The new and improved League of Legends Thread

Isn’t “waste enemy team CD’s” a use for zhonya’s? I don’t get the difference.

I guess there’s no real difference except if you stasis your carry they can’t position for picks anymore after that.

Nerfing Bard would result in these people ruining games even faster.

Except maybe his aoe Zhonya. Reducing the length may result in me securing my kill that the noob just blocked me from getting.

Anyone here on the OCE server?

Season 5 jungle has finally come of age for me, I like it more than season 4 jungle, now. Yeah in my ELO, whichever team bard is on, loses.

17k ip, bought Jinx, still losing cause of these supports. So I bought Blitz too, now I’m winning without stress since I can actually land grabs. -_-

8k ip left, still wondering who to buy, or a 6th rune page.

Guys, I had a thresh in my team who fired his hook the opposite direction twice. Next fight flash out and then ultimate… I wish he was trolling.

I like support Lulu and was pretty decent with her before, but lately I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing. What’s the appropriate build for her?

Runes - magic pen red, AP quints, armor, and mr (my standard. I run this with most of my AP supports)
Masteries - 0/9/21 (standard masteries I use)
Abilities - I used to max Q, but I guess I should be maxing E?
Items - this is where I’m most lost. Obviously I go Sight Stone and either CDR boots or mobility. I usually switch out Spellthief for Ancient Coint/Talisman. I also get Mikael’s Crucible. Why do people go Righteous Glory when I feel she’s a disengage champ? I also feel useless when I can’t do damage, which is why I used to max Q.

I really like Lulu right now, really well positioned to win in this tank meta. The correct approach is to abuse her W in my opinion, 2.25s CC is nothing to scoff at.

My setup is the following.
Runes: Hybrid Marks, AP Quints, Armor seals and Mr Glyphs, great page since Lulu beats everything and the flat AP bolsters that, Hybrid pen is marginally stronger than Magic pen. Hybrid Marks, Armor Quints, Hp seals and Mr Glyphs is the other go to page.
Skill order: 1Q, 2E, 3Q, 4W, 5Q, 6R, 7W, 8W, 9W, 10W, 11R. Usually E after that, finishing Q occasionally.
Q falls off in damage and you get your W max too late, I find the Q sweet spot to be rank 3 and occasionally I stay at rank 2. E max is shit in my opinion, W max both prevents and deals damage.
Masteries: I play 0/9/21 and 0/13/17, the latter being the most common one.
Items: Stay on Spellthief’s edge, get your SS and mobies and then Frozen heart in most cases. Locket before or after depends on their setup, I heavily lean towards FH first.
20% cdr clocks in around your W max. Crucible is a luxury item in most cases and even then your jungle or top have to have locket or FH covered already, it also have pretty poor combat stats. Items are tailored to maximize W which is your best spell, you have to be close and relatively tanky to get 2-4 activations per fight.

I think I’m gonna do a ton of normals before solo q.

What’s NURF mode like? I don’t feel like sitting in a terrible game.

They did an April Fool’s, so instead of “NURF” where every character is horrendously terrible, they brought URF back. Made a few changes to avoid permastuns from a single person, and heals/shields are less effective than normal.

URF is such a shit game mode, I don’t know how anyone enjoys playing it. The novelty wears off after you play it one time and you realize that people just pick shit that you can’t do anything against.

I like the login screen and music.

I understand the polymorph prevents damage, but it deals nothing. And I thought the CD isn’t that much. Fully leveled and 40% CD still makes it 7.2 seconds, which IMO is still pretty long.

Lulu’s polymorph stops single dives 100% the ADC will do the damage. It basically destroys Zed’s ult or a diana or ahri whoever is jumping at them I hate lulu so much lol.

Sup with me getting all these friend request spam?

Popularity has it’s downsides.

Someone posted it with a nude. Is your name Sandy?

If you guys want to add me, I’m down to play with friendly people. If you do add, just say you’re from SRK. I main support.
LOL name: Hexalot

Yea same here all SRK peeps add me: MuhhPhukka
I can play any lane. Competently

What? No I haven’t played league in a few months… logged in and got like over 20 requests. I didn’t read the names, but they looked spammy.

Same with me. All that changed was that I finished my placements and then suddenly I’m getting 2-4 requests every night.