The NEW Official Arcade Stick Art Thread NO IMAGE QUOTING!

Just made this lil baby, tell me what ya think/how I can improve it:

MJok3r I think your second option looks the best :tup:

Number 3 is real cool, but if you could edit the background colors it might look a tad better, they currently kinda clash with the blanka/honda colors

Not done any photoshop stuff in a while, but in the process of dual-modding my wii stick at the moment so I figured I’d chuck some artwork on it while I was at it.

Here’s what I came up with.

should come out okay!

No i got the pages from a torrent but i do have all the books. i was just to lazy to scan my favorite pages. I thought he would be a little out of place too. I want to put a scott pilgrim icon or something there on the bottom right to balance the color out but im still looking for a good icon. maybe the scott pilgrim vs the world the game logo. thanks for your input. :smiley:

lol thats really awesome man. i love the font work you did. Its fine because mine was inspired by a stick i saw on here, i just wanted to put my favorite pages on the stick so i can always look at them and ream them.

small update, just cleaning the lines and changed the hue and saturation and added some more details to the arm and moved the eye in more.

The eye is lookin much better :tup:

cheers mate i havent had much time to do updates but next one it will be finished i think.

Still kinda looks like a cyclops… and looks like he has boobs. Not hating just being honest

yeah i agree, d3v was right! paper 1st!, oh im going to fill the eyes with red and stuff so that will help, maybe a traingin bra for akuma will help the hang :stuck_out_tongue:

I might tinker with the tits a little.

Maybe alter the way his shirt hangs or something. She-Akuma is a new character coming out with SSF4AE haha

Finally got around to finishing this up… had this photoshop project in storage foreveeeeeeeeer.

There you go.

I hear she can crush a tree trunk with her… uh… strength.

some stick art I made recently

What do you guys think of this Astro City Template for when I get a Joytron Paewong Revolution Stick?

one I was working on planning to put on my purple FoeHammer case.
That Leona took awhile to remove from poster image it was worth it I really liked the pose.
I had to re-draw the light trail from her hand and the fire behind “Ikari” is the sprites from her super enlarged.

Looks very nice. I actually made put together a Vewlix Virtua SS hybrid template for the Mayflash/Paewang stick a while ago using d3v’s Virtua SS template, but I never got around to using it because I later bought a TE-S and modded the art on that instead.

Maybe I should actually have it printed, but I’m not even sure I’ll be sticking with Chun in AE yet.:wonder:

If you could do a sick Ryu version that’d be sweet! I know a good portrait by lastscionz here

I’m much too lazy to make templates right now. :razzy:

I’ll see if I can find time to at least put together the Vewlix Virtua SS template and upload it for anyone who wants to use it and put their own character art on it.

In the mean time, here’s my Mayflash Red Vewlix template (made using a Hori T5 Vewlix template) with more layers so that you can easily edit and recolor the button/stick layout:

LMAO there you go alright ahahahahahahahaha ! v nice. :tup:

Ok updated!

I think im now done, like some comments though. Cheers.