Ok…Thanks…I’ll get some Isai vids then…Something I hear on the Smash Boards is that Wes had switched now to Mario…lol…this should be interesting…
Isai demonstrates how to use C Falcon properly… If I ever fought him, I doubt that I could keep up with his speed.
Speaking of Mewtwo, the fact that he sucks and Jigglypuff owns burns my soul.:sad:
lol shit…I have to say thats a pretty sick vid (it was also kinda funny )…Nice job to you and everyone who help make it :tup:
Isn’t best falco supposed to be this?
Falco-Robfalco, and Forward.
There are many, many Falcos competing for the top spot. Rob$ and Forward are the top Falcos in the South.
Ok, after watching a few matches from Omni, I’m going to take Forward’s Falco over Rob’s. But I don’t like Robmoney’s Falco at all. It’s just ugly to me. Plus he uses Shiek in tournaments.
But we have a Falco in Fla that I think has them both licked. His name is Lambchops. Sickest Falco I’ve ever seen and there’s no doubt in my mind that anyone else that witnesses it would agree he’s a great Falco. From what little I’ve seen of Bombsoldier, the two play somewhat similar.
Rob$ uses Shiek for most matches, but counters with Falco if he’s uncomfortable with a matchup.
Regardless, theres a lot of sick Falcos around the country. I personally think that Pyrogamer, one of my crewmates, is one of the most technical Falcos in the US. He just has some other issues to work out other than that ^_^;
Just to warn you now, the one known vid of Bombsoldier is anywhere from 4 months to a year old.
But if the tournament scene in the past year has shown us anything, it’s that mindgames>technical ability. Technical skill can only be improved upon so much until it plateaus off, and that’s where the mindgames become necessary.
And Syn, watch Perfect Control. You know you want to
I hear that Bombsoldier has a sick Falco…Can’t wait to see those vids from Bach…
I don’t remember where I read it, but that vid shouldn’t be more than a few months old (I heard June). Even so, a player can iimprove an insane amount in a few months, so I haven’t completely judged him yet. I still doubt there’s anything about that kids’ Falco that will blow my mind though. When Isai stated he was impressed with the players wavedashing out of Shine to combo DIing Fox’s I almost fell outta my chair laughing.
And I did see Perfect Control. It’s a cool video, but AR stuff really doesn’t interest me all that much. It was cool to watch though. Nice job.
Isai says a lot of things
Hey Omni.
Is it possible you could be the super, duper great guy I know you are and hook a man up with some FC3 vids? Puh-leeeese? I’m dying to see them and I know you got em…
Actually, Syn, I don’t have any. I intended to record some, but I let BACH use my camera for the duration of the tournament so that he could use it to direct feed the matches while he was using his to record other matches/background noise. As far as I know, he hasn’t actually released any of them yet. So basically, I’m waiting just the same as you are ^_^;
(i thought i remembered you saying you had them earlier in the thread)
Super Smash Bros. Melee
My crew “Team EMS,” plays Super Smash Bros. and Melee…How come people don’t run small team tournies for that? I’ve yet to meet any hardcore fighter that didn’t like this series…let me know what ya’ll think…
Merged into main SSBM thread
To answer your question, there are many small and large tournies for SSBM (SSB64 has for the most part, gone out of tournament play), it’s just that they exist pretty much entirely seperately from other Fighters. Most of the tournament/general discussion for SSBM happens at www.smashboards.com , so check out those forums if you’re interested. At most tournaments, you’ll see Singles (1v1) and Teams (2v2) as the main attractions, with possibly Low-tier Singles if time permits. Crew tournaments are wildly popular, but there usually isn’t enough time to run one with the exception of the largest tournaments.
Ken > Japan
For those who don’t know, we’ve recently had 3 American players head over to Japan to take place in a major tournament. Ken, who is our best player in the US, won. The biggest story of the tournament however, is about a 14 year old Falco player nicked “Bombsoldier”. Here are a few of his vids vs. Ken and a Japanese Fox player named Masashi:
Kickass matches. You could cut the desperation from both them with a knife!!!:wow: