Wait, there are no auction houses in ff14? Did square fucking learn nothing from 11? You’re supposed to build on what worked in ff11, not go backward… wtf.
No, there’s not. They’re trying this (retarded) thing where crafters are the main source of items and it’s a player based economy.
Basically, it’s epic fail. But the game’s still a lot of fun (thankfully the battle system is awesome).
Duuuuuurrrrr Let’s suspend the remaining people still playing this shitty game because of an exploit. Square-Enix once again shows that it doesn’t give a fuck about you.
New patch is actually pretty good. The Market Wards don’t completely blow now.
I just installed the game since my friend bought it and we go to get me an acct…figures…he either lost the friend code or it didnt come with one -_-;
i popped this game again knowing that its now free to play, all i can say, it’s slowly getting better with each patch.
I play time game from time-to-time. On Bodhum server.
The new devs are working hard to fix the game, but it is still a slow process. Here’s a couple things that are getting complete overhauls in the future:
-Class Uniqueness
-Job system (adding a job system)
- Battle system (including an auto attack)
Those changes are on a separate schedule from the patches they release. The patches are working on small things (fine tuning the game). The newest patch added 20 NM and 30-ish class-specific gear (the first in the game).
Im rocking an level 13 Archer on Istory currently. I hope im allocating points right, dex as my main and str as 2nd. my magic resistance i pretty much evened out.
latest patch was a couple of days ago.
The first thing you should do is get every job to rank 20. This will give you some more options (plus Cure II and Sacrifice II), and level up your physical rank to around 32. The easiest way to do this is to do Leve quests with others, and then Behest every 30 minutes if possible.
LMAO ;_; it was already bad enough having to worry about 2 jobs in FFXI
Well, you level much faster in this game than FFXI. Plus, after you get all of them to 20 (and by “all” I do not mean crafting jobs) then you only have to worry about leveling 1 job.
besides behest and levels to make gil…what kind of items sell well, and how much do crystals go for.