The official Final Fantasy XIV thread

I played this a little in the beta but I was unimpressed really by the amount of content in it and some other little things (such as not letting you move the map).

Out of the people who have the collectors edition, what’s it now like starting off? It’s been a while since I was into an MMO so I really do want to get this despite my PC telling me no and throwing a fps fit.

Hey guys I started a character on Lindblum. Have any of you guys made a linkshell for Srk’ers to join? The UI sucks in this game but I think I’ll get the hang of it eventually.

Character Name:

Seungri Geraldine

You could always move the map, so I don’t know what to tell you there, but there is a lot more content now that it is live.

so hard to find a placer to grind in this game comapre to ff11. i do all m elve quest now im tryin to fight mobs but its such a bitch to find them. anyone know wheres a good grind spot near ul dul or w.e that city name is lol. im lvl 9 rank 8

Walk to Limsa Lominsa. My grind schedule was Leves until 8 in Uldah and Limsa Lominsa. Then Puk Hatchlings until 10 (south of the level 10 Limsa camp). Dodos in the same area until 13. Then level 10 leves at Limsa, Ul Dah, and Gridania (in that order) until 13.5/14 (skill points drop off big time here). Then Lone Wolves (north of the 10 Gridania camp) until present. Once I hit 15/16, I’m going to go back to Uldah and work mobs near the level 20 camp (the ant things give good exp).

how do i get to limsa from uldah?

Really? How? I would bring up the map and no matter what I tried it wouldn’t budge. I checked most of the images that were released showing keyboard shortcuts also. I think I might pick this up next week. Have you had any servers issues at all or have they done a good job? Last MMO I played was Aion and the queueing was relentless.

Take the ferry out of Limsa. Of course then you have to walk through east Jesus nowhere for a bit but you’ll eventually get to Ul’Dah. :rofl:

Only furries want to play this game.

To get to Limsa to UlDah, follow the road to the west until you get to the ferry.

To move the map around, you use the camera keys I, J, K, L

God, I hate seeing 80% of the server as Catwomen and Midgets! If the combat system weren’t so good, that would turn me away from the game instantly.

The reason I play Lancer is they are the closest thing to a Dragoon (which Square did not put in this game for reasons I’ll never grasp).

Anyways, this game is still going good for me. Even better now that they optimized things so my laptop’s puny Mobility Radeon HD 4650 can play it (the good PC with the 12GB of RAM and the GTX 470 is in my brother’s room thus he uses it most often). :rofl:

EDIT: Oh, and get a gamepad (aka, get a X360 or a PS2/PS3 controller). I encourage everyone who plays this to at least try it on one, works leagues better IMO.

Are all classes having a hard time acquiring better weapons? Seems like the 2 next upgrades to pugilist weapons are a bitch to make.

Running to location to save anima is a pain in the ass.

Yeah, they decided to keep in the “player-based economy” AKA you’re fucked because retainer system blows and crafters decide your equipment.

Hello past me, I have a question for you (me). Why are you/am I so smart?


I almost got this game today…is it worth it even if I just play it for a couple months waiting on cataclysm? I saw the server where most of you are playing apparently. What class should I roll? i obviously wouldn’t want to play around on every class seeing as there’s an additional fee per character supposedly…

I also heard there is zero pvp in this game. Confirm/Deny?

As of right now, there is zero PvP. Even though I admittedly do miss it from Aion, I’m not so sure this game’s battle system would lend itself well to PvP.

hrm…well i could handle not pvping for a while, leveling and whatnot…but i would get too bored with it too fast without pvp tbh. Thx for the info, GON PASS!

I was talking tos omeone who was an avid FFXI player… he started playing FFXIV and his biggest gripe was that there are no central auction houses… He said there are thousands of NPCs that just stand around that you can put your items up for sale at, but there’s no way to search them and there’s no way to find out what your item is really worth. This shocks me, because even in FFXI there was a somewhat central AH (or 3, one per city.) If they got rid of that completely… seems like a major mistake.

I also didn’t think much of the combat system when I was looking at video’s awhile back… I havn’t played it yet, so maybe it’s come a long way since the alpha days. Im going to hold off until I got bored with Cata (Which probably won’t take long) and then maybe roll something with yall in March on the PS3.

There is an exploit for healing during guildleves. Which doesn’t make sense cause they are suspending people over it.

Square Enix Addresses Healing Exploit :: Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) :: ZAM

I still haven’t played this but from what I am hearing its sorta chaotic.

Yeah, they fixed this thing already (and banned the people exploiting it).

Still having fun with it so far. IGN and other sites trashed the game, mainly due to Market Wards. Which is understandable because the Market Wards are the worst thing about the game. Broker/Auction House and standard shops please.