The "Official" SSBM Thread

He Syn, do you care if I post this on GS to show people that this game really does have depth? Some kids just don’t get it and others don’t want to believe it even after I tell them what the game has.

Of course not, why should I? They’re yours as much as they are mine.

(GS = Gamespot?)

Yes, Crapspot. And I actually I forgot the reason why I asked anyway. LOL!

BS was certainly an interesting player… but it seemed like there was something missing in his style. I can’t quite put my finger on it now, but perhaps soon it’ll come to mind.

Actually it’s 2 things: Patience and foresight . He playing style is very reactionary; but he’ll learn. :tup:

A lot of the top-end smash is reactionary, there isn’t much way to perfectly predict what your opponent will do every time. Patience on the other hand, goes against the general style of Falco. One of the main points of Falco is to apply constant pressure strings and manipulate movements with lasers, so patience isn’t so much an issue.

True…I saw how he’d always get off the edge before the person got edgehoged…but if he did have the patience then I guess he would have won alot more easily.

I have no SSbm skills. Those videos only solidify the fact.\

Fox is killing my Yoshi…

And I don’t care to figure out what to do. attack, retreat, up-smasharama. Down tilt, eggs, and AA is mostly what I’m using to retaliate. He’s constantly on me.

I’ve got to much to do and really am not practicing or anything. I’m even screwing up wavedashes. It’s horrible.

Sorry but against a good Fox surrender is the only option. Well I guess Yoshi could juggle him and edgeguard well with his Eggs.


Yoshi’s dtilt and dsmash should take care of Fox pretty well, in my experience. The trajectory and knockback are just right, especially on a space animal. Dtilt to edgegaurd, and don’t forget ftilt to keep away. Running away and doing a djc bair should chain into a few things too. Juggle from utilt to uair a few times, and just try to trick him into missing something like an usmash by sidestepping, so you can attack right afterwards.

Sounds good for the most part. He used to roll through me and he ate a down smash, but now it seems like he’s so offensive a fsmash wouldn’t hit him very often. I’m going to beat this guy.

The Fox player has officially been owned…

and I got some money. I didn’t get to smash very often, but I practiced and got some ridiculous stuff off on him. He was still pretty close considering. I also played My Fox vs. His Fox, and I FREAKING beat the crap out of him, but he still barely beat me. I practiced with Fox for 15 minutes like the day before. Pathetic.

I should switch to Fox just to be an idiot. :pleased:

So, you guys got any great team strategies? 2-on-2 strategy possiblities are endless. I really don’t have a teammate anymore. I want somebody that I can practice with for hours to find awesome stuff when I get the chance. I’ve already thought of some things, I simply can’t wait to try them out.

In actual teams matches, strategies don’t go very far usually. If you can get it down to 2 on 1, then you can come up with some fun stuff, but for the most part competitive teams matches just come down to who can live the longest. Your best bet is to just find someone you can communicate well with and learn which characters work well together.

Or, you could just try to team with a person from Ohio :slight_smile:
At SMYM4, a somewhat large tourney last weekend, Ohio teams took 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th place, so I guess we must know what we’re doing :stuck_out_tongue:

OK so im trying to get good at this game again and I need some help with Peach.

I used to play pretty hardcore when the game first came out but then the people i would always play with pretty much told me they dont like playing with me because I would whore out Links projectiles and do Up and B every time they got close to me. I dont really blame them I was just another Link scrub and I knew it.

Anyway I’m playing the game again with another group of friends and chose Peach as my signature character this time around. I honestly want to get good with her. Know I did a little research before playing her and found out that her Down Smash is really good and that float canceling (Jumping then Immediately holding down so that she can float just above the ground) is an equally good tactic.

Anyway here are my questions:

When I float cancel at what height should i be floating at, or does it matter at all?

Besides Down and A what other attacks have high priotity that I should be spamming?

What is the best way to throw? Z button or R+A?

When they are at a low percentage Which direction should I throw them and what should i follow up with?

I read that When i throw vegtables with her I should use the c-stick, What is the diffrence between that and throwing veg’s the normal way?

I also read (on the Smash Boards) that i Should do Peach Bomber (Towards and B) using the c-Stick for best results, How do i even do this? everytime i try i always do a regular smash attack? And waht is the difference between doing it normally?

Also here are two non-peach related questions.

how do you catch stuff thrown at you?

How do you wave dash? and is it worth it with her when she has a Float cancel?

I serioulsy am trying to get good at this game any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Okay i’ll try and answer stuff about Peach.

For the float cancel (which isnt the real name btw, its simply called floating), it depends on whom you are facing, but I usually float at 3/4 height of my opponent so that I can quickly stop my float during my attack and get rid of my landing lag (float cancel) while staying out of harms way. Floating at ground level can also work.

You can spam Nair, Bair, Single slap to combo into Dsmash, and Dair to get a safer landing.

By holding R and pressing A you can grab out of shield so this can be quite good if you can anticipate an attack. I use jump~Z to jump cancel my grab if I want to do it out of dash. Use Z after a Single Slap.

Low percentage throws depends on opponents, for fast fallers you can Upthrow them into Upthrow again. You can also downthrow into Dsmash If I’m not mistaken.
At high percentage always FowardThrow.

If you throw with the C-stick, it smashthrows the object, sending it further, if you tilt-throw it, it wont go as far. I use both to vary my distances.

For Peach Bomber, you cant use the C-stick for it. In fact, just dont use that move, its total crap.

To catch stuff, on the ground you have to press A, and in the air its Z (or R+A)

To wavedash you have to Shorthop and Air dodge towards the ground and the direction you want to go. The timing is very strict so all you can do is practice. For Peach its only minor since you already have mobility without it. It’s for quick placement, nothing more. If you want to practice it, try with Luigi or Mario, both of them need wavedashes to improve their game.

I hope that wasnt too bad. Any more questions ?

Wow man thanks for the quick reply!

By Dair, Nair, and Bair, I assume you mean Neautral attack in air Down attack in air etc. My smash lingo is not as good as my streetfighter lingo as you can see by my incorrect use of float cancel term. :sweat:

Anyway it seems that most of her good attacks are in the air, so should I be floating for the majority of the time?

You pretty much answered everything else. :tup: That is until I actually start utilizing these tips and come up with more questions.

The guys I play usually use Fox, Capt Falcon, and Samus, and they are good at rushing down with them. Can Peach also rush dowm characters or is she more a defensive type?

Thanks again.

She’s awesome in the air yeah, but she’s very solid on the ground too.

Upsmash is an excellent AA, try it and you’ll be surprised. I almost never used Uptilt and Towards Smash but everything else is great.

I usually play Peach turtle style, but once I get something in and I get a flow going, I can keep on til I KO them. Usually one turnip is enough to begin a rushdown.

Turnip spam is very reliable tactic in my experience.

Peach’s Up Smash is a disjointed hitbox for some reason, just a reminder.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?