smexy stick
Okay, I’ve thrown together some mock-ups. I didn’t have any particular design in mind when going in, so I just experimented a lot to see what I might like. (Which is why they’re all based on Okami.) I’m just going to post all the ones I’m still considering and feel free to give feedback/advice as you like.

This the first one I did. It’s quite basic, but I actually like the simplicity of it. However I still think it needs a little something more. I had originally envisioned putting a brushstroke effect around the buttons (similar to the paint splatter effect that’s fairly common on some SFIV designs, except with less splat and more calligraphy) however despite messing around with some special brushes I couldn’t get it to turn out like I wanted. That may be beyond my current photoshop/artistic capabilities. I experimented with throwing in a gradient effect instead, which was an improvement in some ways, but it also made the cutout art more obvious. I might be able to fix that, but I don’t know if it’s worth it.

Just some basic full panel art. The image oriented to the right, which kind of wastes the open area to the left, but I think it still looks pretty good. I experimented with flipping the image horizontally but I didn’t feel it was actually an improvement. My other concern is that the resolution is lower than the other images I used, so I’m not certain how it would turn out in print. It’s still set at 300 dpi though, so maybe that doesn’t matter.

Another full panel art. I spent a lot of time messing around with the orientation on this one and I’m still not happy with how the Orochi head gets cut off by the buttons. Might be easiest to just give up on this one.

I actually like this one a lot more than I thought I would considering I basically just slapped together a bunch of art without too much thought put into it. I kind of feel like the picture on the left doesn’t quite mesh with the other art though, but I couldn’t find anything that worked better.
I think I might try to make at least one more that’s a little more elaborate (ie, something that requires me to use more than the basic features of photoshop), but I just want to get these out there first. If I end up settling on one of these it’ll save me the trouble.
If you want to know more details about the top and bottom panel art…
hmmm, mostly homare art used…i want to see someone use the morrigan homare art…that be hot but nsfw…
Bit of trivia, that Cammy in the bottom didn’t come from a scan of a cover, unlike the Chun on the right. I had to recreate something like that from scratch using random images from danbooru.
Send over PM.
EDIT:Never mind, I think I know which pieces you’re referring to.
anyone have the measurements for the bottom of a TE and the measurements for the Mad Catz TE Extended Cover plexiglass
Morrigan homare art.
The back ground color and Arcana part is nice I would take yuriko out and put like charlot in there or something~ I just don’t like yuriko that’s all~
The MVC part I only like morrigan~ dante looks weird… Zero the color is abit too light…
Can’t change it since that’s what the client wanted.
Lol, nice “bikini”
Edit: my bad
I could use the original NSFW version, but then I wouldn’t be able to share that on SRK now would I. Also, get rid of that image quote please.
Thanks for the link but I found about this stick like a month ago and did heavy google search and already found that link xD. Thanks though!
Love the new thread! Afro-Ken ftw!
Hello guys!
I readed a few threads and searched for it in google ~20 times but i had no luck to find a Hori Tekken 6 Wireless Stick Template from the Tekken 6 LE.
If you guys have 1 psd from it or something i would REALLLLYYYYY appreciate it!
Hi can someone help me put this wallpaper into a template for the sf4se/brawl stick im prity new at this.
IDK if any one remembers/heard of Ronnin Warriors but I’m going to try and throw something together with the 5 of them. I stink at Photoshop so it most likely will be bad, I’m going to try toget to work on it some time tomorrow.
My bad, I actually thought you had 5 cases from RoninWarrior.
LOL. no sorry i want to make all around art work using all five of the characters. I’m looking for an image if the cherry blossom leaves on black background that is in the cartoon when they “Power up”