At 100% the image will be huge, that’s fine, it’s an HD image. If the template is built properly (and printed properly) it should come out the right size. What I do is print out a greyscale version of my template, maybe even have the opacity reduced by half to really save on ink, then you will know exactly what size it should be before taking it to a printer’s.
So strange that they just dont give it to you in the size it needs to be printed at.
anyone know the right size? currently its at 3396x2372 pixels.
Don’t change the size of the template psd., if you do it will mess up the final result of the art.
will it botch the size if i save it as a jpeg once i have applied my artwork? i just did a grayscale version of it and saved it as a jpeg and it printed out just a bit to small.
the pixel size still matches the template.psd 3396x2372
What you should do is always save it as a psd., that way you can go back and make any changes you see fit. Best way is to save as, then give the file a new name; that way you will still have a blank template to work with. Saving it as a jpeg is fine but only to see what it looks like or to show it off here, if you go get it printed somewhere, the file must be at 300 dpi and a psd. or pdf.
any thoughts as to why the one i just printed at home is small?
Hit Ctrl+Alt+I, then check your image settings. the DPI for your template should be at 300 dpi and at 13x8 or 15x10 if it’s from Art’s. If that’s right the only explination is that the art you chose is small by DPI settings.
I have the same issue and when I did go to print it, it indeed was too large. Anyone care to help some fellas out, been asking for tips relating to this for a bit now but haven’t gotten noticed I guess.
I have the Hori VX SA template, any clue what dimensions it needs to be to print?
Thanks all :lovin:
Are you printing it from your own printer?
No, I went to Kinkos and the guy said it was too large for him to print there. H e said it was 24 inches wide and the vx sa’s art area is only like 12-14 inches wide (that ball park)
Sounds like he didn’t know what he was doing, or didn’t know the equipment. I have printed images at 300 DPI at Kinko’s and never had to change the size at all, if the template is at the specific size that its suppose to be, it will print out that way.
Hmm okay, cause I haven’t altered the original templates size.
Who made the template?
it was d3v’s hori v series template, then i just added art and such.
Okay, well it’s definitely not d3v; he doesn’t make those kind of mistakes when it comes to a template. One more question, what is the art of?
Here I will just post a pic of it.
Not the coolest but it matches my buttons/mesh top and does the job. The only thing I changed when it came to sizing was making it 300 dpi from 200 dpi.
make sure you don’t scale up to fit the page when you print, and i suggest using a .pdf file since it’s the truest size.
Best measure the case top, go into photoshop and make sure you artwork is set at the same size at 300dpi, if the original was at the correct size at 200dpi and you made it at 300pdi with re-sizing ticked it will increase in physical size.
Sounds like the best line of action I guess :tup:
That’s not right, the resolution for the template is 300 dpi. I would say save as a .pdf and see what the guy says.