The official Final Fantasy XIV thread

The only “swords” I’ve seen are the high level gladiator gear. You won’t see many for that class because rumor has it they will be adding a fencer class after launch which would obviously use a more “swordy” weapon like a rapier rather than a huge knife.

You can buy starter weapons but yeah, for everything else you’re screwed. It’s kind of stupid because in closed beta and alpha (where we only had limsa lominsa) there were NPCs that would sell higher level weapons, but apparently they were all removed.

I heard something about great katanas making it into the final version, so I’d be cool with that.

live stream

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Who would watch a stream when you can play the game yourself for free?

Everyone should take the chance to visit Coerthas and Mor Dhona before the end of the beta. Great atmosphere and you can really get a sense of how large this game will be. Easiest way to reach it is to go west from Camp Emerald Moss in the Gridania area.

Also, open beta is ending on the 19th.

So, are things settled that when the game goes retail- SRK LS on Lindblum?

If so, what class does everyone plan on being?

I’m maining gladiator for now. As for the server, I’ll probably go where old FFXI buddies go.

Also, someone has already created a windower for FFXIV. Ever since using it, I haven’t had any crashes that weren’t server related. Really useful.

I played through closed beta as conjurer but never really enjoyed. I switched to Lancer in Open Beta and have no plans on going back, really fun class to play.

As for the LS I’m super down.

Thanks for the windower kro, looks badass.

only way id buy this shit is if it doesnt have that gay ass monthly shit fee’s.


I’ve played Thaum Pug Glad Marauder Lancer between alpha, open beta, closed beta and although some of those classes have changed drastically, I’m down with playing whatever. Lancer is a great secondary melee class, but I don’t know how its late game will pan out. Pug seems like an evade tank, gladiator a more traditional tank, and marauder a DPS class.

For those of us that are waiting on the ps3 version, ass. :mad:

I’m also a Lancer, liking the class a lot except for when you throw out your Ferocity buffed power attack and the effing monster evades it. That and when everybody and their dog aggros on the Lancer for reasons I never understood. I always get the aggro when Alpha and I fight mobs, and he’s a Glad. >_>

Other than that, they’re good stuff. Speed Surge is awesome.

Some gameplay footage earlier today.

[media=youtube]zs_9va6K9zc]YouTube - FFXIV [ Get The Plague Rat! [/media]

Not sure if I love you or I hate you for it, but I know that it will be stuck in my head.

Speed surge is amazing.

As for aggro goes, fortunately later on he gets some pretty amazing skills that let him dump aggro on others, so it fairs out pretty well. And for the misses, you need to fucking STACK on that DEX, I still miss a fuckton.

Now I’ll have to sing that shit on every leve. And you might want to pull your map up since it’ll tell you where your plague rats are :smiley:

I want to get this game but my PC is so old I can’t even download the beta. Couldn’t even download Portal when it was given out for free cause of the lack of space.

I mostly choose mages cause of the high damage from spells. But in FFXI I stopped playing for awhile but when I came back BLM was obsolete as melee was more warranted in exp parties. Have things changed in XIV?

Nice video that explains how the fatigue system works in FFXIV.


That does explain it very well.

I don’t mind it at all, although I know people who play hardcore will still whine. I just wish they’d cater other stuff to this ideal of “a casual player who plays a couple of hours a day”. Like making you able to regain Anima while logged out instead of having to be logged in (because if you only log in a couple hours a day, you have way less anima and have to run everywhere because you can’t teleport, therefore decreasing actual time playing and more time traveling).

And they need to make selling items move way quicker, as well. Also, bazaar/retainer system really doesn’t lend itself to a person not spending a ton of time online. The trade broker/auction house idea actually works for that a lot better, because you can quickly get in, find what you’re looking for via a simple search, buy it, and be on your way.

I also think there should be a 24 hour cap on guildleves, if any cap at all, and that there should be more of them. More stuff to do = good.

Is this going to be released to the PS3? I’ve moved away from WoW years ago and haven’t found a new MMORPG that pleased me.

I’ve been thinking of playing FF XIV on the PS3 or waiting for Diablo III / Guild Wars 2 (this one seems to be very interesting) for PC.

Yeah, but it gets released on PSTriple in March. Which kinda sucks.