You guys might find it interesting that the chief editor of GI who is the biggest WOW fan boy wrote in a preview article that 14’s combat is strategic but the cool down between attacks is slow so no one will like it unless it’s changed by release.
I’m gonna check youtube for vids. Want to see the intro cutscene for the other towns.
Real talk, i’ve been playing ffxi since 2004 and just recently quit waiting on ffxiv.
Until i heard about the fatigue system, 8hrs of playtime then you receive no exp. You have to pay monthly for this shit? Mine as well stick with ffxi, its essentially the same game, i seen no difference when playing the beta.
I was REALLY mad at the fact that there is no pvp, but add the fatigue system and the fact theres little difference between ffxi and ffxiv i think i may pass on this shit and contiune playing wow. I’m done with ffxi honestly, boring as fuck and im a pvp player and if your a long time player of ffxi like i was, you’ll know that shits dead.
What you guys think?
Are you sure that was [media=youtube]yVYhcXmXSB0]Distant Worlds they were playing or [url=[/media]?
Finally found some good vids.
[media=youtube]KUJjNavf-Lg]**Pre-Release Trailer[/b[/media] (featuring FFXIV’s theme song, ‘Answers,’ by Susan Calloway <3)
[media=youtube]WwrX6exd1jk]**Limsa Lominsa Intro[/b[/media]
[media=youtube]DkZ1oirCPa4]**Ul’Dah Intro[/b[/media]
[media=youtube]W-uD-vs7TD8]**Gridania Intro[/b[/media]
That Gridania intro is where it’s at. If I get this game, that’ll be my home nation. So. Good.
Voice acting is FF12 quality, which is major :tup:. FF12 has the best voice acting out of all the FFs.
Hopefully, Square will fix all the bullshit in the beta and change that dumbfuck exp surplus/fatigue system before ps3 release. Needs moar job classes too. I was BLU/NIN in ff11. There’s nothing like BLU in FF14 and that shit is disheartening. Jobs are waaaaaay too basic right now.
There was nothing like BLU in FFXI for years either. For FFXIV, “jobs” is just another way of saying weapon.
Right, and it was dumb. I was playing THF until BLU came out. Hated almost every second of it.
square enix really sucks at anything and everything related to computers, whether it’s server capacity for updates or glitches in their code for pc… they just don’t do a good job overall.
Yeah, the whole patching system is fucking archaic to say the least, not to mention they’re extremely cryptic about what’s in the updates and what’s actually improved (or not).
That said, I found an interesting fan-patch that enables hardware mouse in the game. Apparently SE put it there but just hasn’t activated it yet. Needless to say it improved my experience quite a bit.
Uh, link to fan-patch?
FFXIV Mouse Lag Fix -
It’s just a variable that is not available via in-game menus, yet. Which, to me, indicates that it is something that they plan to include.
edit: shit if I had realized it was marn asking, I would’ve used lmgtfy. :lol:
Any one of you guys on Lindblum server? We should get an SRK LS started
And as in regards to hardware mouse, today’s patch seems to have improved the SW mouse for me quite a bit, I’m wondering if they already flipped the switch?
If we start an SRK LS, it should definitely be on Fabul because it is the least populated/laggy.
Lindblum is the most populated right now but lag has been severely reduced because not everyone is on at one time like it was in the first days of beta. In the end it’s always best to pick a populated server so it has better economy and more players.
For retail, yes- for beta, no.
I’m in an LS that has 100+ people in it - many playing way more than 8 hrs a week. Nobody has encountered the fatigue system yet. It sounds like it’s just a rumor to me or it’s hardly noticeable.
Anyways I’ve tried out most of the jobs, explored the 3 cities+starter areas, and experimented on crafting so I have a good plan on what to do when official release starts. I’m gonna take the rest of the time left in beta to explore the world.
im on it as well…
im on the selbina server under the name of cortez villalobos, hume looking to be a pld type if i can…
it seems a bit slow on my computer… constant mouse lag and such…
SRK should definitely get a LS on Lindblum if it’s the most populated (when the retail version drops). In most cases, the more populated a server is, the better.
Its funny that I started this thread but I now refuse to play this game =/
I’m not sure if fatigue was removed or not, but I definitely haven’t ran into it yet.
Also many people were finding it out during closed beta because the amount of exp gain was wack (WAY more than they intended) and thus people were running into the exp cap that sets off fatigue much quicker.
It’s not about the amount of time you play but rather how much EXP you can get over a certain period of time without stopping, so really the conditions for running into fatigue in the first place are a bit ridicolous. We’ll see how it shapes up in the future but it shouldn’t be much of a problem.
I’ve also reached a point where I have a very good idea of what I want to do come retail, so I think I’m going to spend the rest of beta exploring and trying out new stuff.
There’s been alot of websites that are trying to get an Item/NPC/Everything database going but the best one I’ve ran into so far is Yellow Gremlin, they basically have every item imaginable they could data mine and also a large amount of NPCs, gathering spots, skills and the lot. I spent quite a bit of time just looking for future gear
As far as a retail server for the SRK LS, yeah Lindblum is the biggest server right now (along with Figaro as far as I can tell).
I really, REALLY fucking hate not being able to just buy a weapon. Hell, you can’t even get one as a drop. It’s “derp derp craftin” or nothing. Which sends you into the hell that is the market wards clicking on random people for years to try and find one to no avail.
And I would like a real fucking sword now, gladius and daggers are getting old.