WOW, this new art for third strike by Artgerm is amazing…you know this is going on fightsticks galore…

WOW, this new art for third strike by Artgerm is amazing…you know this is going on fightsticks galore…
Damn, that’s nice. Just hate the way Chun’s outfit cuts off at the side. I’ll have to try and build that up.
Already figured out how I’ll fit that on a stick.
That is amazing art work! I really like this old pic I found when looking through street fighter art. Think someone should make it into a humorous fightstick design
Oh by the way Bertross, Akuma looks a lot better now that he has had breast reduction surgery :lol:
Can anyone critique my Oni template I posted earlier (#281), ensure that it doesn’t need any finesse before I run over to get it printed
got some more art I’m thinking about using plus I updated my Chun-li one:
And here’s one I did with Sakura that I got from the tribute artbook:
lemme know what you guys think and possibly which one to use as I can’t decide for the life of me lol:sweat:
Hey guys, if I’m posting this in the wrong area please just tell me.
I am looking for someone to help me out and make me a SE template that I can just take to Kinkos and have printed. I want to do a Green Lantern themed template but NOT Ryan Reynolds (I can’t stand him as GL). I want to use the Hal Jordan Green Lantern, you can refer to this picture if you don’t know what he looks like.
As far as idea’s and colors, I was thinking of a white background like the art on the current SE. I am going to use Green Sanwa buttons and I only want 6 buttons so the last two holes do not need to be displayed on the artwork. My big idea was that I would have Green Lantern somewhere on the stick and he would be shooting the 6 buttons out of his power ring and around the six buttons would be a Green cloud kind of like the old ink blocks to show that he created these green buttons.
On the bottom left of the stick you could write “DELUXE” for my name or if you want to leave it blank so that other SRK users can use the template also that is fine. Again if I am barking up the wrong tree just let me know.
Qwezzy, def go with the Sakura!!!
i want to see what her hand is doing tbh! but yeah i like that one over the Chunners.
Qwezzy, that new chun li on the left is a much better choice
middle one for me.
i like the first one…
First one
1st and 3rd is pretty much the same for First for me
to clarify i like the bustiness of the 2nd thats all.
and to everybody else thanks for the feedback! that was the first time I used the pen tool for something like that and I’m loving the results. now I just gotta figure out what color button scheme I want for the Sakura one…red on white maybe?
This is MUCH better. Now every piece of art has a matching style! Nice composite!