I played 2 games earlier today, both had 2 Bards. It was hilarious, and pretty fun. I wasn’t playing him, but it looks like the health relics take a lot of mana, Bard put one down for our jungler and was at half mana. It’s difficult to “catch him out” because he can stun you on a wall and there might be a speed boost in a bush, or he could just take a trip through terrain. He can still get caught, but he has tools to escape. Also two Bards ulting the other 8 players back to back forms friendships very quickly.
Bard is not as op as I expected. He is fun, but his passive needs a buff.
But the biggest flaw imo is leaving your adc to roam for the totems. It puts your adc at risk and in solo q its too hard to depend on your adc unless its a duo. If had a little more harrass, it could work.
I think you just need to pair him with a hard pushing ADC like Cait or Sivir in that case, someone that can shove waves hard and give him time to roam constantly.
I’m having a hard time seeing where a champ with his ult WON’T be broken.
Also major upsets in IEM, TSM and World Elite just beat both of the Korean powerhouses. I’m honestly not even sure which is the bigger upset, WE has lost a lot this season but they’re not an NA team. Giant upsets either way.
Bard jungle forever ruining my games. Got the same guy 2nd game, and decided to bind our jungle instead (Kalista). Actually worked out, but he still didn’t fail to ruin the game by feeding. -_-
16k ip, 5 pages, time to buy more champagne I think.
Anyone watch any of the streamed matches yesterday? That Lee Sin was ridiculous. Dude constantly dashing in at last second and roundhousing, whoever was chasing when allies have less than 100 hp left.
I’m not sure how you nerf him though, it’s not like he has any OP damage or ratios to tune. You take champs that can shove their lanes, and when his ult comes up, you group up and tower dive for free. Do you make the ult last less time? I’m not sure they’ll do that.
I don’t see it as any different from tunnel dude, other than it can bring friends or foe in for a ride. I see it being good but risky in the long run, and downright stupid for bad players
We shall see though I haven’t played since June of last year, got catching up to do like super cool spear chucking oath bitch.
You could fiddle with the mana/XP his chimes give him, and how quickly/drastically they upgrade his meeps, to encourage him to roam more/less. But his team tunnel and the ultimate are crazy amounts of utility, unless you rework those from the ground up you can’t really nerf them too hard without changing how they function.
Bard players ruining my game. They keep trying roles outside of support and it’s just horrible.
I went from 14-1-9 to 16-9-14. They purposely prolonged the game to 75 minutes so I started suiciding. Like wtf that’s extremely boring. Although mega fed I can’t push alone, especially with an ADC that has no good escapes.
I forgot how stupidly strong Draven’s Q is. Getting a quad 4 vs 1 lol.
Edit: If they replace Bard’s heal with a stupid AOE channeling spell, he’d be like early Puck in DotA1. Dive in, channel, get penta. Spam “e-Z”.
Any of you played HOTS? Any opinions when comparing it to LoL?
All ADCs can push. You just have to ward when you do it and don’t shove the fuck out of it. Learn to slow push and control the waves timed to the dragon/baron spawn timers. Keep mid lane warded at all times.
Those are good starts, but honestly I don’t feel like they’re necessary. He looks like he’s woefully underpowered for lower level Solo Q, where everyone is just sort of freelancing, and badly at that. But for organized 5v5 games he still seems really dumb. We haven’t seen him yet in LCS games so I guess we’ll find out soon how much the pros value him on as part of a coordinated team comp. I still feel like it’s going to allow teams to really dominate the enemy mid laner once he gets his ult and syncs up with the jungler.
Stomped a game easy, the previous game? Bard forever ruining games. Went 3-5 in lane since idiot died 4 times their jungle, why is he gone past the blue buff at level 2? Then when I’m about to get a double kill 2vs1, he dives in and kses lol. 90% of the time he was in their jungle and not in lane. Team fights my dude is using whatever the stupid invulnerable spell is, which caused us to never get kills.
My game was quite laggy in HOTS but I prefer LoL to it I think. I had like 18 kills, 3 deaths, quad kills. 2I’m assuming most people were new to MOBAs since I didn’t even play the tutorial, I like the concept but it feels kinda slow. Instead of getting buffs from neutrals, you get super minions, feeding doesn’t impact the game so much, no items, and shared exp within the team. Even though LoL is item dependant most games, it just feels faster paced.
I don’t think most ELO players have the knowledge to use Bard effectively. Using him as a second/third stun or as a team-wide Zhonya’s isn’t correct just as much as the troll shit he can do. Using him to waste enemy team CDs? That’s doin it right.
I figured Bard would end up like this, despite the cries of OP that every new Champ gets. His kit isn’t easy to use, so there will be a wide gap between bad and good players who utilize him.
So I don’t see him getting nerfed to badly since he isn’t an auto pilot Champ with obvious strengths.
Which is good cause I want to add him to my support stable and figure him out. Love me some support.