Perhaps this thread might be a better place to post this. Maybe this will help?
I updated the RJ-45 Thread
on making console cables and cleaned up the pinout charts. Instead of reformatting using the SRK forum, I just made a PDF.
Feel free to download this for your personal use.
BTW, if you plan to use any of the PCBs I list here, and intend to make RJ-45 to USB cables, the following tools are a godsend.
-Toodles Cthulhu [Do not use unless you RJ-45 Mod it, or don’t need any other compatibility]
-Native RJ-45 modded Arcade stick PCBs [Retro Board, Akishop PS360, etc…]
Multi-meter, RJ-45 and USB combined cable tester, 8 port Screw Terminals with an RJ-45 male end, Note taking paper, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, or forget what goes to what all the time, instructions.
Yesterday a keyboard of mine failed, so I stole the USB cable.
Black goes to port 1, White to port 5, Green to port 6, and Red goes to port 8. This is the correct wiring when putting it in an RJ-45 end. When I put it in the Cable tester, i got the wrong result.
I cut the end, redid it as above, and got the same defective result.
By creating the appropriate chart, populating the correct color, and hooking it up, I was able to figure out what was wrong, and create an instance specific chart and thus use the cable that I otherwise would have been forced to discard.