The new and improved League of Legends Thread

SN- MightyScrub

that name is inspiring

The worse is how amd people get when a not support buys wards.

You can’t expect to still have gold left over if you spend it all, if supports were to get both vision and items this game would feel really shit to play with all the unkillable cc tanks and extra AP carries coming out of bot lane.
Supports already do a lot of things, not sure why people don’t feel that’s enough just because their item slots aren’t filled.

Also the only fix would be to force everyone to ward by overhauling the vision system, not by giving supports more gold which would be impossible to balance.

Finally made it out of the 9th Circle of Hell known as Bronze League solo queue, with some of the worst Blitzcrank play you will ever see. :rofl:

You’ve got it all wrong. It’s nothing to do with making supports “Unkillable CC tanks” at all. Support is the only role that discourages CS and kills. You’re there for assists and wards, no overhaul is going to magic 4K gold by 15 minutes to make us unkillable or some shit.

The fact is, Any way past mid game, unless you’ve secured around 4 kills and have 25+ assists, You’re gonna have a hard fucking time.

I main Leona, My job is to tank. How can I tank that 8-2-10 Cait with IE, LW and PD with a Ruby Sightstone, Locket and Merc Treads? Most other classes hit full build when I’m just finishing my Sunfire cape.

More gold for supports evens out the playing field and makes them a threat. Why do you think the current Meta abandoned high AP / damage supports in competitive play? Utility >>>>>

Thresh with 0-10-0 Still has lantern and a lot of armour. You do your job no matter what. I dislike that. You’re a walking W.

Yes you would be if you were allowed to spend the majority of that gold on items, especially with Leona, Alistar and Taric.

What makes you believe that?

You’re there to disrupt the enemy team, not to tank. I don’t see what’s wrong with you not being able to tank a lot of hits (outside W) from a fed ADC either, do you honestly think that would be a healthy thing for this game?

We’re a big threat with little gold as well, why do you insist on having more? Why is it a bad thing to play champions with utility, isn’t that way more interesting than just dishing out a lot of damage or taking a lot of damage.
Picks such as Zyra, Annie and Fiddle bring a lot of damage for the early- and mid game together with their utility which is interesting. Having a non utility damage threat coming out of the support role would be neither interesting nor fun for anyone involved.

Not sure what that last stab about Thresh was about, you might want to elaborate.

I’ll preface this by saying that I hate supporting, but isn’t that what a support is supposed to do? You’re a walking set of utility skills unless you get fed. No matter how much you get shat on, you’re still at least somewhat useful in that regard. The fact that they can operate effectively without any gold is one of the main the reason why the support class is even still around.

I’m a little concerned by how the ‘traditional’ supports are being pushed out by mages that are being played as supports. Taric, Alistar, Nunu, Soraka, even Lulu have all disappeared.

I don’t care what they do with support as long as they make it not what it is now. I’d still rather lose the LP and stare at a wall till the timer runs out than play that role. I look forward to them trying to make jungle and support not suck to play, and hopefully make junglers stop messing up level 1 itemization.

Indeed support has the least impact on the game in solo Q. I would argue that they are the best in competitive play.

Support are way better in coordinate play. Your utility a lot of times goes to waste because your teammate didn’t take advantage.

A Thresh doing his job will have a LOT more assists than that. Even if you shield someone you get an assist. His hooks are a crucial initiation tool. Using your Box properly in a fight is so important, and will net you even more assists. So to say 0-10-0 I dunno that you have a full understanding of how the score system works.

Just play a support that his impact potential. I play Morgana and i hit Q’s that give huge advantages to us and free objectives all the time. You can do that with people like Zyra and Sona (to a less extent since the CD is long). I also play Lee support and try to insec people into my team all the time. Its really fun because if your team gets ahead you can counter jungle.

@tolore I know its been a while but you have to remember s2 top lane. Nothing is worse than that fucking lane jesus. Good old junglers getting oracles at lvl 4 and not being able to do shit without dying or seeing the jungler on the map some where else. Support can be fun especially with friends.

I would never argue support sdon’t have impact, even in solo queue, they have tremendous impact. They are just boring as sin and I’d rather lose LP than do it.

edit: Top lane has been my favorite since they ruined the jungle in… mid season 2? Whenever they decided to make the jungle camps easy enough that any character could do it but removed all the gold, and then mid figured out they could take blue and wraiths. It does suck that top is/was so easy to get camped though. Still better than support has ever been, I don’t enjoy support even when it’s going well.

I like jungle best just because of what the role offers, but it’s definitely seen better days. The sense of entitlement that laners have to jungle creeps just got way out of hand. The expectation of blue buff from your mid laner still annoys me from time to time, because they want it regardless of their performance.

I mean, it’s annoying but it’s not their fault. That’s how you win games, it’s better for the team for the jungler to get nothing. Even based on performance, if you have someone not doing good in mid, not giving them blue is just going to completely lock them into a loss, someone who is behind without blue buff is not going to win against someone ahead with it.

IMO they ruined it years ago when Riot decided it wasn’t cool that only 10 guys could jungle, and cocked everything up really hard trying to open it up for more.

It’s funny you mention the last part, because the changes didn’t really blow any options wide open from what I recall. You still saw the same people jungling at the time - only afterward they’re not getting as much gold.

I think that’s when the change happened that made the current stuff possible, people just didn’t realize it fast enough. Making the jungle mobs easier made it easier for lanes to poach them, and making the jungler easier means everyone can jungle. There’s no reason to run warwick or trundle who don’t gank well until 6, when you can just run anyone with a gap close and CC at level 2 and just insta gank someone, and still jungle at basically full health. This means you either A. have to run around the whole map warding with your support before minions spawn(making life harder for support itemization) or B. every lane has to start with at least one ward. So all opening up the jungle did was force junglers into essentially be a support that ganks for 15 minutes before they are too under leveled to do anything, and mess up level 1 itemization.

But thank god because of all that people who never liked jungling anyway can do jungle karthus!

Once I understood just how powerful The Box was, I realized why Thresh is a top support. My favorite support is still Sona, but I’m starting to see the merit in some unconventional ones like Annie. I would like to try Scion out. :tup:

Giving my 0-4 mid blue isn’t going to help us win the game. It’s just going to Goodwill that shit to the enemy mid when he runs out and tries to 1v1 him again. I’d rather take it and go gank some other lanes.

I feel the same way. Though I generally have to weigh whether I want to risk them raging and then potentially afking. Most of the time they won’t understand if you don’t want them to have it.