The NEW Official Arcade Stick Art Thread NO IMAGE QUOTING!

I would bring in Akuma’s eye a little.

I know, everyone’s a critic.

LOL yeah thats easy. Futurama is awesome

This was the artwork I was using on my stick before I got my plexi from art. The frog was drawn from scratch by me and redrawn in photoshop. I think I found the “600A.D.” image on google and lightly filtered it to remove the massive jpg compression.

i had this one done a little while ago but here’s my phoenix template i ended up making. saw someone post a comic design and decided to incorporate it on this one.

Hey Can Somebody Make A Based God/LIl B Template that Would Be Great To See

Based Music Nigga What Happen

Here’s something I’ve been working on. I’m new to everything about sticks, including computer graphics. I’m working in Gimp with a template I made myself for the Hori Tekken 6 for 360. I made the buttons with white “collars” because I’m using actual buttons with white bodies and clear plungers. I was getting into working with patterns and learning a little about making textures when I realized that I could save a lot of time and have a lot of options if I just imported wallpaper graphics I found around the web. I’m not sure if this sort of “borrowing” is looked down upon by people who do the work themselves, but this is just for me, so “meh”.

In my version of Gimp, I don’t see an option to save the image as a pdf. I don’t have photoshop, so does anyone know a free (legal) way to convert to pdf to take it to be printed?

Here’s what I’m doing for my latest stick…

just finished this and going to put it on my chun li TE. what you guys think?

Hey guys!
Here is the artwork that I made for my hrap3 , celebrating the out coming release of Street Fighter III 3rd Strike Online Edition!

Thanks for the help mate! I was Clueless! LOL

i like it, but you should feather a little more so the characters blend in together better…

D3v how many images are in your Morrigan folder?

well, i have about 60 morrigan images in my folders, so d3v’s gotta have like twice as many…at least…:rock:

I think your right! thanks for the feed back!

No. Feathering only ruins the edges.

The trick is to actually stroke them with a smartly coloured outline to hide the edges, then use a combination of inner glow and shadow.

i like the fire effect on the cvs akuma…is that a brush?

Wanted to do something with my old BlazBlue style Versus City templates.

File contains both Type-M (MvC3) and Type-SF(SSFIV) variants. Last two buttons are on a separate layer and can be turned off.

opinions? i like the picture, but the background could change. that background is all i found that i like, but the resolution being so low (1000x717), i had to blur it to hide the artifacts.

i like it… the vines remind me of tentacles…but i’m perverted :razzy:

can you do a ryu version of those? i got a good ryu pic you could use too.