its will be at the size of what photoshop says it is, just make sure they are not increasing the size to the paper width on auto scaling when they print, tell them to print it at 100% not smaller or larger. A lot of basic printers leave auto sizing on.
…yeah of course…Kinko’s. lol
LMAO yup, plenty of those in Australia to…
Ya the Kinko’s guy didn’t seem the brightest anyway. He was rocking out to the one and only Creed cd ever made, “Can you take me higher! to a place where blind men see!” :rock:
Creed? That placed is now cursed, run while you can!
Ah Christ thats already a bad sign… go to a different place ASAP! If you have a home printed you can overlap 2xA4 pages and see the size that way to confirm your artwork then take it back and tell em to do it right! id just hop on your printer lol.
Yep just wrong!
reminds me of this article:
im not clicking it Chuu! lol :eek:
basically the kid was walking home from school near the woods and some wolves showed up. He started playing creed on his phone and they ran away…lol
Goes and checks my itunes…oh no my old creed!!! DELETED!!!
Sorry D3V for the lil spam
spam?! this is Grade-A forum filler :yawn:
Ya i will just print it at home to double check before i run in to that ear genocide again
you can yousend it to me if you want or another member to confirm its final print size. I work in a graphic studio so i have all the know how
Yeah nice, should look good printed. Pic when done.
bert, if i were to send you the file to confirm for me, what format would you prefer it be in.
Chuu, your templates are sweet looking, wish you had this one in a SE template!

Sorry for asking a silly question but how do I upload my artwork in this thread? 0_o
Sounds most definitely like the Kinko’s dude is an absolute pillock who can’t do his printing right. I’ve had that V-series template tested already on the sticks of some other folks and it should be fine.
Image size for it is 4800x1920 which is 16x6.4 inches at 300 pixels/inch including the bleed area.
Upload it to an image sharing site like flickr or photobucker or imgur or imageshack.
Or, if you’re like me, to your own website.
My new addition in the works. Not anywhere near completed but getting their. All hand done in PS with a wacom.
just ruffing out the flames and logo.
Akuma looks a bit sketchy.
Might I suggest doing a base sketch on paper first, then scanning that then cleaning it up and “inking” it in PS with the Wacom.
P.S. What Wacom is that? Intuos4?
Intuos3, ill re-upload it im zoomed in on a weird % and looks fuzzy. one sec.
Oh and i still have to go over the line work im going for a comic style. A few unfinished line here and their but easy to fix with in PS.