The new and improved League of Legends Thread

Wow, that last game was ended before 21 minutes. For worlds, that must be a record.

SKT hype train was for real. GG SKT, nice job.

well skt just ran away with it.
kinda sad no power outage.

gragas and zed.
skt clearly had the better support. which surpirsed me


hope they create some World champ skins for these champions nice group to have jax gragas zyra corki jarven


Dunno that we’d see a Corki SKT skin, since he’s just recently coming back into use for all teams. Anyone know who Piglet is mostly known for? They’ll pick someone other than Ezrael for the skin, of course.

Maybe Caitlyn.

last year’s skins were made from the game winning champs i wouldnt think they would change that

They may just reskin the old Championship EZ skin if they do another batch, and sell it. People would get it.

I really wanted those old ones though for Shen and Mundo.

Thought it was for the champs they were known for, didn’t realize it was the game winning comp.

If there are SK skins the SK Jarvan one better be rocking some sick Nikes for maximum dunkage.

Was really hoping to have a Royal Club Annie skin. Oh well. :tup:

Current bug can play 5 of any champ in customs.

[details=Spoiler] 5 zed vs 5 blitz Syndra 10[/details]

5 Kog’maws, untankable.

Holy crap, the Syndra one is actually really cool looking. So many balls flying everywhere.

How come nobody’s talking about 2 for 1 Rune Pages. Aren’t these rare?

10 Shacos - turns into 20 Shacos when everyone clones themselves.

2for1 rune page sales would be awesome if they started them not a month after I got 20 pages

Man, I’m sure most of you already saw this…but it’s pretty awesome.

I find it very interesting how I can play hundreds of normal games this season and almost nobody ever afks or DCs in those games. As soon as you play ranked, it feels like there is a DC every other game (be it on your team or the enemy team). It’s very strange.