you wanna hear stonewall rant abobut it?
I like how I was all “BENCH SAINT” and Curse was all "BENCH EVERYONE BUT VOY"
They replace Saint with Dominate? I wonder how long that lasts.
And I had a feeling Jacky and Cop would be gone from the starting line up, since they are both fairly run-of-the-mill type players who have been around forever, but never accomplished anything. Edward, I guess it wasn’t really surprising. Maybe he’ll end up going back to Gambit.
zekent… oh shit support Poppy inc. pobelter is a decent solo laner. wonder if tsm will be making any changes.
I think we’ll see a bunch of Fiddle, Janna and Zyra from Curse and since they now have two Solo Laners that can play pretty much anything, looking forward to what they can cook up.
Saint is coach though which is a very important role.
I wouldn’t worry about that, I’m sure he’ll do a fine job.
Until Dominate gets banned again, huehuehue
I just played a custom game with 10 shacos. I hope Riot never fixes this.
Support Poppy is a thing? Need to try this out.
I picked up Thresh finally, love at first chain toss.
Damn, Bioforge Darius on sale. I want that.
Also yes I know, you guys hate it. Someone has to love Darius 100%.
Darius is the best, everyone else is just a hater.
i was doing support poppy back in season 2. hell even in s1 when there wasnt really a support adc bot lane.
i want to buy bio darius but seeing the dunkmaster preview, im just gonna wait for that shit.
Zyra @PBE
[list] []Deadly Bloom [ Q ] Range: 825 800 []Rampant Growth [ W ] Passive: 4/8/12/16/20% 2/4/6/8/10% CDR, Range: 825 850[/list]
Q: Q is only overwhelming pre-t1/2 boots where it’s very hard to dodge, Range nerf is probably tied to that.
W: CDR nerf is huge; Q should always be prioritized over W now rather than occasionally. Range buff is to smooth out the interaction between W and max range Q/E.
Go to AP item is going to be Morellonomicon/Fiendish Codex (even for 9/0/21 Zyra), Liandry’s/Guise sacrifices too much CDR but are still strong.
Riot can go fuck themselves nerfing Zyra and Thresh while leaving Sona, Janna and Nami as they are.
Kassadin, Fizz, and Ahri are up next for nerf batting.
Zyra is pretty nuts against certain team comps. It looks like they directly nerfered her laning more so which I don’t know if I agree with. She is pretty glass cannon. In that she can deal amazing damage in trades and poke but if she gets caught she is dead before she can flash.
I still think she will be fine having 20% passive CDR on a move is pretty nuts.
I secretly hope when they nerf fizz burst they buff him in other ways so my bruiser/onhit fizz is buffed.
Zyra just shows us that real support need some loving. She wasn’t even design as a support and she supports better than most of the supports.