I just wished the DS had WPA support. When I got my DS, I was only able to use the wireless around campus for a week before they swithed it from WEP to WPA. Tetris on WiFi was so addictive, too.
How long ago did you try to use the DSaim? They have a newer version out, sorta like AIM for PSP only not nearly as glitchy imo.
For anyone thinking about buying a flash cart I’d recommend a slot-1 flash cart (it goes into the DS cartridge slot.) they have other flash carts out there such as nopass devices, basically it’s a GBA cart you put into your DS, but you need a nopass device that goes into the DS slot so it tricks your DS into loading the game from the GBA slot.
All and all, DS homebrew’s on the rise as far as I can see, the DSaim is actually fairly decent now.
Hmm…I’ve officially beat Custom Robo DS. I want to try it online but I’m a bit intimidated…I don’t know why but I’m still traumatized by how fucking shitty Jump Ultimate Stars is online…NEVER AGAIN.
Custom Robo DS on wifi can be pretty fun or rather dumb. it’s only dumb when your matched up against some nub that does nothing but gun spam all day until you get knocked down then starts spamming the charge attack, also people with laggy connections kills the fun too.
imo stay the hell away from the random wifi matches with Custom Robo, and find a friend or 2 and just swap FC’s.
So, I finally started taking Phoenix Wright a lot more seriously(due to other games being in the way) and it is quite good. Probably the most fun I’ve had with a DS game in a good while. I have the sequel waiting there as well and I’m looking to buy Touch Detective.
I remember reading about it and that there’s a select list of games that you can play. I’m not sure about it now cause of the new slot 1 stuff but it might have gotten better.
snes emulation is getting better and better. I’ts not psp standard yet but it’s reaching. Don’t worry, you still have a few thousand gba/ds games to play while you wait!
I’m down to play ya, i havent played in a while. I dont have any illegal parts yet, so count me out for those types of matches, but otherwise i’m down. Don’t be expecting a pro, drop me a PM or IM
Not yet, supposedly Pokemon Battle Revolution will be the first, and is scheduled for an early summer release in the states (Late June I think). It hooks up with DIamond and Pearl so your teams from there can fight in it.
Also be sure to check out Hotel Dusk. Great game, it draws you in with an amazing story and a nice break from Phoenix Wright (which I love) that can be slightly over the top at times.