Wow, where did all this new discussion stuff come from >_>
But anyway, for those that didn’t get a chance to see it, the link to my vid went down, so I re-uploaded it here. It has nothing to do with SSBM so far as a technical point, although some of the things are a lot funnier if you’ve been playing SSBM for a while. It’s about 12 and a half minutes long at 57 mbs, and it showcases some of the fun things you can do in SSBM with the Action Replay.
Yeah, WD w/ the stick may fuck up your controller, but IMO, the more you can do with the stick and the less reliant you are on the face buttons, the better. It just frees up your right hand so much more. And yeah, Rockcrock and QDVS pwn with the sticks. Florida in general is mad technical, but those two are easily the craziest sons a bitches in the state in that regard.
What’s that supposed to mean? Everything in your post seemed pretty open minded towards Smash except that statement – it seems way outta place. Please don’t tell me you’re just another closed minded SRKer.
And Tipman gladly accepts those props.
Thanks to everyone who’s given feedback on the vid. Keep it coming! We’re gonna have more stuff very soon.
Xeno just likes to contradict me in public to win points with the anti-Bebop crowd. Fucking uppity negroes.
I need advise for my Marth. Well, really I think I’ve gotten too predictable with all my characacters. I play my friends and they understand the concept of Wavedashing, L-canceling, etc. Then thing is they hardly incorporate any of it in the fight other than too poorly show off after removing a characters’ stock.I’m the only one that actually takes the time to do any of that good stuff in the fight. Now comes the problem. They tend to roll and counter, A LOT. I used to be the same and as you can asume, old habits die hard. The matches look nothing more than roll-fests and throw offs. I can still beat them with lengthy combos, but still. How do I get out of the habit of rolling and how do I punish coninuous rolling. I mainly use wavedashing for mind games and surprise smashes btw.
I’m much more of an SF player than a Smash player, but this is a concept that applies to just about any game.
Part of your issue, at least in my mind, stems from the idea that your friends SHOULD be using wavedashing and L-cancelling and whatever other techniques you’d like to apply, which is generally a very bad way to think of it.
There isn’t any reason to use those techniques if you dont have to. The same goes with the combos you spoke of. If they use roll a lot, then play a slower, more defensive game and punish them until they stop. If you are using Sagat and your opponent jumps in all the time, why go for another setup if you can just tiger uppercut em? Simplicity is often better.
You have to recognize when you instinctively roll. Is it after you shielded an attack? Is it after dashing to try to throw opponents off? Is it after an attack of your own to try to dodge a retaliation? If you can recognize when you like to roll, you can figure out what to do instead of rolling and make a concious effort to avoid rolling in those situations.
Punishing rolls is easy, you just have to learn when their invincibility runs out and punish (usually with a grab or something out of a dash). Dl some vids of ken’s marth.
Thanks for the advise guys. Let’s see if I can put it to good use.
Are there any tutorial videos I can get my hands onto? I’d love to see wave dashin and all this l cancellingness in action too, match vids or not.
I played the game with a friend yesterday who seemed to know what he was doing, but not to the point of the technical stuff you guys are discussing.
And I lost, and I don’t like losing, so I want to get a GC and the game, come back and slaughter the bastard with a huge grin on my face.
Peach for life <3.
(Oh shit, Samus is upper tier? No way.)
I’d say the ganon vid (Triforce of Power) is the closest ur gonna get to a tutorial of most of the techs.
you can get all that stuff from the smash dc++ hub (
I ain’t making no Smash videos. The hell with the lot of ya.
any match vids?
Meh, I don’t like the few matches I’ve seen on I’m sure you guys have the DC hub for SF videos. Just use the address given by ARC and you’ll have a treasure trove of Smash vids at your finger tips.
Meh, the GFB2 hub often has less than 30 people… I’d say most people get their vids through torrents or hosting sites nowadays. But at least the DC community for SSBM is thriving >_>
In other news, MELEE-FC3 will be happening in just a little under a month from now. The tournament is held in South Bend, Indiana, and is expecting 200+ attendees from all over the US and Europe, making it the largest SSBM tourney to date. If anybody’s interested, more info can be found here.
Also, Singles and Teams matches from Smash Aid 5 and SMYM3 are now available on the hub. These are two of the most recent tournaments, and showcase SSBM at its current metagame. These videos can be found on the hub, or I can probably send them over AIM (OmnigamerOmega).
I did a search for Smash Aid 5 and turned up with nothing >_>.
Just search for Smash Aid V. A directory for the singles or teams should each come up. Just download the whole folder from there. Otherwise, check BACH’s filelist.
Smash is cool. I finally played it for the first time on 4th of July weekend with some friends. Now they wern’t the best, but they gave me a pretty good beating. You know, the “hardcore” casual gamers, the ones that say, I hate Fox. But only because they lose to them. I was very impressed by this game that I bought a GC w/SSBM. I was a naysayer thinking that this game was a joke, in a competitive aspect, but actually playing for an hour changed my mind. So far I’ve unlocked, Jigglypuff, Dr. Mario, and Marth. I don’t really want to spend x amount of time just unlocking the characters, I could use that time to get better, so is there a cheat in Action Replay that would let me unlock all characters and maybe stages? I don’t have a definite character right now, so I’m just messing around with everybody. I just don’t know who to choose, although I did get wavedashing down.
What makes the top-tiers, top? Like Marth. I used him, but I couldn’t really find anything in his advantage. Go there and read the guides through and through and also look up the character guides to see why Marth is broken.
You’re kidding right? Don’t get me started on Marth!