The new and improved League of Legends Thread

Sivir new Voice Over. LOL

I used to run random early stuff->sheen->wits end->defensive stuff/trinity force on fizz to pretty great affect. I haven’t done it in a while, but I assume recent buffs to trinity force and the existance of bork should make that build pretty sweet.

Free stats in a large amount have always been a problem Elise and Nidalee are good examples. I understand why they they removed some of the CDR but not what that was all they choose to do.
edit: Her laning didn’t get nerfed at all, if anything mid Zyra is the one taking the largest hit.
The problem with buffing “real” supports that have fallen out of favor is that they’ll either end up in the jungle (Taric, Nunu, Alistar) or that they’ll end up strong with little counterplay, at least Zyra, Thresh and Nami have some kind of counterplay compared to Janna and Sona (and Nunu, Alistar and Taric pre nerf).
Edit: Holy shit that Sivir voice over is hilarious.

100 use beta key for Dawngate just posted, if you grab it quick enough you may get in


I changed my jungle Poppy build to rush Randuins, Golem, then get Triforce. I don’t even get an early Sheen like I normally do. Just rush dat Randuins.

She’s soo… fucking strong… I’ve been forgetting to buy Ninja Tabi. That’s how tanky strong she becomes. I lived through some straight up Darius/Rivin bullllll shit the other day.

Thank the Based God.

these vintage skins are gonna break me. can finally finish my poppy and gragas collections. :smiley:

Yeah, they could have just released Lolipoppy and Ragdoll Poppy and I’d be happy. As of now, I still love trolling with my emo Poppy skin. Telling piss ants that fail to dive me to try cutting vertically next time = :rofl:

Oh my god I can get Mundo Mundo! Although I will still be missing a Mundo skin from the Championship win…lame.

But I really want a few of these for my favorite season. Haunting Nocturne, Frankentibbers, definitely not Blitzcrank and Nosferatu Vlad come to mind.

Zyra Q and plants getting a damage nerf as well, going to be a fun fucking pre-season with only Janna and Sona. Zzz

I know some people have criticized it for sounding “too deep” but I think that given Sivir is supposed to be this strong, tough, renowned mercenary, I think it is somewhat befitting.

Maknoon on frost? GG.

Nothing wrong with the voice, but those lines.

Just found this while browsing the LoL forums.

Here’s a transcript

Avery246813579: Yah. You are the one trolling
Bauss21: Sorry I was reporting him
Bauss21: Done
Avery246813579: Not in call of duty XD
Avery246813579: What noobs
ThickWolfe: idgaf i play this game once a week how about you actually win and MLG title like i have ****
ThickWolfe: look me up on youtube
ThickWolfe: idiots

Ratling: Arma 2 1v1 barrett .50’s
ThickWolfe: then come talk to me
Avery246813579: Report aprettyprincess1 and Ratling too
Bauss21: Thick u fed out of all of us
ThickWolfe: look me up on youtbe
ThickWolfe: look me up on youtube
ThickWolfe: look me up
ThickWolfe: look me up

Ratling: call of battlefieldtheft duty 6 return of master shief
Avery246813579: Ok
Avery246813579: I will
Avery246813579: Please give it to me
**ThickWolfe: CDJR MK9 MLG Finals ****.
aprettyprincess1: ill give it to you all night long
ThickWolfe: vVv Cd jr mlg mk9 finals look it up
Avery246813579: Ok
Ratling: what what in the butt
Avery246813579: Ok
Avery246813579: Look me up
ThickWolfe: fighting games aactually take skill
Bauss21: Wow
**ThickWolfe: at least i got 2nd at evo
**Bauss21: So does this LOL
ThickWolfe: idiots
Bauss21: Fighting games are point and shoot
Avery246813579: At least I went positive…
ThickWolfe: not as much as fighting games
Bauss21: Not fun
ThickWolfe: you are an idiot
Avery246813579: You are
Avery246813579: Lol
Bauss21: CoD…
ThickWolfe: no knowledhe
ThickWolfe: knowledgeless
Bauss21: What a joke
Avery246813579: No one likes cod
ThickWolfe: idiots
Bauss21: Midless game of the century
Avery246813579: You must be like 12 if you still like 12

CDR JR is playing LoL and he is pissed. I urge you to check the thread it is hilarious.

Kotaku kotaku kotaku

who the hell is cdrjr?

MK player. Won some majors. He and his brother both are top players.

Sounds like a douche.

I’m dying to see how they plan on revamping support, because at the minute that role is a shambles.

But I love buying wards. I hear they are good. Sometimes I have two stacks, on top of my sightstone.

I hope s4 will let me stack sightstones.

I love warding, You can genuinely see how wards dominate scrub teams. But I hate the fact that Y’know, I have no money.