The "Official" SSBM Thread

Give him a break, he said he was new.


There are AR codes to that unlock everything, a few are preloaded onto AR such an “All Characters unlocked” cheat.

Match vids between me and Tipman commin’ soon!

(for reals this time!)

SynikaL (Marth) vs Thomas Tipman (Ganon)

Here’s a couple matches between me and Tipman. Tell me what you think.

Match # 1

Match # 2

Marth is teh suxxorz.

I’ll take a look at those vids in a bit, Syn, and update this post with comments. But for now, I think FC has given me my fair share of smash for a while.

OMG, haha, Smash at higher levels makes me happy. I don’t even know why, the combos are just so awesome, because I never really thought about combos in it. And that semi-infinite looking combo with Marth’s jumping (forward+A?) was intense, I can see why people hate Marth.

Like, with ganon, that (down?) throw, down+a smash, then the jumping smash was too cool.

If one person is hanging on the edge, can the other not hang? I can’t remember, but I’m guessing that’s why you’d do that when they tried to get back on.

Yeah, that’s called edge-hogging. Of course, they could always hit you with their recovery attack once your invincibility wears off, which could bounce you off the stage and into the death zone, but meh.

And Marth’s f-air chain isn’t anywhere near infinite, though it’s probably more practical and applicable to matches. The only character so far to have a true infinite is Fox.

See this is why I like SSB64, it’s way more combo friendly. Falcon anyone.:bgrin: Too bad no one plays it.:sad:

That’s why you roll back on stage when they get close. The entire roll animation insists you’re “technincally” still hanging on the edge, so even when you’re rolling away from it, they can’t hang on.

I just had to suffer through a 90% infinite on Pokemon Stadium at a tourney yesterday. Trust me, Fox infinites are more than applicable no matter what people say.

…you mean around here…


I’m not traversing to CA or MD to play some dude in SSB64. Why doesn’t Isai live here why!!!:crybaby:

And I play SSB64 far better than SSBM.:pleased:

I play it :tup:

plz eloborate on this “infinite” … a vid would be nice :karate:

Nice vids Synikal. Both of yall did freakin awsome. Though that Ganon was throwing out too many Gerudo Dragons for my tastes but meh, most of em connected. And that Shfflc’d Fairs into a Dair spike was nice. I nevar get tired of seeing that. Hopefully I’ll be able to post up my matches soon, though they suck horribly mainly cuz there is no comp down here to make me any better

I still see people playing SSB64 on Kaillera all the time…

While SSB64 may have been a lot easier to combo in, it doesn’t have the depth that melee has in terms of techniques and the game engine.

Edit: Btw… Fox infinite vids.

Fox infinite to usmash on Link
Fox infinite to usmash on Marth
Fox shine infinite

And Ice Climbers (grab attack > Ftilt/Dtilt infinite with partner).

IC’s only have a semi-infinite, and it only works after certain damages. The opponent can also break out at certain points as well.

At what one point? I ask my opponent to mash like crazy when testing out how effective it was while doing it and got around 300% before throwing him to his death with him constantly mashing buttons or the joystick to break free and he couldn’t do anything. I also could start it from anywhere %, 0 or 100, and it was the same result.

Is the breakout point somewhere pass 300% or what?

I never said the points were practical :stuck_out_tongue: that’s why it’s only a semi-infinite. If you start it anywhere below 40%, they can break out right at around 40-60%. Other than that, there’s one point around 416%, and one in every 100% or so after that.

Pretty sick… a SSBM Thread. Anyways I just wanted to post that I’ll be posting here (just so you guys don’t think some random guy comes out of no where). Do any of you know where to get some good SSBM vids?

You can start with the vids posted on the page before this one :stuck_out_tongue:

(that’s right. i’m an attention whore)

Oh ya… before I forget, I’m just wondering do u post at Smash World??

Yeah, my screen name is the same as it is here.


I see…I see…I’m Maelstrom on Smash World. But anyways Though I understand most of the Basics of SSBM (wavedashing,L-caneling etc…) I don’t know about nairs, dairs etc… Can you tell me what they are?