Shrug I just switched to jumping with X and Y because I was tired of having a wrong aerial come out or a wrong positioning after a jump due to have to readjust from up on the control stick. I’m one of those people that never had a problem with getting the double fairs with only c-stick, even on my larger 3rd party controller. People should just do what works best for them, I guess.
Hey, I’m gonna be playing in a tournament on Sat. at a con, and I’ll be running Samus. I’ve messed with her here and there, but just recently got into playing here a lot, and I really just have the computer as comp. I seem to be doing all right, and I’ve had more success with her than who I usually play(Pika, Roy). I was wondering though, what’s usually the best stuff to try to pull up close? She doesn’t really seem to have a ton going for her in close, and some characters really just seem to out prioritize her a lot(Shiek, Fox, and Falco mainly). I was just looking for some tips to help me out a bit there. Also, her roll just seems…slow, but maybe that’s just me. I’ve been practicing getting as consistant as I can with her bomb jumps, but I don’t really know what else is best to practice with her.
With Samus, you have to mix everything up. Despite how a lot of people want to play her, her best game is rushdown with help from the projectiles, not run away and spam. You may or may not know this, but you can cancel the lag frames for a missile fired in the air simply by landing just after you fire it off. It really helps Samus’s game in that you can tag along behind the missile with an attack or grapple, depending on distance. Also, once you are up close, Samus has a couple of pretty decent moves. Her forward smash has good knockback and priority, but is best used to nail opponents that try to roll away or shield grab you. Also, her downsmash is very good, because it tends to have a lot of power and will send the opponent off facing the wrong direction, which is always a good thing. Otherwise, her standing a and forward tilt also do a good job of setting up for either of those. Also remember that aerials are your friend; Samus’s neutral aerial is among the best in the game (neutral aerials are commonly referred to as “sex kicks”, btw), and both the back air and uair set up for things. The down air has very low lag time if L-Cancelled.
And that’s what I know about Samus. Not my forte, but I’ve seen enough to know what’s good.
Don’t forget to crouchcancel. The art of crouchcancelling is important against dashattackspamming opponents (also certain forward smashes). Crouchcancelling is performed like this: Hold down when you are attacked. You can hold it 5 minutes in advance, as long as you’re still holding down when you are hit.
At lower %s (and against certain attacks, even at higher %s), you won’t even move the slightest. Then you might move a bit backwards and then at higher %s, you might get knocked down. However, at the lower %s, when you don’t move at all or just slightly, you can retaliate, with a jump into nair (neutral air) or a downsmash. Samus’ neutral air is really effective since it has high priority and a large hitbox.
Also, when playing as Samus, it’s imperative to directional influence. How to do this:
OK, let’s take 2 moves as an example:
Moves that send you horizontally: When hit by Marth’s forward smash, you will fly off horizontally (mostly, you will still move slightly upwards). HOWEVER, if you hold upwards and towards the opponent (holding upwards being the most important thing) at the moment the attack hits you, you will fly in a much more upwards arch. Since the stages’ ceilings usually are much higher than the distance to the stage’s horizontal boundaries and you’ll now fly in a 45-degree angle instead of maybe 95 degree, you will most likely survive for much longer.
For attacks that send you upwards, like any given upsmash, like Fox’s, hold away from your opponent and down (holding away from your opponent being the most important thing). You will now fly slightly to the side as well as upwards, surviving for a little bit longer.
Samus, being both floaty and heavy and with a very good recovery (bomb jumps, ask if you don’t know what that is, and also the grapple beam) can survive forever if you DI horizontal attacks into infinity.
Thanks for the tips, guys. The only question I really have is what you said about bomb jumps, FallenAngel. Do you mean doing bomb jumps to get back on stage, or just using bombs for recovery?
Nice to see that this thread is finally getting the attention it deserves.
I don’t suppose anyone could help me. I play Kirby as my main (Falcon in second place) and I was hoping to better my game, but not a lot of people use him. Tier whores… :arazz:
runs away
Bomb jumps to get back on stage and for recovery = the same thing, isn’t it? >_>’ You can also bomb-jump combo, jump out at someone who’s recovering, drop a bomb, let it hit them and then spike them. or bomb-jump someone up close (surprise bombjump) into a fully charged charge shot.
I don’t really know about kirby. Spam multiple fairs and bairs. His nair has good priority. Dsmash and usmash for KOs. Suicide throws are your friends… that’s all I know Never ever use the stone attack.
:tup: :woot: :bgrin:
I’m a Kirby afficionado, actually…
What exactly is it you’re looking to know? How to start off, character matchups, advanced tactics, etc.? I can help with any questions about Kirby. Also have a few vids to watch to get the feel for things, if you choose to do so. :karate:
Well, I mostly know what works against lvl 9’s but not against human opponents. The last time I played against a human (which was last week), I totally pwned him without losing a life.
Well, heres the stuff I utilize:
Frequent f-airs and b-airs
D-tilt often
Plenty of ff and l-canceling
Some dash dancing/ crouch cancelling
U-air is god
Taunt is overly annoying
D-air is useful spike/ has good priority
Combo from up throw into U-b, useful at low percentages
D-throw has very small window for combos
Suicide Kirby is NOT your friend… unless you absolutely know your opponent has no chance of escaping (which is pretty hard)
And knowing a few character strategies would be nice. I know I can take care of all of the characters when they are lvl 9’s, but most lvl 9’s are pretty stupid, as I know its almost next to impossible to defeat a Marth at the top of his game with Kirby (although, I love that Isai vs Sheik video. Isai almost won by a hair with Kirby, it was awesome)
Yeah, thats pretty much it. Once I get even better with Kirby, I’ll try to up my Falcon game, and after seeing high level vids, I know I have some work to do. :tup:
A lot of the Kirby game is centered around countering attacks and getting through your opponents attacks. Doing a bair from shield is especially useful against almost all characters (a shine crazy fox or falco is the exception), and you can follow it up with something else most times, depending on damage and character. Otherwise, it’s helpful to make yourself whiff sometimes… If you’re on the approach, and they put up their shield, do a full jump with a fair, going over them, if they jumped (not likely) you’ll catch them. But the true purpose to this is to finish it off with a bair after you passed over the character to the other side. If they let off their gaurd, enjoy. But if they still keep their shield up, that’s where you L-Cancel into an utilt to finish it off. Anything from there, you have the advantage. they’re already facing the wrong direction, so they can’t shield grab. This leaves them to roll, which you can 90% of the time chase into a grab. Other similar situations include if you happen to miss a bair and are in the same situation. Just keep going over them, except fall with an uair. It’ll connect, you’ll be behind them, and you can grab, tilt, whatever from it. I guess I should note that this is all done in a single jump, you shouldn’t have to jump again inbetween.
Other advanced tactics that will catch a lot of people off gaurd…
-Reverse aerial hammer. This is something I came up with a while back. After a full jump, and you’re a certain small distance from the opponent, press the opposite direction from the opponent and B. This’ll make the aerial hammer come out, except you’ll switch to facing the other direction. The point of this is that you’ll fall, and just as you’re about the land, the hammer will come slightly out of the ground behind you (where the opponent should be), and will give either some shield stun or a small pop-up. In either case, you should be able to utilt afterwards. It may take a little practice, but it’s pretty useful.
-Still talking about the aerial hammer, this is another advanced tactic invented by Kirby Kid from Texas. The timing for this is a little more difficult though. All it is, is you’ll start off running, then you’ll shorthop into an aerial hammer. The thing is, for this to be how you want it, the timing is very tight between when you jump and when you need to have the hammer out. If you miss the timing, you’ll go a little higher and it won’t be nearly as effective. If you do it right, Kirby should go flying with the hammer right through the opponent. This actually gives a good amount of damage if it connects, and even if it doesn’t, you should be right behind them again with the proper spacing. Utilt away.
-One very, very crucial tactic for Kirby is his recovery. The goal is to sweet-spot the ledge with the blade of the final cutter (meaning you’ll be starting it a bit further out). After starting the move, just hold towards the ledge and you’ll easily reach it. What this’ll do, it’ll put opponents waiting on the ledge to edge-gaurd in a bad situation. If they shield, they’ll be in shield stun for that, as well as the attack frames on the way down. Once Kirby actually grabs the ledge, he’ll have 37 invincibility frames to do whatever with, and if they’re still in shield stun, just jump up with an uair or fair. If they don’t shield, however, you’re much better off. They get knocked up, then back down, and you can jump right from the ledge into an uair. I have some other fun things to turn this into, but it’s probably best just to stick with these for now. Despite how it looks, this is VERY hard to edge-gaurd correctly. I’ve been playing Kirby against my crew for a while now, and despite knowing what’s coming and knowing how to get around it, they only succeed about 30% of the time.
-Kirby’s throws are AWESOME. Well, maybe only the uthrow and dthrow, but still, there’s some great stuff you can do out of them. Uthrow has its own set of tactics, but most can be beaten by proper DI, so I’ll leave that for now. Dthrow however is great. Right from the throw, everything’s a mind game. If they tech after the throw, you can chase the direction of their tech (or dash dance once quickly to grab them if they do a stationary tech) and grab them again to repeat. If they don’t tech, you can utilt them. And utilt is awesome in its own right because of the impending uair…
If you want to see some of these tactics in action, just contact me on AIM and I have some of my own vids that demonstrate these tactics in real matches.
Thanks for the info, I’ll be sure to integrate some of that into my game. Won’t be for awhile though, I’m on punishment for bad grades…
Also, where does this “Kirby Kid” in Texas live? Is he the Krazy Kirby Kid I hear so much about? I sooooooo want to play him one day! I want to be the best Kirby player in Texas, possibly the whole country!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :devil:
I believe he’s from Flowermound, if that helps any. But if not him, there are plenty of other crews in Texas from all over the place.
A recent tournament in Florida should have vids up very soon, so there’ll be some of the latest play footage from a somewhat major tournament. I should have them all once they are released, so contact me on AIM if you wish to get them. I’d also be interested to know if anybody knows of any free webspace where I’d be able to host them just for the purpose of allowing more people access at any one time. I also just have vids of many past tournaments and otherwise, so anybody seeking to see even a small bit of what competitive smash is like should contact me about that.
Also, just feel free to ask for any character advice and strategies. Between Syn and myself and the others on here, I’m sure we’ll be able to come up with at least a few advanced strats or advice for whatever/whoever you need help with.
MLG Orlando?
Yeah. Though Bach wasn’t there, news on the hub is that Husband still recorded some of them. I’m curious to see how Eddie is doing, as well as our European brethren…
Mr. Silver got third I think and Eddie won.
There should be a vid of me getting raped in a Marth ditto between me and Husband. It’s all good though, before then I had almost zero experience in Marth dittos (I realized that this is a matchup where experience is vital). I’ll get him get him back at a future event. Can’t wait to see that vid.
Yeah, I’m interested in seeing some of the matches. And Marth dittos… you’re either good at them, or you’re not. Many a time have I seen the actual Marth players get beaten by non-Marth players in dittos… it’s all about how you play him. It’s just the style differences that the practiced Marth players don’t know how to react to. But as you said, experience is vital.
priority in ssbm is beat by range.Using that glitch marth can be beat by luigi or roy.
You have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about, Jim Bean -_-
so do you.