The Nintendo DS thread v.2

If you own a DS you must have a copy of Mario Kart…

What? Somebody who has a DS doesn’t have Mario Kart?

For shame…

well the software makes it easier, but you may end up having the same problems if its i.p. address problems you might not be fixing anything at all.

if you have the money i hear that those blue and black lynksys routers work really well.

its still expensive? damn

I just beat phoenix wright 2. it might not be what you are looking for but its a really good game and is worth trying out.

:sad: aw… great. Back to start I go.

Yeah, I know; it should have been the first game I bought.
I just don’t want to spend $50+ on a DS game. Once I find placement, I’ll be a little less stingy.
Brand new games are cheaper than Mario Kart; it’s ridiculous!
It’s the very same with smash brothers; that game has been out for years, but new and used copies still cost $50+!

It’s a mixed bag. The hack and slash gameplay is pretty solid, and there’s tons of things to level up, but then there’s puzzles that require you to change the weather to advance. Problem is the weather can only be changed (that I know of) by leaving whatever you’re doing to go back to this dude’s house, which completely disrupts the flow of the game. In one dungeon I had to change the weather 4 times which totally pissed me off.

There’s also a lame attempt at a shooter which shows up after you beat each of the first four big bosses, which are pretty lame. Gameplay is about 10-15 hours first playthrough, and there is a new game + which also features a 100 level dungeon which I am looking forward to.

So it’s kind of hit or miss, but if you put up with the annoyances, it’s a pretty solid game.

EDIT: Kyoujin, try they usually have games cheaper than EB, and if it’s over 40 bucks, you get free shipping.

50 dollars?

where the fuck do you live?

I can go to the gamestop right down the street and pick it up for $35 new.

I really agree with everything you said. The hack-n-slash aspect of Lunar Knights is cool and the production values are solid. Most of the puzzles aren’t difficult, but having to go to a location outside of the dungeons to change the weather is really tedious. While I have done quite a bit of backtracking in an attempt to get everything, I know there are secret areas I’ve missed because I just didn’t care enough to change the weather and then hike all the way through a dungeon again just to get back to where the weather needed to be changed.

The shooter sections right after boss battles weren’t really horrible, but they seemed… out of place. They just don’t fit with the rest of the game and they’re not the sort of thing I ever seem to feel like going through after I beat a boss. The first couple of times it was worthwhile just to see the neat cut-scene at the end, but then it just became a hassle.

In the end, though, the solid production and fun dungeons makes up for the other problems. It seemed like they were really trying to mix up the hack-n-slash formula and while it didn’t always work out so well, the game itself is still definitely worth playing for fans of dungeon crawlers.

Well it just can’t auto detect the IP address for some reason. I dunno wut to do =/

I’m getting a D.S for my birthday with the bundle pack and everything is there somethings that i should know about it before hand and I will get mario kart.

If you throw away your DS, your GPA will increase.

^ I actually want this game. :slight_smile:

Or…you’ll have to play something shitty like PSP until you can replace it. :rofl:

Mario & Sonic at the Olympics Screens
DS screens at the bottom.

…how is Mario as fast as Sonic?

This is too true. When I have free time in between my classes, it’s not much of a decision between studying and playing my DS.

Performance enhancing drugs.



I’m really surprised that Nintendo hasn’t made a Smash Bros’ for the DS; Jump Ultimate Stars proves that it would play nicely online, and there would be less happening so the frame-rate could be better.

Anyway, has anyone heard about ‘Subarashiki: It’s a Wonderful World’? I’m hoping to import it when it comes out at the end of the month:

So the other day I picked up Phoenix Wright and the browser. Haven’t played Phoenix yet, but I read the manual for the browser and it looks to be completely useless for me. I was under the impression that I could use it anywhere that had a hotspot or free wireless access, but apparently I can only use it at Nintendo wifi spots?

In my area those are only at Mcdonalds. I had gotten the browser to use as a portable device to browse online, oh well…

i think thats untrue…u should be able to use it at any hotspot compatble with any other DS games …so yes should work fine at mcdonalds