The NEW Official Arcade Stick Art Thread NO IMAGE QUOTING!

yeah i dig that D3V very much, i like!

Nice man… I like the echo of the picture.

Blending in a composite is about color integration, average tones, highlights and shadows matching between elements. Feathering is more of an artistic tool than a blending tool.

Next time, don’t image quote.

how to quote so that the picture turns into a link?

delete the image in the quote. or take the tags off.

here’s the new art I want to use for my Round 1 Te I got the other day:

I like the result but I’m not sure about what color buttons to use or what kind of blue to paint the bezel/trim?? any ideas are appreciated and lemme know what you guys think!

Finally got my old Wacom tablet out and starting working on some Custom Evil Ryu art for stick Templates.

I’ve barely started, colors will be blended for a nice painting look, more details added, linework faded to not look so cartoonish.

Don’t flatten all your layers. Keep flats and your outline separate. Also, colour under the outline**.**

Yeah, I know. I’ve been using 'Shop for years now.

I’m goin’ be trying a different technique with this though.

While we’re on the subject.

Is it just me or does everyone these days simply draw their outlines straight up, not sketching out the basic shapes anymore?

I always sketch mine out, not in PS though, in Manga Studio.
Ink the sketch then I import the linework in PS.

I love the background and middle images, not to keen on the image on the left. maybe it’s because it’s drawn with hard lines while the other two are soft lines.

Hey, fellas, I need some help.

I need a circle cutting tool that will cut cleanly through laminated stick art so I can include pieces of the art in my translucent Seimitsu buttons. Do any of you have a preferred device for such a task?

X-Acto Knife and steady hands.

No easy way out, eh, d3v?

I got the knife, and the will- but I’m terrified of ruining my art.

You can buy bladed compases, though I’ve never used one, it sounds like exactly what you’d need if not doing it by hand.

I worked on some Honda/Blanka template, but I can’t choose… some tips?








I like number 2, but number 3 aaaall the way man. Maybe widen the bar so you can see more of their faces, but 3 rocks all kinds of socks.

Thanks!! I was thinking the same thing after the fact. I tried just leaving the left side alone but it was just too “empty” for me idk what to put on there lol