The NEW Official Arcade Stick Art Thread NO IMAGE QUOTING!

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Okay, cool. Thanks.

Once I’ve spent some more time working on them I’ll probably post them for feedback.

my next project is a 48’’ x 10’’ control panel…i don’t even want to start because:

a. don’t totally where to start
b. it’ll be a big job.
c. i still have to finish building the case for it.

lol any illustrations in mind? ides? Morrigan!

all my favorite characters…mostly ladies…here’s a list i’ve come up with so far…
Power Girl, Zatanna, Mai Shiranui, Psylocke, Batman, Black Cat, Chun Li, Wonder Woman, Pikachu, Black Canary or Birds of prey team, michael turner’s supergirl, Witch Blade, fathom, She Hulk, Ms. Marvel, Cammy, Fairchild, Captain America, Morrigan, High School of the Dead, Ryu, Daredevil, Bleach characters…hmmmm…i’m probably going to have weed out some…

IMO, top panel art that has a buttload of characters is the worse. Better to focus on one character and build a theme around them.

simple is best like d3v said. less is more in most cases un less your really good at making a huge memorial.

Quick update, need some opinions please.

So, I’m building a custom UMK stick using Art’s DIY case. I have the top panel finished, minus a few tweaks and effect I want to do, but I’m also wanting art on the side panels of the case. I’m not really sure if I like it too much.

Top Panel:

Back Panel:

Front Panel:

Side Panels:

and finally a quick shitty mock up I did in 5 mins:

Thoughts? Opinions?

EDIT: I changed my mind, don’t like the comic art at all. Gonna go for something simpler.

challenge accepted.

@Engravings - Really nice stick but I feel that the front panel could use a bit more characters such as ahem… Kitana cough cough** Or Noob Saibot

ya, definately needs more boobs…:stuck_out_tongue:

Whoops forgot Jade :]

Speaking of Mai Shiranui I take it that you saw Bencao’s Project Fatality stick. Very shmexy :D.

If you use a white bat top with that template, that would be epic.

i haven’t, can you link it?

very odd, google’s never failed me before…

So I went to print off a template (Hori V Series) today at kinkos and he said it was sized like 47 inches wide or somethin. I’m wonderin how to have it sized right when I take it into to print, thought the templates were sized already but I guess not. I’m a noob :confused: Printed a temp for a Madcatz stick a long while back and didn’t have an issue, but I also didn’t make that template :bluu:

Give advice and tell me how it is, if you don’t like it give a suggestion


Very sexy stick. In fact I might order the custom DIY box, use ArcEye2 buttons and the same artwork. Basically getting myself a replica. This stick is just pure awesomeness

Oh yes Sir, i remember that stick now…it was HOT…homare is an incredible artist even though he’s a hentai cover artist…lol…art is art :smiley: