The new and improved League of Legends Thread

Welcome to the new and hopefully won’t screw up this time League of Legends thread, first page will be updated regularly and check back to find SRK members and what is going on with this wonderful game full of hate!

Link to the old thread if you are inclined to browse past discussions or catch up on last minute stuff: The League of Legends Thread: Winter is...coming?

Newest Champion

Latest News

Newest Champion, Yasuo (And maybe his bro Yone later), has been teased:

Gameflow changes put up by Riot:

Collected Preseason/S4 changes by S@20, very useful:

Nasus’ eyes are now blue, DEY DUN CHANGED DA GAME!

Sultan Gangplank is now LIVE, and he looks wonderful. Oh how I adore GP:

SRK Tags

AYO?!- AYOBueno
Redbeard- Redbeard Senchou
Tweleve- A Vain Vayne
Jamp- Stone Ocean
Big Bad Mog- Knuffles
k4polo- DarkOrchid
Pacifist- AnEmptyName
Ken34- Ken34
Kona Kona- ReverendBaka
Lord_Raptor- Jon_Talbain
Fireiswet- Fireiswet
FrostyAU- FrostAU
Donu7- Dounu7
bitbna1- WakeupSuper
Umthrfkr- Umthrfkr (All 5 again)
SadQuotes- Seoul of Soraka
qoqonuts- qoqonuts
JanoDX- TigerYamatoDX
r00ster22- BabyGrenades
KowTowRobinson- KowTowRobinson
4r5- QQ China
RagingStormX- RagingStormX
ClxJames- CLxJames
Graphic- FishBoneTree
Gorehound- Invater X
ribu- ribu
Flaw- NconvenìentTruth (Mid, Jungle, Support)
Manx- Manx Bladesake
JuuM- JuuMei (Support, Jungle)
Dinoz- Dinoz1337 (Top, Support, Jungle)
EM - Cuzzo Supreme
Razing Phoenix- MightyScrub

League of Legends Resource Sites

dat MOBAfire, a somewhat helpful site for build information:
Leaguecraft, the site people who hate MOBAfire enjoy:
Solomid, for people who hate the other two combined.
LoL Pro, good place for Guides and pro League coverage.
Surrender at 20, one stop shop for LoL leaks and up to date news.
LoL Zone, mostly linking for the easy to use Skin Viewer to check things before you buy them.
LoLKing, I get lost on this site just checking player statistics, builds, and news bits.
LoL Counter, find out who’s asses your champion kicks!
Here’s a site to check ELO, roles, people and win rates among other things. Very clean as well.

qoqonuts made an LoL Spreadsheet for SRK, go ahead and add yourself up and update if you want to keep up to date with fellow SRK’ers.

Free Week Rotation

S3, Week 37:


Champion & Skin Sales

Champions: Nautilus (487 RP), Vayne (440 RP), Akali (395 RP).
Skins: Frostblade Irelia (675 RP), Mafia Graves (487 RP), Shadow Evelynn (260 RP).

If anyone wants their LoL handle added that I missed or is new, please leave a message in here and I’ll add it up. If you guys want me to add lanes next to your name again feel free to tell me as well and I’ll get on it.

Also, if anything is missing or is new that I don’t know about that you want to see added to the front page, then throw that up too. Seems opening a new thread solved the weird BBCode issues of the last one so I’ll be able to stay on top of it better.

Sorry if this caused any inconveniences in the past.

SadQuotes - Seoul of Soraka
Also, great series from Najin and SKT, both played well.

Graphic - FishBoneTree
Always up for a game of ARAM.

Yeah I was about to log in to get your name SadQuotes, since I had your outdated name on the old thread.

@Graphic: Totally down for ARAM if you see me on, I have aspirations to get a five man ARAM game going soon with SRK members.

You missed the space in my name “QQ China”

I’m almost always down to ARAM. But I’m going to have to SR again with Jinx.


Aatrox is a lot of fun, need to add that Champ to my collection. Between him, Vi, and Thresh right now.

I have dreams of an ARAM team. Like a serious ARAM team. I mean, as serious as one can be in ARAM. There’s still those games where you’re just gonna lose, but I’m tired of people just writing that game off and trying to get to the next game.

ARAM is random by nature, can’t really be taken seriously. If you want to try hard in it sure, you’re already there you might as well try to win. But you can’t control your team picks at all, and in this game that’s such a huge part of the competition right from the start. Not a serious mode, at all.

Also is there anywhere to rewatch last night’s matches? I can’t stay up that late.

i know people who made an account just for arams. buying only aram good champs. thats pretty serious. if were saying what roles we play again, im all 5.

My SN is stickyshooZ

Also, that Best of 5 was craaaaaazy.

Added, when I get more lane shit added up I’ll cover that.

Gorehound- Invater X

I can’t wait for Jinx. Looks like my type of ADC. She’s going the be the next champ I’m going to buy as a bundle. The last bundle champ I bought was Vi and she was worth it.

Regarding the post from the other thread about Gold. So going for Gold for 3s matches still count as getting the Victorious Skin?

If it is, I was wasting my time trying to get to Gold in SR just for the skin.


I’m glad champions like Jarvan exist…I have no idea how to jungle, but I can bs it with him lol…

Added both, also nice Vanilla Ice avatar.

Played Jinx earlier. I wasn’t overly impressed by her when I read about her but after playing her, I quite like her. Her range + aoe (that can crit!) on her rocket launcher is pretty cool. Makes her a pretty safe farmer and gatling gun pulls out the damage for late game.

You can add my smurf name if you want: bitbna (WakeupSuper is still my main account).

Also, Pacifists name is One Seoul now

Damn, that Fnatic vs Royal Club was intense. Too bad Fnatic kind of threw it in the last game. Good games, still.

About to watch that after I finish my homework. :tup:

SN - NconvenìentTruth mid,jungle, support
missed worlds the past 2 days. guess ill just watch the finals.
new champ looks legit.
also i know if you win 5 games in 3s you get gold but, the post riot put out says 10 or more games played on the team. so get gold and win 5 more?