna pick up kirby
yeah, I was unfortunate enough to play against lambchops at the first zero ping tourney in a casual match, hes a total beast :badboy:
Omnigamer…I saw that The Kirby Cheat and it was pretty sick…I never thought Kirby was able to do such things…I also saw RagnARok and that was THE CRAZIEST shit I’ve ever seen…I was lost…:wow: :tup: :wow:
All you need now is Perfect Control to complete the set… I’m not quite sure where it’s still online though, good luck with that ^_^;
Almost to 1000 downloads… fun stuff.
Alright then I have the complete set:devil: :badboy:
I’m sure its been posted before but check out the smashboards hub @
Alot of good smash vids. A few SRKers (such as Omnigamer) have vids on other fighting games (GGXX, MvC2, and SNK games) and i’m hosting some of my 3s and random vids.
Also, check out the goforbroke hub -