I beat Portrait of Ruin over the weekend (on vacation) and loved it, then started playing as Richter / Maria. I got bored of that quickly and decided to play with the sisters instead, and holy fuck they’re so much fun to play as, so broken.
I beat Portrait of Ruin over the weekend (on vacation) and loved it, then started playing as Richter / Maria. I got bored of that quickly and decided to play with the sisters instead, and holy fuck they’re so much fun to play as, so broken.
For some reason, I really like PoR but can’t seem to get into it to finish. I’ve beaten the previous DS Castlevania title though.
are there any promising vertical scrolling shooters coming up for ds? i love those portable
what would be really bomb is a port of twinkle star sprites with wifi.
Contra 4 is looking really good. Loving the old-school sound effects!
Videos: http://www.1up.com/do/gameOverview?cId=3160432&type=game&sec=VIDEOS
Just got my R4 & 2GB Kingston card…
…holy shit.
& yeah, Contra looks sick.
Thats pretty fucking cool.
Ah gawd. I’mma stop telling people how to get rom carts.
No more PMs from me.
Anyone following Nanostray 2?
The first one was okay, but I wish they made the story mode a lot longer, better and more interesting. Also, the mission mode was ball ass hard and there was no way I could place top 10 on their website leaderboards. You had to be Japanese to top that shit.
Anyway, the sequel looks pretty hot now that they have side scrolling sections. The graphics have been upped too. Can’t wait.
Raid over the River, or RotR,as it’s been renamed.
The first Nanostray was pretty good, but easy, and it’s $10 at Toys R us. Nanostray 2 is coming soon and has both vertical and horizontal levels.
So I’m looking to buy a new DS game; I want something that’s fun, has a high replay value, and preferably a platformer.
So far, these are my ideas:
Mega Man ZX
Elite Beat Agents
Sonic Rush
I already have:
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Final Fantasy 3
Jump Ultimate Stars
Starfox Command
New Super Mario Bros
Pokemon Pearl
Thanks for the help:tup:
Megaman ZX was pretty good, I think Sonic Rush was overrated. It mostly relied on memorization.
Yeah, ZX looks really good and I have never been a huge fan of Sonic games; I’m interested because every person I have asked and every review I have read has said nothing but good things about it.
Definitely get ZX.
Nanostray 1 just came to me in the mail, shit was hard to find and I probably paid too much $$. Very cool though…I put the headphone outs 1/8 to 1/4 adapter and through my monitors/system…pretty wild.
Loving video and mp3s on the DS, soo easy. [media=youtube]MEFFNTXKzkU&mode=related&search="[/media]
i can’t stand sonic rush music.
Taco taco wheat,
Taco max smack face, Uh!
I’ve been playing Lunar Knights. Fun game, but the puzzles at the castle were so fucking annoying.
Puzzle League DS…Daily Challenge.
Megaman ZX is pretty fun, but is owned by Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. Metroid Pinball, and Mariocart are addictive as hell in replay value…
I’m having MADD issues having my DS and Wi-Fi with my DSL router thingy. Should I go buy the Nintendo USB thingy? I heard it makes the job like WAY easier.
Yeah, Mario Kart is a definitely an idea, but it’s so expensive everywhere I go to buy it; I just bought Starfox and I am having a great time with it.